
For the love of God please help me

@gleivy / gleivy.tumblr.com

icon @akkaccel on twitter

A book with a first person narrator what describes everything with oddly specific clarifications and denials, coming completely unprompted.

"I poured myself a bowl of cereal that had no cockroaches in it."

"Her hair - which was real human hair, growing naturally from her own scalp - was brown."

"I walked to my car which I legally owned and whose rightful ownership had never been under question or dispute."

"Their dog was barking in a way that is entirely normal for a regular, full-blooded dog, and could not be mistaken for the vocalisations of a half-wolf, a jackal, or perhaps a hyena."

"My mother - who has never been convicted or imprisoned for manslaughter - emerged from the kitchen."


when i was in 5th grade all of the girls in my class had webkinz and i thought they were really cool too so i asked my parents for one but they said no because it was a girls toy so i got a piece of paper and had a bunch of kids from different classes at lunch sign a petition demanding that i get a webkinz stuffed animal and my dad actually caved because he said he was super embarrassed and i was the proud owner of a husky

I named him Carmel Apple despite the plushie looking nothing like a caramel apple

hey everyone guess who!!!!!


Yeah... the USA's abuse of Latin America is a republican issue.

It's not like the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state featured some of the worst foreign policy moments regarding Latin America in recent memory, like support for the 2009 Honduran coup and the 2012 Paraguayan coup, shutting down a minimum wage increase in Haiti because it would have affected American companies using Haiti as a source of cheap labor, multiple free trade agreements that wrecked havoc on the economy of several Latin American countries, and many more things. Also Plan Colombia during the late Bill Clinton administration saw the USA give millions of dollars in military aid to one of the most far-right governments my country's ever had, essentially subsidizing the work of goverment-allied far-right paramilitary squads which murdered countless union acivists and afro-colombian and indigenous social leaders. Republicans aren't clean when it comes to foreign policy here either but fucking say they're the only ones trying to wage war on us lmao.

Like I'm not going to tell you who to vote or not vote for but if your goal is to convince people to vote Democrat, then "remember Palestine isn't the only place affected by American foreign policy, what about Latin America?" is one of the worst things you could say given the Democrats' recent track record regarding us.

Like if you're trying to use the fact that American forign policy affects Latin America as an argument IN FAVOR of voting democrat, you either don't know or care shit about foreign policy or you didn't become politically aware until 2016.

Also important to remember that it was under the Clinton administration that the hyper militarization of the border started, as well as the explicit plan to make attempting to flee to the united states as deadly and horrific as possible to try and prevent refugees and migrants from arriving here. Most of thd senior party officials including the fucking president currently were fully onboard with this plan at the time and wholly believed in it, and consistently attempt to outflank the Republicans to the right when it comes to migration (while pretending that it's not racially motivated)


I NEED TO KILL MY SELFFFFF i’m fine im fine it is a beautiful day to be alive on this beautiful earth it’s fine I NEED TO KILL MY SELF I NEED TO KILL MY SELF I i’m so fine being alive is so lovely AAAAAAAAAAAAAA


I’m on medication that can make me spacey af, which can be a problem when I’m driving–like yesterday, for example, when my best friend was trying to help me avoid a pothole he said “to the left,” and I just mumbled “take it back now y'all” and hit the pothole straight on


it's 2024, miffy and snoopy are played out. I want to see traumacore edits of marmaduke.

heathcliff doesn't work. you just end up with a regular heathcliff strip.


stop unfollowing me im pregnant and it’s yours


I hate that the "Gen Alpha can't read." conversation so much because people are taking this as a chance to call children stupid and their parents monsters instead of having a very real discussion about how the education system is flawed by design, covid fucked up everything socialization wise, these parents having little access to child care and more work hours leads them to lean on things like tablets and phones to watch their kids more and more, teachers are more overworked and underpaid than ever leading to them leaving the profession in droves and that's only like the surface level issues. There's a myriad of factors at play here, not just that "The kids are spoiled screen-addicted brats with no imagination and their parents are childish spoiled millennials who just let coco melon handle everything."


my record player is cheap as shit and the needle keeps skipping so i put a tiny pig on it as an arm weight

it’s lighter than a coin and working perfectly so i’m just gonna. not bother the pig

Glad to know that record player technology has seemingly made zero advancements since I was taping pennies to mine back in the 70s


The technology has advanced a lot, there's a pig now.


Link Click Musical lyrics translation ✨🎶

@chocolatexiaoshi brought to my attention that Qiao Ling's actress, Cai Lu, posted a video from rehearsal where she's singing a part of QL's solo song that doesn't appear in the encore, only in main plot (rare!). Here's the video:

And by courtesy of chocolatexiaoshi, here's the full translation (plot context below the lyrics) 🙏🌟

M11 尼克和马修 'Nick and Matthew' sung by Qiao Ling

七岁那年遇见一个倒霉朋友 When I was seven years old, I met an unlucky friend. 我的笑料都来自他出丑 I get all my laughs when he makes a fool of himself. 没穿过耐克 (He) never wore Nike. 自己画个倒钩 Drew himself a barb (tick line, to pretend to wear Nike). 羡慕同学有爸妈开车接送 He envied his classmates when their parents drove them around. 他吹牛家里游艇正在维修 He bragged that his family's yacht was being repaired. 这个蠢货幻想有两个朋友 This douchebag fantasizes about having two friends. 一个叫尼克 One's name is Nick. 另一个叫马修 The other is Matthew. 还以为是他国外的笔友 I thought they're his pen pals from abroad. 所谓的朋友全都是他虚构 He's making up all his friends. 尼克是狮子 Nick was a lion. 马修是条狗 Matthew was a dog. 用秘密威胁他做我朋友 Threatened him with this secret to be my friend. 他提了个要求 He made a request. 家长会我爸 PTA meeting with my dad. (PTA - routine meetings between the parents and teachers of students, to discuss a child's progress at school) 装他大舅 Pretend to be his great-uncle.

Here starts the part Cai Lu is singing in the video (and it's 😭💔):

尼克马修其实是孤独的魔咒 Nick and Matthew are actually a curse of loneliness. 若有人陪伴怎会如此荒谬 How can it be so absurd if he has company? 所有的情绪靠幻想找个出口 All his emotions find an outlet in his fantasies. 喜怒哀愁去和故事书交流 He'd go to a storybook for his sorrows and his joys. 自我欺骗才能排解烦忧 The only way to get rid of them is to lie to himself. 这个倒霉蛋我认识十五年之久 I've known this unfortunate man for 15 years. 你是除了我以外,他唯一的朋友 You're the only friend he's got besides me. 看过了彼此的伤痛 You guys've seen each other's pain. 应该更宽容 You should be more forgiving. 别被情绪左右 Don't let your emotions get the best of you. 一起向前走 Let's move forward together. 如果我是尼克 If I'm Nick. 你来做马修 You'd be Matthew. 他渴望的两个朋友 The two friends he craves. 你和我送他拥有 You and I will give him the two friends he longs for.

The clip ends here, but there are a few more verses 🎶

尼克和马修他童年的缺口 Nick and Matthew, the gaping hole in his childhood 填补了他的梦 Filled his dreams. 你我别放手 You and I, don't let go. 尼克和马修吹过最离谱的牛 Nick and Matthew is the most outrageous thing he's ever bragged about. 能不能和我一起 Will you join me? 将他心愿保留 To keep his heart's desire alive

ಥωಥ yeah.

🌟Context: after the earthquake arc dive, Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang have a fight where CXS says he doesn't want to see Lu Guang anymore. Qiao Ling tries to ask LG what happened but doesn't get an answer. Then she goes to comfort CXS:

Eventually LG goes to sulk on a basketball court:

Qiao Ling finds him and tells him about Xiaoshi's childhood (her song starts) :'>

These are drawings of Nick and Matthew (tho they seem to change, you can they're different in pics above^). QL shows them while singing:

My dear shiguang nation... how are we feeling about QL and LG stepping into Xiaoshi's life filling a place of his imaginary childhood friends born out of loneliness? Bc I-

Again huge thanks to @chocolatexiaoshi for basically translating everything and adding context to this song 🙏 I just checked english grammar and helped to put it together 🤝 We're keeping in touch and they've actually seen LC musical live, so if you have more in depth questions about the play or specific actors, let us know 😘

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