

@rivainis / rivainis.tumblr.com

ali. 28. any pronouns. terfs and minors dni.

clocky princess: i have longed forever to escape that castle and see the world.. there is such beauty to be found even in this peasant village!

elven ranger: stay alert your highness.... some say the demon king's spies lurk even in such placid hamlets as these

demon possessing the elf's bow: (in his head) how deliciously ironic... coming from someone like you, ehehehehehee.. isnt that right, Lord of Chasers...! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ”ฅ kuhihihi~!!!

village blacksmith accidentally whamming himself on his penis with his hanmer and losing his only hit point: YYYEEEOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!


every time I put something in my ass I think about that tweet that's like YOU DESTORYED YOUR ROOT CHAKRA! it's over and you aren't going to make it!


Netanyahu being mask off evil and still being supported by the United States government is actually very much expected and should not be surprising for anyone - like this is very much in the cards for the US to support them (and they have for decades) because the US government is also evil. it is important you all understand that

the US openly supported apartheid in south africa. and genocidal military coups in asia and latin america. why is anyone surprised?


after like 24/25 everyone is the same age to me like i have way more in common with my 46 year old colleague than i do with any 17 year old


it literally is awesome to draw two anime boys and one of them has white angel wings and one of them has black angel wings and theyre almost kissing and also crying artfully because of the Conflict like internet artistry peaked in 2005


Only Zionists would celebrate the genocide of over 8000 Palestinians, calling it a win, then turn around and call Palestinians "barbaric"

Only Zionists would kill a Palestinian child every 10 minutes in Gaza, then turn around and call Palestinians "baby killers"

Only Zionists would bomb 12 hospitals in three weeks, then turn around and call the patients inside these hospitals "war criminals"

Only Zionist rabbis would give the green light to bomb more hospitals under Jewish law, then turn around and call Palestinians "religious fanatics"

Only Zionists would use weapons that violate international law on residential areas, then turn around and call the residents of these areas "terrorists"


really tired of seeing the idea that women & girls are less likely to be diagnosed with autism because it "presents differently" so widely accepted even in progressive spaces

it is also widely accepted that women get raises less often because they don't ask as much as men. this is objectively not true.

it is also widely accepted that women are more talkative than men. this is objectively not true.

it is also widely accepted that women are taken less seriously when speaking because their speech patterns are associated with a "lack of confidence". this is objectively not true. [1][2][3]

every time we talk about gender discrimination, people look for an explanation that starts with women's behavior.

and every fucking time, actual research shows that across the board, women actually don't behave that differently from men.

women aren't diagnosed less often with autism due to "presenting differently". it's gendered medical neglect, and weaponized diagnoses disproportionately applied to women (e.g. BPD, HPD, bipolar, etc.)

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