

@obentoss / obentoss.tumblr.com


Oh wow… that’s… I’m so sorry :(

All my ill feelings and jealousy towards the progression of other ships besides Gruvia is flushed down the drain because my heart goes out to all Gajevy and Gajeel fans who are in pain right now.

Anonymous asked:

Why do you treat Zuko like he's somehow more of a man than Aang is? Aang constantly helped, supported, and saved both his friends/loved ones and other people in need and stood up for his morals and beliefs even when others insulted and patronized him for it and was the first to forgive the teenager that tried to hunt him and kill him for the majority of the show, while Zuko spent most of this show the exact opposite, yet his struggle is somehow more than the boy who lost his entire culture?

I’ve had this ask in my inbox for months because I honestly forgot about it, but I have some time to reply properly.


Aang is a wonderful character that is generous and loving and protective and basically the moral compass for the show for at least the first two seasons, and that’s good. I like Aang as a character, but he just doesn’t develop past square one. I  think it was a huge mistake to write him the way Bryke did throughout all of season three. They missed just a huge opportunity to develop him into a complex character who has dealt with loss and genocide and a huge, impossible burden, but instead they made him out into the nice guy.

You are, however, grossly underselling Zuko as the guy who spent the show hunting Aang. They started out even in their journeys, both young boys who had a complicated and tragic past coupled with an epic journey. But somewhere along the way, they went in different directions. 

The fact is, it’s unrealistic and unfair to expect Aang to not change throughout his journey. He can’t end the series as the same person he was in the beginning, because there is no way that an actual person wouldn’t change after going through everything that Aang did. The funny thing is, every single time Aang had a chance for growth, Bryke stunted it by placing a Katara-esque band-aid on the wound.

Aang never learns to really control the Avatar state. Every time he freaks out and loses control, Bryke throws Katara at him as a solution. Aang should have dealt with the fact that he massacred the Fire Nation at the North Pole. He should have dealt with how violent he was when Appa was stolen. He should have dealt with his defeat at Ba Sing Se. He should have dealt with the failed invasion on the Day of Black Sun. He should have dealt with the fact that he can’t kill Ozai.

But he doesn’t.

Aang’s MO is unfair for his character, but it repeats itself throughout the entire show. Obstacle, tantrum, solution. Obstacle, tantrum, solution. He lashes out at people when they try to help him, like a child, and usually does whatever he wants anyway. Look at how he responds to Katara when they’re stuck in the desert by the Library. Look at how he ignores her and Sokka when they try to regroup after the invasion. He’s acting like a child when, as unfair as it sounds, he needs to grow up.

If you apply that same standard to Zuko, you get completely different reactions.

I won’t say that one of them has more tragedy in their past than the other, because I think they have suffered in vastly different yet somewhat equal ways. Aang has never had to deal with being rejected or unloved. Zuko has grown up being belittled, abused, and kicked down. He’s been indoctrinated with very violent and harmful views, brutalized for resisting them, and then sent from home at like, FOURTEEN.

It’s hard for Zuko to change and he throws the same tantrums that Aang does, but then he grows up.

I’d put his growth starting point somewhere between his battle with Zhao and the attempted murder by the pirates. 

You see Zuko change. He abandons everything he’s ever known and is left with nothing, physically and metaphorically. He has to rebuild his identity from the ground up, and he makes mistakes along the way. He steals. He lies. He resents the loss of his luxury. 

But he’s also kind and selfless.

There’s a running joke that “No one had a crush on Book One Zuko” 

That should give you an idea of how drastic his character development is compared to Aang’s, even within the span of one season. Zuko ends the series a completely different person, having made amends with those that were initially his enemies, and taking on the responsibility of rebuilding the country that once shunned him. It’s a beautiful redemption arc the likes of which I don’t think I’ve ever seen. 

You mention that Aang sticks up for his beliefs, and I’ll agree that that is good. However, Aang never challenges himself. He never has a moral quandary. He never stops and wonders if what he believes is actually the best option. He just keeps doing it anyway. 

Something that has always bothered me is that he never tells the Gaang that he has failed to control the avatar state (before the  battle in the crystal catacombs). He picks up Sokka and lies about something that affects all of them. He lies time and time again to the people that have given up their lives to help him accomplish his goal. He patronizes Katara countless times when all she’s trying to do is keep them going. 

And that will be my final point as to why I value Zuko as a character more than Aang. Their treatment of Katara.

Shipping aside, Aang never once treats Katara like his equal, in a romantic sense. He applies the same childish hard headedness to their “relationship” as he does to his problem-solving. It’s very one sided, and it’s very selfish. When he first kisses her, it’s out of the blue. I personally consider it to verge on an unwanted advance, but I realize it could be just an innocent gesture. 

But the fact remains that after he kisses her, Katara doesn’t ever talk about it. She never confronts him or approaches him to tell him she feels the same way. Instead, when he gets jealous over a play, she tells him that she’s confused. He says he thought they were going to be together forever. After ONE kiss. THEN, after she’s said she’s confused, that they’re fighting a war, that she can’t think about anything like that right now, he kisses her. Again.

This time, it’s very clearly portrayed as unwanted. Katara storms off and Aang is left to throw a tantrum one last time.

The next time they have some actual alone time is after the battle, if I’m not mistaken. And I’m supposed to believe that she’s overcome whatever confusion she had and throws herself at Aang? #trophy

Then you get Zuko, who from day one has treated Katara as an equal. By day one, I mean the first time he ever really sees her. Not “I’ll save you from the pirates” not the shirshiu chase, but the battle on the North Pole. 

He fights her like an equal, and every encounter since has them evenly matched. 

I could say a million things about their dynamic, but I’ll narrow it down to The Southern Raiders, because I think that episode does a wonderful job at contrasting the differences between the way she relates to Aang and Zuko.

When Katara confronts Aang with the idea of going after the man that killed her mother, she doesn’t get a friend, she doesn’t get a lover, she gets a lecturer. Aang is so detached from the situation that he can’t understand how Katara feels. He is, first and foremost, a pacifist monk. That doesn’t mean he’s a bad person, but it does mean he’s bad at relating to people. He can’t understand why “letting go” isn’t an option for Katara because he can’t understand Katara. He knows what he thinks she should do, so he tells her that. He judges her for wanting revenge. He lets her go with a patronizing farewell. He’s been traveling with this girl for almost three years and he can’t figure her out.

Zuko gets her almost instantly. He sees through her anger at him and you know what he does? He tries to find out how to help. When did you EVER see Aang trying to find out more about Katara and Sokka’s mom? When did he EVER try to get to know Katara’s pain? How SICK is it that we went two and a half seasons with NO ONE asking these two kids how their mother died. But Zuko does. And once he finds out, he tries to help her get closure.

Even better, Zuko trusts her to make her own journey because he KNOWS WHAT IT’S LIKE TO STUMBLE ON THE WAY TO THE RIGHT CHOICE. Aang expects Katara to automatically choose peace and forgiveness. Zuko understands that, in reality, that doesn’t happen. He respects Katara enough to let her have her own path to closure. 

He lets her stumble. He lets her bloodbend and intimidate and get so close to ending the man’s life, but she doesn’t. And I think if she had, Zuko would’ve helped her with the body and never said anything to a living soul ever.

The people who come at my bb Katara going off about how awful it was for Zuko to let her or encourage her to bloodbend or seek revenge are just being dicks. Either you’ve never lost a parent or you just don’t understand that particular journey, but it comes down to the same thing Aang couldn’t do:

It’s not your journey, so you don’t decide how she takes it.

Katara is a master at this point. She has grown up more than the majority of the gaang (with the exception of Zuko probably), and she has a right to her own agency in her story.


Zuko grows up into an understanding human being and Aang remains a petulant child.



Introduction: This is a list of some of my favourite shoujo manga, if that wasn’t obvious enough by the title. Yes, ‘Ao Haru Ride’, ‘Hibi Chou Chou’, ‘Horimiya’, ‘Hirunaka no Ryuusei’, etc. are all great but these manga and couples listed on here are just as equally as great and a few of them are even a little underrated in my opinion so I wanted to make a list for the shoujo manga that I know I’ll read over, and over again.
I’ve always wanted to do one of these, and forgive me if it somehow bothers you that this post isn’t anything related to otome gaming. But who doesn’t like a good shoujo manga read now and then?
Under the cut, I give you quite a lengthy description of what each manga is about and also why I enjoyed the story and couple so much to recommend them. Note that these are not in any particular order. So without further ado, I hope you like these!

New covers of orange volumes #01 and #02. 

Just loved them, glad to see Suwa in both! <3

source: [x], [x]

Anonymous asked:

Okay, so, Somina (especially with Ch 133) is such a great ship, and it's amazing to see other folks ship it. Also, you talk about how Erina's always blushing around Soma, and maybe it's because of unrecognized feelings, but I think it's kinda that she does recognize them, but doesn't want to, because he's the first person other than his father to make food she could just eat without imperfections ruining it for her, and it make her feel confused about her own cooking's purpose.

A SOMINA SHIPPER! Have my love, haha!

Yes, that can be a possibility although of course we don’t really know what’s going in inside Erina’s head—we can only assume haha. But personally I feel that she doesn’t exactly recognise it just yet as “feelings” for Soma to be exact. I think she can’t really comprehend why she’s always so flustered around him and she gets annoyed by her own actions when it comes to Soma. 

And I see where you’re going with the part about eating Soma’s dishes without imperfections ruining it for her, it’s such a nice prospect omg haha. But is that exactly the case? Because even Soma recognises the imperfections in the dishes that he creates, he personally strives off failure. So I don’t exactly think she doesn’t detect imperfections whenever she tastes Soma’s dishes, I think it’s more of the way in which Soma approaches his cooking and how much it affects the taste of his dishes and she can probably taste that (she has God’s Tongue anyway, so she can detect things with her taste buds that no other tongue can detect) so I assume it’s within a deeper level of understanding past just normal taste. I think she can recognise Soma’s father through Soma and his cooking so she gets flustered, but doesn’t exactly know why because she doesn’t know that Soma is Joichiro’s son.

It’s funny because every time Soma proves her wrong, like in the autumn elections when Soma’s name is on the list of contestants, Erina would remember all the times she directly tells Soma that he can’t make it or his skills are not up to par—then she’d blush so hard because of the embarrassment. It just goes to show that Soma can get such an animated reaction from Erina who always seems to have composure and that’s why I adore this ship so much.

But OMG can I just make an honourable mention to Soma teaching little Kanon how to wrap the gyoza? It’s just like Joichiro and little Erina! How can anyone not make that connection?! And for this, I feel like Soma and Erina need to be together pronto!


hitting the ‘back to top’ button on your dash


On Juvia “Stalking” Gray

So, last week I kind of(?) started a series of posts about Juvia’s character with this, and I wanted to continue it. The next topic about Juvia’s characterization that I wish to discuss is her “stalking.” (Given the context of her actions, I use this term very lightly.) Since this post somewhat pertains to her relationship with Gray, I’m also placing it in the Gruvia tag.

First off, let’s establish that Juvia has been shown to explicitly follow Gray around only thrice in the manga, and all of these instances take place before she joins Fairy Tail. She watches him twice during the reconstruction of the guild, following Phantom Lord’s attack. 


And when she sees that he’s going on vacation with his friends, she follows him to his destination, where she finally manages to approach him. 


To a certain extent, Juvia’s actions are understandable. She was a part of the group that was responsible for the guild’s destruction and simply couldn’t walk up to the people whom she had wronged, especially when it was such a busy time for them. Furthermore, Gray is the only person out of all of them whom she can approach, since, despite being enemies, he had actually treated her with respect for the most part during their battle. Out of all Fairy Tail members, he was the one with whom she had prolonged contact- not to mention growing feelings, due to a very important reason for her (i.e. stopping her rain)- so he’s her safest bet at this juncture in time. 

Moreover, Gray doesn’t mind at all that she’s approached him. He’s only surprised to see her there.

In fact, he even seems understanding of her desire to join Fairy Tail and explains that he has nothing personal against her. What’s noteworthy is that he’s able to speak easily with her, which indicates that he’s not uncomfortable around her. 

After the incident at the Tower of Heaven, after having had the chance to befriend more people from the guild, Juvia is so excited at the prospect of joining Fairy Tail that she goes on her own to ask for permission to join. 

She doesn’t even wait for everyone else to accompany her to make a case on her behalf, which would be beneficial given her situation, but just by getting on the good side of only a few people, she gains the courage to show her face to everyone else. 

These are the only times she’s been shown to stalk Gray, and her reasons are completely understandable. After everything has been sorted out, she doesn’t have to resort to this behavior anymore, and Juvia is now able to hang around Gray and everyone else in the guild freely. If anything, she even becomes bolder and more open in expressing her feelings for him, such that stalking isn’t at all required for her to be around him. 

More importantly, though, she backs off once he rejects her. She isn’t fazed by his curt reply, but she does drop the matter, showing that she understands and respects his boundaries.

Juvia pursues Gray after her rejection a bit, but she uses small actions that don’t seem to bother him as much. In fact, he even indulges her to a certain extent. 

Gray’s rejection shows that he has no problem showing his displeasure with something if he feels like it’s gone too far. If Juvia’s attention in this instance did overstep any boundaries, he wouldn’t have given in and taken a bread in a display of his appreciation for her attention. 

It’s also important to note that Juvia’s behavior in these instances is mostly comedic. She and Gray have also shared some serious moments that show the depth of her feelings and understanding of him. 

This scene shows that she’s particularly observant around him and can read his feelings accurately, which, in turn, has a good effect on him. 

Juvia doesn’t want to force herself on Gray and genuinely wants what’s best for him, so much so that she’s willing to let go of her love for him. She doesn’t want her feelings to be the source of his pain, which lead her to want to protect him through any means necessary.

Another instance of this is in “413 Days.” She apologizes, because she feels as though she’s crossed a line.

From all of these, we can conclude that Juvia would never be selfish about Gray, such that she’d want to restrict him. She understands and loves him well enough to respect his boundaries, which, in turn, means that she wouldn’t senselessly stalk him just to keep an eye on him or be around him in an underhanded manner. 

While Juvia’s behavior may be a bit excessive at times, her pursuit of Gray provides insight into her character. From the beginning, it’s been shown that she’s respectful in keeping her distance and isn’t presumptuous at all. This, in turn, highlights how selfless she is. She would never want to do something to inconvenience anyone in any way. She only stalked in the beginning out of her desire to keep her distance from everyone until the opportunity presented itself. All of this also shows that Juvia is an earnest and genuine person. She is straightforward about her intentions, to the extent that she effectively wears her heart on her sleeve, and attempts to realize them with great determination. She’s a simple, pure-hearted girl. 

Okay, I agree with most of this but!

This is not called being “understanding”. It’s creepy. 

And I see that this was not mentioned along with “413 Days” 

“Stalking” is not just tailing the person in the literal sense. You see that panel in which Juvia says “Even there?” Want to guess where? 

This is not being understanding. The real Gruvia development started in the Tartarus arc. I dont know if this chapter was supposed to be romantic or whatever, but I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who puked a bit in my mouth after seeing this

Juvia is changing, and I am so glad for it. She’s becoming one of my favorites, but you cannot excuse her past behavior towards Gray. She was a stalker long after Gray rejected her. She didn’t even take his blatant rejection as a rejection! So I’m so very sorry, but discounting her past behavior is not right at all.


The examples you tried to use against the OP are not considered stalking. This is simply Mashima’s use of “humor”. 

“I dont know if this chapter was supposed to be romantic or whatever,”

Of course it was. Aside from that being obvious, why else air the the anime episode on Valentines Day? Mashima tweeted about it that day also, as well as the director of the anime.

No, Gruvia development did not start in Tartaros. It started right when Juvia first appeared in Phantom Lord. The OP is correct in saying Juvia only “stalked” (which isn’t even the correct word IMO, it was more like “watched from afar” because she was too afraid/nervous to get close to him) Gray in the very beginning of FT. Why would she still do it in these examples provided when at that point in the manga she can simply be standing by his side? Which she does. The humor masked the fact that Juvia used to be nervous around Gray. Mashima even said during an interview at the New York Anime Festival in 2011 that Juvia falling in love with Gray was a twist instead of it being fight after fight, and that she is now a very formidable character and has a lot of fans in Japan as well. Aka, she is meant to lighten things up and her excessive behavior is not meant to be taken seriously. RE: “The rejection”. Juvia outright declared her love for Gray here; this is a DIRECT approach. “Stalking” is not considered “direct”. You say a rejection is a rejection? I disagree. This is a complete red herring; a mislead. Why? Because of the humor and Juvia’s reaction (which you don’t like, but that’s your own opinion) and the guy did just die for her four chapters prior. I’m going to copy and paste what I wrote in my manifesto: Mashima just felt like throwing a wrench in there. Either way, it does at least make this pairing look more realistic with bumps in the road, and that’s probably why Gruvia is my OTP of Fairy Tail.However, the question really isn’t “why” Gray rejected Juvia, but rather “if” the rejection will actually stick.  Judging by the next chapters, the answer is “no”.  It’s as if the rejection never even happened.   The author continues to show case Gray and Juvia in a positive way.  It’s not only once either.  The next moment between the pair is only two chapters later as well. Not only that, later down the line in the Tartaros Arc (which is in detail below), Cana wonders what’s going on with Gray and Juvia because she thought Gray shot Juvia down, with a suggestive look on her face.  Mirajane smiles, saying it’s the “same as always”.  The purposes of these comments were clearly to show the rejection is not sticking and as usual,  was meant for humor.  They were pointing out how Gray and Juvia’s actions were completely contradicting that rejection. You also have to consider Juvia’s reaction.  This girl did not have a negative reaction whatsoever.  In fact, she didn’t take it as a rejection at all (even making comments later when the fight over Yukino broke out that they don’t need anymore women leering at Gray).  We have seen Gray be harsh with Juvia in the past, and each time he did, she looked a bit scared (for instance, when he yelled at her for doubting Erza) or sighed.  If Juvia did not take this as a rejection that will stick, neither should we.  Gray also doesn’t like it when Juvia is overly affectionate.  But as we have seen in the past, he is genuinely happy when Juvia is acting normal.

One last thing I’d like to touch base on and mention is Lyon’s words.  Was it really necessary for Lyon to make any comments, especially something like “don’t say that, Gray” and to give up on Juvia in the process?  He is Gray’s dare I say, closest friend and rival.  Even he is telling him not to say such things.  Lyon knows Gray a lot better than most people, and has seen the relationship between him and Juvia.  He has a good understanding of what’s going on.  It leads him to back off, knowing his own relationship will remain unrequited.   This would have been a good opportunity for Lyon to romance and sweep Juvia off her feet just like he did when they were going to the love slide. Instead, he gives up on her. Therefore, this scene was not killing Gray x Juvia.  It was killing the one link to Lyon x Juvia, which was Lyon.

Tartaros: Seeing their interaction in the bread scene, Cana gives a smirk, turning to Mira and asking what’s going on over there because she thought Gray shot her down.  Mira replies that it’s the same as always with a smile on her face.  This adds support to the claim that Gray’s rejection will not stick.  As stated previously, they were pointing out how Gray and Juvia’s actions were completely contradicting that rejection. Their commentary wasn’t exactly necessary, but Mashima added it in the chapter anyway even though he didn’t have to.   Again, it’s to make an important point regarding Gray and Juvia.  The author constantly featuring Gray and Juvia in a positive light speaks volumes when it comes to his intentions.

As for her “past behavior” and such, to be honest your response makes me think of this:

Her “behavior” is meant for humor. This is a fictional manga. The things that some people find wrong with Juvia, Gray really does not see that way. What he says and what he does/how he really feels are two different things. As I pointed out in the image above, that is how Gray really sees Juvia: a kind, beautiful, loving, and loyal woman. We got a look into Gray’s mind. And even if you don’t like her “past” behavior, surely it SHOULD be forgiven or else the story can’t move forward. That’s the same thing as holding on to a grudge. 

This is more of a general statement and not so much directed at you, but it needs to be said so please don’t take it personally. People need to stop putting so much stock in comedy because the serious and meaningful moments outweigh the jokes. Some things are just meant for humor and not to be taken seriously. Juvia has her shtick and it will always be there on some level.

Every other ship in Fairy Tail seems to get a pass when it comes to this (certain flaws and comedy). Gruvia should be no exception. I don’t care if you dislike Gray and Juvia as a couple or their dynamic, don’t belittle their strong bond and development. They have progressed the most out of every pair. *My post on why Gruvia is a healthy relationship with support from the manga.

Okay, I am not belittling them. I don’t gve a free pass to any other ship either. Because none of the Big 4 are healthy.

Here is how (I’ll be giving you both past and recent examples, but most of these still apply):

1. The main player in the series, Nalu

So, Natsu harasses her on a daily basis. And he doesn’t even know that he’s harassing her! And you need to remember this: humor is canon. Whether it be Nalu’s groping humor or Gruvia’s stalking humor, it is canon. And it is the kind of humor that changes my opinion of characters. 

Yeah, you would so like a guy who gropes you and acts like nothing is fucking wrong. And these gropes are humor too. So don’t give me any shit about this. 

Nalu have had development. But that doesn’t discount Natsu turning Lucy upside down and removing her towel. All those gropes ruined the perfection that those apartment breakins could have been. I would’ve shipped Nalu so hard if not for this. 

2. Now, for everyone’s beloved Gajevy.

If there is one thing the entire FT fandom agrees on, it’s Gajevy. But Gajeel still hasn’t apologised for this:

Nothing more needs to be said here.

3. Next up, the ever problematic Jerza.

He wanted to kill all her friends and rule the world. Okay, that is not problematic at all. But she forgave him and he still couldn’t forgive himself, and although his sense of justice may be fucken annoying at times, this makes him a wonderful character. 

4. Now the finale, Gruvia

I’m not even gonna talk about the past any. I’m gonna show you two panels from the arc after the time skip, and you can decide for yourself if that can be considered to be healthy. 

i have seen a lot of hate towards Gray’s direction from all the Juvia fans, and they’re so angry he left her and still hasn’t apologized. Well. He does need to give her an apology, but this is one example of the Gruvia development going downhill. She is so dependent on him that she almost kills herself when he leaves her for six months? …what the fuck? I thought we were over this Mashima. Natsu left Lucy for a year, I didn’t see this happening to her.


If Gray has to leave for some reason again, will she put herself through all of this again. And this scene was far from humor, so don’t give me any shit.

Now, the second panel is this:

I cannot even look at this one. Juvia meets her friends in what, one year, and she STILL wants to be with Gray?? WHAT THE FUCK. This is why Gruvia is unhealthy. So back to my point. 

All of the Big 4 are unhealthy ships. 


Because if they’re perfect from the beginning, there would be no room for development. This latest arc hasn’t portrayed Gruvia the way I wanted it to, but that’s okay. Because I know that Mashima will develop Juvia’s character further. 

So, Gruvia has developed, yes, but it still has a long way to go.

This applies for all the FT ships. Don’t brand me as a hater because I don’t look through my sparkly ship vision.

I’m going to make this as short and simple as possible.

1) You saying Juvia is creepy is very typical of a hater. You came off that way, but in last my statement regarding belittling their relationship and giving a pass to other pairings, I said it was not directed at you personally and was more general.

2) I didn’t like everything about Avatar. In fact I felt the ending of it was not satisfactory and we deserve(d) a better resolution. But Juvia was worried sick not because she’s creepy and obsessed, but because she had no idea what happened to Gray. He could have been dead for all she knew. It went beyond the “I’m so depressed cause the love of my life left me alone”. No.

In the official translation, Juvia said she searched for Gray EVERY DAY. It’s not as if she sat there rotting (she’s alive so she had to of ate and met basic human needs) After searching and turning up with nothing, what else was Juvia to do? All she could do was wait.

3) I would love for Juvia to get more development on her own, however the fact is her development outside of Gray is finished. She met her goals of being accepted into Fairy Tail, making friends, proving her worth and strength, etc. The one goal she has left is to marry Gray. That goal will be achieved at the end, hence all the Gruvia development and why Juvia is very Gray centric now. Because Gruvia is going to happen. Gray and Juvia are an endgame couple, therefore Mashima will continue to showcase them consistently.

4) Your last example is once again you putting too much stock in something that’s not supposed to be taken literally/seriously. Since the time skip we have seen Juvia interact nicely with others outside of Gray, a prime example is her mentioning she even read Lucy’s articles. Yes Juvia wants to be with Gray all the time. That’s normal when you’re in love and don’t forget he just left her for 6 months with no clues (for her sake and to protect her, “but still” just like Natsu said). He also left again without a word in the set up arc (rescue Makarov) that just passed. Sorry, but Juvia is justified in wanting to be with just Gray. He himself knew he was wrong and apologized. The look in his eyes gave that away, especially when someone mentioned Juvia during that time. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t care about anyone else because you know damn well that isn’t true.

5) You are saying things like “this is okay” yet contradict yourself and say “Gruvia is unhealthy”, and you expect me to believe you don’t belittle them and aren’t hating? You literally called it unhealthy in your response to me and tagged it “anti gruvia?”. Another thing that annoyed me was you saying Gruvia development started in Tartaros, which I called you out on in my last response. It started when Juvia first appeared and I even provided a link to the development. You also ignored the link to my post about Gruvia being healthy, because if you read it you would understand. Or I could be giving you too much credit, I don’t know. Maybe you didn’t. So in that case I will link you again because I don’t like repeating myself in every post I make. THIS PROVES THAT GRUVIA IS A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP: http://rieriebee.tumblr.com/post/121214607500/gray-x-juvia-keys-of-a-healthy-relationship

Here’s another one that disproves everything about Gruvia being unhealthy: http://unisonraidd.tumblr.com/post/121005273771/gruvia-an-unhealthy-relationship

If you still disagree then that’s your opinion. Because Gruvia fits the criteria for a healthy relationship, minus the comedy in a fictional manga. Again, the meaningful moments outweigh the jokes.


Sam + Mike

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