
All Fags Go To Heaven

@irradiated-cutie / irradiated-cutie.tumblr.com

Jam | they/she | 24 | Bisexual | Non-binary | Taurus | Marxist-Leninist | TERFs/Fatphobes/Nazis DNI I’ll kill you

as a white person i can confirm that cheese is basically like god and life to me. i can be baited with cheese 100% of the time. i will tunnelvision a wedge of sharp cheddar from the other side of the room in any and every setting


If there's one thing The Beef trending (and just a long time spent in music communities) has taught me it's that people really do need to broaden their horizons on the kinda music they listen to, in regards to black music.

The sheer amount of people I've seen go "is all rap like this" or "I don't like rap but..." is killing me. What exactly did you think rap was about before this? Quick, give me a reason that won't expose your racial bias.

Before this I've gotten so used to seeing posts that basically look like "I love all music except blues/soul/gospel/hip hop/jazz". Basically just anything that isn't a white dominated genre.

You'll shit on an entire genre built on generations worth of history and culture (that you have never listened to btw) and then have the audacity to act surprised that it's not what the media has convinced you it is?

You've never taken the time to have an idea what it's about and you still want to give your uneducated two cents about it???


can you infodump to me? (i love you) is this overwhelming? (i love you) is this the right texture? (i love you) is it ok to touch you? (i love you) do you want the subtitles on? (i love you) do you want to go somewhere less noisy? (i love you)

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