
@june-thompson / june-thompson.tumblr.com

Devoted wife and mother of eight. Part of Boardwalk Bloggers. Tracking: junethompson (This is a sideblog)

"Still lifes,” she replied. “Well, when Tommy’s not rearranging the fruit. And this area– I didn’t grow up here…Princeton by way of Brooklyn– you’re right; it has so much to offer.”

With that she stopped herself, dunking her cookie while allowing a memory of happier times. It was how she met Mary; peddling some of her smaller works and offering caricatures on the boardwalk when Tommy was just an infant. They’d got caught in a pop up thunderstorm; frantically she tried to keep everything she’d worked so hard on dry while simultaneously attempting to cover his carriage with his blanket. No use, of course. And that was when a kind shopkeeper on the opposite side came to her assistance. The extra hands, the friendly smile…it was nice. A niceness she thought she’d forgotten until this afternoon.

Jimmy might have had his own reasons for an acquaintance with the Thompson’s but she found she was truly enjoying herself. She finished it off before continuing.

“If I may speak candidly, I envy your green thumb. So kind of you to always share. It really kept us going when Jimmy was…when we thought…before he came back, I mean.”

"I'm always happy to share. There's always plenty extra and seeing others enjoy the results of my work makes it even more worthwhile," June replied. "There's nothing growing in the garden this time of year but come Spring there will be plenty. I'm hoping to expand the garden a bit this year," she explained.

"And once things are ready I usually get the children to help do the picking--Though of course I have to be careful with that. They have a habit of eating more than they pick sometimes, especially when it's the strawberries." June laughed. "But better that than too many sweets I suppose."


"You like them?” she said of the cookies, smiling shyly and hoping she wasn’t blushing. “I’d be happy to write it down for you.”

As for her time, however, Angela found herself at a loss for words– the truth itself not something she was ready to confide; her lost love, her reasoning behind her marriage, how she felt trapped…suffocated, she wanted to love him again but it was so hard…he was different…she was different. She stalled for time, gazing up at the ceiling and forcing a smirk at the children’s laughing.

“Tommy keeps me pretty busy. My painting too,” she added hastily. “One of the rooms off the kitchen gets really good light. I think…well, I’d really like to turn it into a little studio.”

"Yes, I would be very thankful the cookie recipe." June nodded. "The children--and my husband, always enjoy when I make new desserts.

She sipped at her tea while Angela spoke.

"Painting? Well now that's a skill I truly envy. I'm afraid I've never been particularly artistically inclined. I'd love to see your work some time." She smiled brightly. "What sort of things do you like to paint? I imagine you must have an inspiring view of the shore from your new home."


"Oh, he does!” she smiled, recalling how the child ran through the empty downstairs the day they’d moved in. “We all do. It’s so quiet. Although…and I hope this doesn’t sound strange, but it’s almost too quiet. Especially at night.”

Angela fixed her tea, taking a small sip to test it.

“Tommy’s still adjusting to having his own room. He’s used to all the noise from being so close to the boardwalk before. But we’re looking forward to summer. Should be interesting.”

She took another, slightly longer sip.

“This is delicious, by the way.”

"I'm glad you're enjoying it." June helped herself to one of the cookies Angela had brought. "Oh and these are absolutely divine," she said after taking a bite. "I just might have to ask you for the recipe."

June finished the cookie before she spoke again. "I imagine you'll get used to the quiet in your new home before long. Perhaps you'll find the peacefulness relaxing. Goodness knows I wouldn't mind a bit of quiet from time to time." She chuckled. There was always the sound of something in this house; shouting, crying, laugher...In truth it wouldn't feel right if there wasn't some sort of noise at almost all times. Right now June could hear the footsteps of the children upstairs and their voices carrying from the upper level of the house.

"So, other than unpacking what else has been occupying your time lately?"


"Both, please. I need all the pep I can get these days, ” she ventured with a smile. “Unpacking and organizing…I won’t bore you though.”

She sighed contentedly. Hoped she wasn’t being too inquisitive. The adult company was nice.

“We’d love to have you for dinner after I’ve gotten through it all.”

She returned with the cream and sugar, and passed them over to Angela. "That would be lovely. Thank you." June smiled. "Jest let us know when you're fully settled and we can set a date."

"Eli tells me that you and Jimmy got a home right on the beach. Tommy must love that, getting to grow up right next to the ocean. My children never want to leave when we take them to the beach for the day."


"Not at all,” Angela assured her, nodding slightly for further emphasis. “I don’t know how you do it. And now with your father-in-law…”

It wasn’t just lip service. From what little she knew of Louis, she was glad the burden had fallen to Gillian and not herself. Moreover, a part of her guiltily felt remorseful about his recovery.

“The children aren’t bothering him up there, are they?”

"If they were bothering him we'd know." She sighed. "Ethan doesn't hesitate to voice his displeasure." June shook her head. "But he's family, I shouldn't speak ill of him. It's important to Eli that we look after him..."

"--Oh! I almost forgot, would you like cream or sugar in your tea, Angela?" She sprung up to get the items from the kitchen counter where she'd left them. "I always prefer sugar myself."


She smiled at the ‘stubborn’ comment, her own spouse wanting nothing to do with the special pillows she’d ordered after reading he might greatly benefit from keeping his leg elevated.

"Hard to keep a good man down,” she ventured, feeling a little more at ease. “It’s hard not to worry, though. Isn’t it?”

Angela would never say so aloud– much less to June– she was somewhat aware of Nucky’s system when it came to promotions. She couldn’t help but wonder (and hope) that what she’d come to think of as 'The Paddy Ryan Incident’ was long over. That maybe, through continued good favor and his blossoming association with Eli there could be a bigger as well as safer role for Jimmy too.

“How long has he held the position?”

"You'd think I didn't have the time to worry, with eight children and a husband to be worrying about," June said with a slight chuckle, "Yet somehow I manage to every day. I suppose that just comes with being a wife and mother--Not that I'd rather be anything else, I hope it doesn't sound like I'm doing is complaining."

She returned to the table with the cups of tea, setting one down in front of Angela before taking her seat.

"My husband has been Sheriff for nearly nine years now. Can you believe how the time flies? He got the job after Nucky became Treasurer."


"Four,” she smiled, “…and-a-half if you ask him.”

Angela found comfort in the age difference, a small validation she’d been correct after all, and folded her hands in her lap. When they were young, Jimmy told her stories of the Thompson’s–lots of kids, always running around, never a dull moment– and she’d listened happily under the impression he was merely homesick and nostalgic. But she could see now that she’d been wrong; having met both mother and father and Nucky it was clear that when her husband spoke of family Eli and June were the ideal. The standard for which he now held her to. It was a lot to live up to.

Her hostess was so kind– made it seem effortless. She didn’t want to get lost in her thoughts, knew she should say something to continue, chided herself for feeling intimidated.

“Eli is finally feeling better? Such a horrible ordeal.Thank goodness they caught the men who did it.”

"He is, luckily. It was quite the injury but he's strong--Though I'll admit the first few week of his healing process were a trial. I found myself constantly having to get him to go back to bed so he could rest and not make things worse. He just couldn't stand not being able to be up and about. Stubborn as always."

The tea kettle whistled and June crossed back to the stove to take it off the heat.

"It is such a relief to know he's safe from those men now. He tells me not to worry about him but I always do," she said candidly. "Being the sheriff isn't always the safest job. But of course I'm still proud of him. I remember how excited he was the day he received his sheriff's badge. Seems like ages ago now." June poured the hot water into the tea cups.


Angela smoothed her skirt as she sat down.

"Chamomile, please–if you’ve got it of course. If not, anything is fine.”

She tucked a flyaway behind her ear and looked over at June.

“A bicycle? What fun! Jimmy wanted to get one for Tommy, but I thought he might be too young. How old is Dermott again if you don’t mind my asking?”

"Chamomile I have. It's one of my favorites." June opened a cabinet and reached for the tin of tea. She also grabbed two teacups and set them carefully on the kitchen counter.

"Dermott's twelve. He just had his birthday a few months ago. How old is Tommy now?"


"It was no trouble,” she assured, glancing down at the platter. “Tommy helped.”

She followed a few steps behind her host, nonchalantly taking in the sites around her. Cozy. Comfortable. Yet not without its formalities (though certainly nothing as ostentatious as her father-in-law’s).

“You’ve a lovely home. And you needn’t mention the toys– I can certainly relate. St. Nicholas was…quite generous this year. How were your holidays, by the way?”

"They were lovely. Everyone got what they wanted had a nice time it seemed--Well, Dermott was rather put out that he didn't get the 'exact' right bicycle he wanted but now the way he barely stops riding it around the neighborhood you wouldn't know he'd complained." June filled the tea kettle with water and crossed to the stove to heat it up. "By the way, do you have a particular favorite kind of tea?" She asked, turning around to face Angela once more.


Angela helped Tommy out of his coat, kneeling down to his level. “Have fun,” she urged him although she could just as easily been talking to herself. So much had happened in such a short time– the holidays, the wedding, the move. She had very little contact outside the family aside from Richard but she wasn’t sure if he even counted or not. Margaret had been pleasant, the children got on famously– much to her husband’s dismay. Confusing to say the least. And, while she’d known of June (mostly through Eli– bringing over tomatoes from her garden when delivering her stipend) since arriving in Atlantic City, she didn’t actually know her that well. Still, the younger Thompson family seemed to meet Jimmy’s standards in terms of the “approved” list of companions and Angela was honestly looking forward to progressing the acquaintance. For, the sad truth of it was that, when Mary left she didn’t just lose a lover she but also her best (and only) friend.

She turned to June, smiling earnestly.

“Thank you so much for having us. I’ve been looking forward to it all week.”

Then, slipping out of her own coat, she added, “Is there anything I can help you with?”

"No, that's all right. But thank you." June smiled. Angela seemed rather reserved she thought, and June wanted her to feel welcome. "You can just have a seat in the kitchen and relax." She led Angela through the house towards the kitchen. "Watch your step," she cautioned, "There might be a few stray toys I missed while I was tidying up. It seems like every time I pick one up they drop two more." She laughed.

June finally noticed the plate of cookies Angela was carrying with her. "Oh and what are those?  They look absolutely delicious," she said cheerfully. "It was so thoughtful of you to bring them."


“Thank you Richard,” she smiled cheerfully, exiting the car; a hand reaching for Tommy’s who’d been sandwiched between them. “4:30?” A nod in agreement and they were on their way up the footpath.

Lovely home. Nice neighborhood too. She’d brought butter cookies with her, but found herself wondering if that were enough.

She went over the childrens’ names while climbing the porch steps, the Christmas wreath still fresh and green. “Will, Edith, Brian, Patrick…only four, ” she sighed silently.

Angela cleared her throat, gave her son a last quick onceover, and knocked on the door.

 June was finishing tidying up the sitting room when she heard the knock at the door. "Brian!" she called before he could run up the stairs, "Put these toys away in your room, please." His mother handed him a few toys that had been left on the rug.

She hurried to the door, not wanting to keep their guests waiting. "Hello Angela," she said brightly. "So glad you could make it. And it's wonderful to see you Tommy. My, you're getting so big." June smiled. "Come in." She stood aside and ushered them through the door.

"Most of the younger children are playing upstairs if Tommy would like to join them. We can sit in the kitchen and have our tea. I just need to put a kettle on."


I need to sit down.

[June sinks into a nearby chair. She’s not sure if it’s the news or the baby or both, but she feels ill. It’s all a lot to take in.]

Why would she do this to you? And then announce it at dinner? How could someone be so unkind?

[Eli stands beside her, hesitantly putting his hand on June’s shoulder, rubbing it.] 

I — I don’t know, June. Maybe she — she could’a thought it was more. But it wasn’t. 

[He kneels beside her.] 

Oh and those poor children, having to hear such things from their mother...

[She trails off into silence for a moment. Maybe she could believe him. She wanted to believe him. In the moment though, she had just become so upset and it was hard to think straight.]

Eli I can't take this anymore. Being apart. And all of the uncertainty that's come with it.


[The tears well up in her eyes.]

And I love you Eli. I love you so much. That’s why this hurts me. Why I hope I can believe you.

It’s been hard all these years with you being away. I’ve worried about what you’re doing here. But I always thought I was just being silly. I never wanted to find out I was right.

June, please. Please… 

I don’t even remember why I was there that day. I was so fucking drunk, I don’t remember! I would never do that to you! You’re — You’re all that matters to me.

…I’ve been so lost without you, June.

I need to sit down.

[June sinks into a nearby chair. She's not sure if it's the news or the baby or both, but she feels ill. It's all a lot to take in.]

Why would she do this to you? And then announce it at dinner? How could someone be so unkind?


Then what was it?

[She’s trying so hard not to completely break down crying, but she feels like her entire world is falling apart all over again.]

I — I was drunk, June. I don’t even remember it happening. But she was suddenly — [pauses, trying to think of the words] on me, and I couldn’t push her off. I don’t hit women… I didn’t even — I would never. I would never do that willingly, June. I love you.

[The tears well up in her eyes.]

And I love you Eli. I love you so much. That's why this hurts me. Why I hope I can believe you.

It's been hard all these years with you being away. I've worried about what you're doing here. But I always thought I was just being silly. I never wanted to find out I was right.


Worst dinner party ever.

… June, let me explain.

Unless you can promise me that woman was lying, I’m not really sure I can stomach hearing anything from you right now Eli.

June… June. Please. It wasn’t — it’s not what you think. 

Then what was it?

[She's trying so hard not to completely break down crying, but she feels like her entire world is falling apart all over again.]

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