
アレック ハンコック

@alecjon2013-blog / alecjon2013-blog.tumblr.com

I'll try my best to put a range of interesting things on here!I am 25 years old, I am a 3rd Dan black belt in karate ( which I have been doing for 20 years +) I am currently a Fee Earner and a trainee Legal Executive.


Do you want to get your hands on this Harry Potter Shot glass, it’s totally hand engraved and will be the same shot glass as pictured. I’m giving it away as it was a spare in a run of glasses that I did. This deathly hallows shot glass is very popular and It could be yours for free!!!

This is a random giveaway for all of my followers that lasts until the 31st August 2015!

The Rules are simple: 

  • You must be following me 
  • Unlimited Likes and Reblogs count 
  • Your ask box must be open so I can contact you if you win 
  • I will pay postage anywhere 
  • I will use a random number genorator to pick the winner

*very gutted as my pervious post didn't make it losing a lot of the photographs*

Was so happy to come home to find my Seishin Gi had arrived. I basked in the glow that was Seishin before carefully opening it up and trying it on before heading to training.

It feels super light in comparison to my very heavy weight Gis yet retains the awesome snap when committing a fast and precise technique. 

Will update later after i’ve had a few sessions but I am already happy with the purchase.


There's A Good Chance There Will Be Surfing And Karate At The 2020 Olympics

#karate [The Huffington Post]The Olympic Village in Tokyo could get a little bit bigger if these eight new sports manage to make the 2020 games. The Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee announced in a release on Monday that eight sports with international federation recognition are now …

Count out lucky stars!!!! I need this - I want to be able to be heavily engaged in something in the Olympics


Tips Needed

Hello, I really need some tips on how to build up arm strength for making my strikes more powerful ect and also leg strength so that I can hold shikodachi in particular for much longer then I can at the minute, also for my tournament in 4 weeks time I am performing seiyunchin so shikodachi is crucial, help out a fellow martial artist here please?

Sorry, that really messed up haha.  I meant to say that your arm feels incredibly heavy when you’ve slept on it for so long. This is because you arm is heavy. It’s mass and this is one of the key elements to produce power, along with acceleration. I have a student who is 12 and she can produce a very good hand technique because she has been able to use the appropriate hip technique to increase the mass behind her hand technique. She's basically adding the rest of her body mass to the technique. 

For example - a mawashi shuto uchi which is performed fast is effective, but when you use the appropriate hip movement, you add additional speed and increase the amount of mass put into the techinque - i.e more power.

I’ve seen people with very little muscle produce good technique and its just a case of perfecting your hip movement.

I’m not saying strength building isn’t the way, but it is but one of many ways to improve your strikes :)


Martial Artists, we don't have a definitive list of who practices what, so I'm gonna try to get a master post going. Reblog and post what style/s you do.

Kyokushin , Shotokan, Muay Thai, Judo, wrestling.

Shorin ryu, boxing, wrestling

Tai Chi, Shaolin, Muay Thai, Krav

Karate, Judo, Jiu Jitsu (Japanese and Brazilian), Kenpo, Boxing.

Ishindo Zen Kempo Karate.

Isshinryu :)


Mixed martial arts ( muay thai, bjj, western style boxing/kickboxing, wrestling)

Kombatan/ modern arnis

Modern Arnis/Kombatan/Pacific Archipelago Combatives/Kobudo

Muay Thai/BJJ/Judo (depends on what I have access to at any given moment).


Hakkoryu Jiu Jitsu :3

shaped-by-karate this is still going around. Anything not on the list?

Thanks manwithoutborders, I see a few that aren’t.

If you guys wanna be added to The List, send me a message! =] 

combatr4bbit must’ve changed the blog name?


You’re already on The List, though haha

Godoryu Karate + Shingitai Aikido - cheers :)


I couldn’t help myself and purchased the Seishin Gi… I’ve been really wanting a new Gi that i would treasure and be important to me. I hope it will be an awesome investment

Nice. Let us know what you think when you get it. =]

THEY’RE AMAZING!  You’re gonna love it and I highly recommend this gi!

Awesome :) tbh I haven’t read any reviews that haven’t praised it (other than the price or the logo being on the back of the Gi.


I couldn’t help myself and purchased the Seishin Gi… I’ve been really wanting a new Gi that i would treasure and be important to me. I hope it will be an awesome investment

Nice. Let us know what you think when you get it. =]

I will do, I am hoping that it will be awesome and will report in any event!


Should explain to anyone outside of Britain…

The Crystal Maze was a game show on British TV back in the 1990s, originally hosted by Richard O’Brien (creator of the original stage version of The Rocky Horror Show). The object of the show was to travel between four different zones set in various periods of history, taking on various challenges to win “Crystals” that gave you time inside a giant plastic dome, where you had to collect gold tokens being blown around by industrial fans, in order to win a big prize.

This was an actual show, and it was a show that British people really liked and people have kind have always wanted to see be brought back (it was my favourite show when I was a kid), and now it hopefully it might be if this campaign gets the funding.

Thank you muchly :) I forget that tumblr is global sometimes

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