
Chris Colfer Is An Inspiration

@chriscolfersgroove-blog / chriscolfersgroove-blog.tumblr.com

Here I will be posting Chris Colfer,Fandom, Music, meme's, Lgbt+ topics (Proud pansexual here!), Feminism, cute things, funny things, and all kinds of random stuff I like. I am a writer, will focus more on that this year! Talk to me if ya like! I love new friends! :) First #Blackout March 6, 2015 Yay! :D

every action movie

girl: *flips over entire car with her bare hands*

boy: wow where’d you learn to do that

girl: that’s what happens when you grow up with seven older brothers :)


yeah so i slept with this dude last night and idk we were chatting a bit  during the sexy time and for some reason his birthday came up and i was like “wait 25th of september? DUDE me TOO, wtf thats such a coincidence” and he was like “really? we have the same birthday? are u fuckin with me?” and i just looked down at his penis literally inside my vagina and was like “well technically yeah” and he was like haha nice one and high fived me


“Every girl has dreamed about carrying a child”.


once i had a dream that i was pregnant and then i gave birth and it was a litter of kittens but i dont think that counts bc im a boy

okay it got even better with the last sentence. 


Wiz Khalifa Violently Arrested For Legally Riding Hovercraft At LAX

Rapper Wiz Khalifa was slammed to the ground by 7 grown police men and arrested at the Los Angeles International Airport on Saturday after he refused to get off his hoverboard.

“Haven’t been slammed and cuffed in a while. That was fun,” he tweeted, along with a photo and video of the incident. 

He also posted a video to Instagram in which over three officers can be seen holding him to the ground. The officers repeatedly tell Khalifa, whose legal name is Cameron Thomaz, to “stop resisting” as he responds, “I’m not resisting.”

Police say he was resisting arrest but the Video shows differently. Several news stations have tried to reach the airport for comments but have so far been ignored.



Idk what kind of twisted humor some of y'all have but PL E A S E don’t vote for Donald Trump as a joke like you might think of your vote as nothing but it actually /counts/ and there are actual peoples’ lives at stake if this idiot is actually elected so PLEASE again I’m begging y'all.. Don’t vote for him as a joke

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