
I.Like.Art. and.... Stuff

@newcolony / newcolony.tumblr.com

Amy. 23. Photographer.
+Cacti, French Bulldogs, and Vintage Cameras.

You need to purge all of this garbage from your system. Talk about all the things you do on those screens, and let the words just float away into the fresh air and then we will be done. Parks and Recreation - “Sex Education” 05.04


This will never not be funny to me


"Bisexuality is a whole, fluid identity. Do not assume that bisexuality is binary or dougamous in nature; that we must have "two" sides or that we MUST be involved simultaneously with both genders to be fulfilled human beings. In fact, don't assume that there are only two genders. Do not mistake our fluidity for confusion, irresponsibility, or an inability to commit. Do not equate promiscuity, infidelity, or unsafe sexual behavior with bisexuality. Those are human traits that cross ALL sexual orientations. Nothing should be assumed about anyone's sexuality—including your own."

The Bisexual Manifesto from: Anything That Moves: Beyond the Myths of Bisexuality (1990) The Bay Area Bisexual Network


There’s a lot of beauty in ordinary things. Isn’t that kind of the point?


Knowing what tomorrow’s weather will be is a remarkable human achievement that we really take for granted.

“It’s a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you are ready. I have this feeling that actually no-one is ever ready to do anything. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now.”

— Hugh Laurie


I returned to tumblr this evening just to cry into the void. I’m just so fucking sick and tired of explaining gender neutral shit to people. I’m so sick of paying bills. Parking tickets and panic attacks about how to pay more shit. I miss my ex boyfriend. I miss his family. I miss the feeling of normalcy I felt having someone to just fucking ask how my day is going and be able to just honestly say, “it was kinda shitty”

I miss being able to talk to my dad without worrying that my mom would read his every text to me.

I miss my dog. I’m angry that I’m probably not going to be able to see her before she dies because my parents are moving across the county.

I’m angry that after 27 years of dealing with a parent that takes no responsibility for their manipulative actions. I finally set boundaries in places to not allow any contact with until she got help/ stopped threatening to hurt herself. But instead she decided to move halfway across the county.

I’m angry I don’t have the satisfaction of being hired by my job dispite how much effort I put in constantly.

I’m angry that two of my one of my best friends have checked out for the past year and the other has just been such a jerk lately that I don’t even know how to address it.

I’m just really fucking upset and I needed to just yell into the void.


scientist voice: today i will be a dick to this cricket 


The phrase “exposed to this spider torment” will haunt me


People in the notes have entirely misunderstood the point of this experiment and what it entails.

It’s not “proving that crickets can be traumatized”. It’s proving that *animals can genetically pass on the stress that a dangerous situation causes, and the offspring will instinctually respond to the same situation without ever having personally experienced it.*

And that’s a big deal for many things, including human psychology.

When Nazis invaded The Netherlands, local Dutch peoples were under extreme emotional and physical duress. The Nazi army took their food for the soldiers, starving the population. They patrolled the streets and harshly reinforced their new laws. Existence was horrible and some parents had to give their children away to wealthier families because they couldn’t feed them anymore. This event is known as the Hongerwinter, or Dutch Famine.

One generation later, the children of mothers who were pregnant at the time of the famine have been proven to exhibit intense reactions to stress, and heightened fight or flight responses. They also experience more obesity because their bodies are prepared for starvation.

Some of these children were never personally exposed to the famine. Their mothers gave birth after conditions had improved, or even after moving to another country. But the effects are there, and those people are now adults who can recognize this and attest that they didn’t experience something else traumatic during childhood. It was passed on in the womb.

This is called epigenetics. It’s essential to understanding how the human brain and body works. That our responses to stress can be passed on genetically. That it can show up in how we look physically, our physical health, our mental responses, our instinctual reactions. It’s especially important for people who are in therapy and need to understand *why* they act a certain way before they can actually work on it.

So no, this experiment wasn’t “haha let’s torment a cricket”. I’m not going to argue the potential cruelty of the experiment with people. I just want you to understand what it actually all MEANS.

Reblogging for that last comment!

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