

@president-william-mckinley / president-william-mckinley.tumblr.com

Useless but friendly

"surely im faking this," i think, directly experiencing all the symptoms nd not benefiting from it at all


"Surely I am faking this" I tell myself and absolutely no one else because I refuse to even let them know I'm struggling in any way shape or form


someone told me that misha collins was bi when i was like 14 but i never watched supernatural or cared much about him personally so i was just like “oh ok cool” and didn’t investigate further, so i’ve just unconsciously assumed he had come out as bi like at least 10 years ago. so now imagine my confusion seeing people talking about how he came out the other day, thinking “wait was this not common knowledge in the first place?” and then finding out that not only was it not common knowledge, it was not even true


the real victim in Pride and Prejudice is Georgiana Darcy, bc u know her brother spent at least two weeks lying around in his Regency Jammies eating Benjamin and Jerrold’s out of ye olde carton feeling sorry for himself bc his crush not only didn’t like him back but tore him to shreds in the process and Georgie had to deal with that and then said crush shows up at their HOUSE and she has to live w both of them probably stealing lovelorn yearning glances at each other the whole damn day while knowing if she even SUGGESTS to her brother that maybe perhaps his crush doesn’t hate his entire guts anymore he’ll just be all tragic about it bc “you don’t KNOW her Georgiana she dESPISES me and i DESERVE it”


benjamin and jerrold’s

My hand slipped.


This has been bugging me for a while

But basically,

If someone is trusting you with something about themselves that they're figuring out, like they think they may have ADHD, are dyslexic, LGBTQIA+ or have a mental illness or whatever anything

Don't dismiss it dude

I know it can be tempting to say "No you don't", but please remember that you only know the specific parts of someone they decide to share with you. Even if you feel like you know someone really well, they know themselves better.

If they're turning to you with something they're figuring out it means they trust you a lot and they're inviting you to take part in their self discovery. They're not telling you this stuff to be a "special snowflake who wants attention" they're saying it because it feels true to them and they feel comfortable showing you who they are.

By telling them stuff like "I've known you this long and you've never-" "No you're not" "Why would you think that?" you're making them feel stupid about it and they may be less likely to seek help, get a diagnosis or come out. And you'll also likely be met by defensiveness.

INSTEAD here's what you do:

Believe them and be supportive.

You can ask how they came to the conclusion but be careful to ask in a way that doesn't feel like you're asking for proof.

"Why do you think that" can feel judgemental

"For how long have you felt this way?" Feels more compassionate as it focuses on the other person's feelings.

Be supportive by being someone they csn feel heard by and encourage them to get help, a diagnosis or a support group if applicable.

Do this even if you think they're wrong. Why? Say it with me bois!



tumblr should allow you to mute a user for a limited amount of time or something. like i still like you so i don’t want to unfollow you but you’re going to be posting about a new episode of a show i don’t care about for the next 24 hours and i simply do not wish to see it


Danny Phantom AU where his eyes glow or at least reflect even in human form

So basically all I want to see is one of the Fentons going downstairs at 3 AM only to find Danny raiding the fridge with his glowing eyes


maddie: honey your eyes! why are they glowing?

danny, lost his last braincell to death disease at fourteen: i. ate ectoplasm?

maddie: straight?!

danny: uh… no i warmed it up and. dipped. my tator tots in it.

maddie, disappointed mother and very excited scientist: what did it taste like

danny: ranch 2



i don’t care what it is, if a post says anything like “don’t you fucking dare scroll past this” there is literally no chance of me reblogging it

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