
This is my United States of Whatever


Nerd. Gamer. Indie Game Dev. Web Dev. Bisexual, Queer; whatever I like people. Too many fandoms. I'm a plethora of things!

Had this sitting in the folder for months and it’s time to post it so I can start on some new projects! Haven’t been drawing lately because I’ve been busy with work and playing over 200 hours of bg3 but I’ve got loads of ideas I’m excited to start on!!

Again. I love this.


i swear it would be easier to explain if someone looked over my shoulder and saw me watching porn than to explain some of the posts on my damn dashboard…this being one of them


reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something


Found this in the comments of Shaun's latest video on Andrew Tate, in which he talks pretty extensively about how important it is for men to find ways to be confident in their genders without trying to adhere to, or enforce, anyone else's ideas of manhood on anyone.

Highly recommend checking it out.

Anyway. I rarely see folks talk about the positive impact transmascs have on manhood as a whole, and I think it's important to acknowledge and celebrate that.

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