
I will meet you there

@thesporkidentity / thesporkidentity.tumblr.com

Thousand year old witch and disgusting cave goblin, Kris (he/him).

Wait, do people know about the Before I Play wiki?

I have used this for..... at this point easily over 6 years. It's a wiki where there will be low-spoiler/non-spoiler hints about just stuff you would want to know before playing a game.

It's always stuff like.... "Vitality in this game is useless, put your points in everything else first" or "Don't leave the second hub town until you buy X item, it'll become unobtainable."

Lemme pick an example almost everyone will know. From the Animal Crossing New Horizons page, the first tip is:

Nearly everything on the island is movable later, including all buildings and even cliffs and rivers. The main things that are fixed are the stuff on the border of the island (river mouths, beaches, rocks/peninsulae, the dock and the airport) and the resident services plaza, so picking your island layout should be based around that primarily.

That's stellar advice, tbh, given what you'll know about the game 30 hours in instead of 30 minutes.

Not every game is covered obviously and not every piece of advice is good, it's all subjective, BUT..... I look up almost every game I play for the first time, just to keep stuff in mind. The SMT4 page had top tier advice imo.


I'm seeing things that I - wonder don't make it into ANY adaptations, and it's odd seeing that there's a consensus of what does and does not make it. This scene where Scrooge demands to see proof that his death moved someone and it cuts to the family who get to keep their house because his death has delayed his filing of foreclosure papers until they can make the delinquent payments is one I think should be making more rounds.


this is among one of the funniest ask i have ever seen someone get sorry


On a serious note, this is why I hate vague or unexplained medical advice. "Take this before bed" Is it because you think I go to sleep at night? Does the medication causes sun sensitivity? Is it because you think it will make me sleepy and you don't want me driving on it? Is it because I'm supposed to not eat anything for several hours after taking it? Let me know. My lifestyle may not be what you think it is. "Take this with food" Is it because it's slightly better absorbed that way? If I don't, will it give me mild nausea or put a hole in my stomach lining? Be clear. "Take this the same time every day" Very strictly or is it okay in the 20-26 hour range? Trust me, this matters.


me: dress how you want!! gender is fake!!! nothing matters!!!!!!

trans person: i like gender tho

me: hell yeah i respect that!!!! i apologize and don’t mean to dismiss your identity with my optimistic nihilism!!!!!!!

Good post OP

Denounce gender roles but respect gender identity.

Denounce gender roles but respect gender identity.


Always be vague. Say I think they’re in today or not until later. If they press say it’s company policy not to give out the schedule. Most companies do have this and even if they don’t how would a stranger know. Don’t give out specifics, they can get people injured or even killed.

At my last job someone came up and asked when “Sarah” was working next. I didn’t tell him and then texted her a description, turns out he was an abusive ex who had been stalking her. Don’t do this shit please.

Do NOT say anything along the lines of “they’re not in today” or “not until later” because you are confirming that this is somewhere the person in question can be found. NEVER confirm anything!

My old boss told us a story of how, years before when she was a fairly new manager (I’m talking decades, she’s 64 right now), there was a man who came in and asked for an employee by name and said he was her uncle. She told him the employee’s shift started in a coule hours. He waited the entire time for her, and when she came in, he assaulted her and bashed her face into the counter. My boss saw everything. She can’t recall what he said, but he kept screaming until someone threatened to call the police.

She told me that story after a man came in and asked for when an employee, who recently quit, would be coming in. I told him she doesn’t work here anymore and he said to me “Okay, well I’m her dad so if you see her tell her I’ll be across the street at the gas station.” He left and my boss IMMEDIATELY came out and scolded me for it, then told me that story.

She gave me some advice on what to say or do in that situation:

  • Don’t just deny knowing anything, deny the person asking. Example, “When is ____ coming in?” “You can’t know that information.” or “Can you tell me when ____’s shift is?” “Schedules are only for employees.” Additionally, saying “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” can usually work, it may piss them off but it can work.
  • Continue on with the customer service. “I can’t help you with that, do you need help (with clothes, finding a product, ordering)?” or “Can I take your order?/Can I help you find (a product)?”
  • If they persist, insist they leave the store. “If you’re not going to order, please leave the building.” or “I can’t help you, have a nice day.” and, if you can, leave. If you can’t leave, call for or help the next customer.
  • If they still persist (by now they may be aggressive), threaten to call the police on the basis of them becoming aggressive and refusing to leave the premises. Some people will leave at that point, others stay. When the police get there, explain the situation but still do NOT confirm the existence of the employee they’re looking for to the police until they have been escorted out of the area.

Regardless of if the customer know the employee’s name, description, or daily (not hourly) schedule, even if they look like the same race and claim to be family, you NEVER confirm the employee’s existence.

The only exceptions are if the employee tells you themself they’re expecting someone to come in for them (ASK FOR A DESCRIPTION OF THE PERSON), and if you personally know who they are in relation to the employee. When anyone I know has to come in because I asked them to come in, I describe what they look like and what they usually wear. I go into deep descriptions, even including how they walk.

You could literally save a life, guys. Don’t blindly trust your gut either and think “But they LOOK innocent” or “But they said ______” because that can result in someone getting severely hurt, or killed.

I know I joked on this post before but seriously

If youre in the US it is against federal law to give out anyones personal information (this includes numbers, names, and schedules) without writen and signed permission.

Just say its against federal law and you cant give out that info without risk of termination - this will get 99% off your back the first time


This is the second time in my voting history that I’ve participated in flipping a red seat in Alabama for Democrats (the previous time being my beloved Doug Jones) so it’s always funny to see people turn around and say voting doesn’t matter when I’ve seen it twice in the past ten years flip seats in what is supposed to be safe Republican country. Republicans are digging their own grave with their radicalization and it is making them lose (and with your help we can make them lose harder). Vote.


Vote. If yours didn't matter, they wouldn't be trying so hard to make sure you couldn't do it.


Democrats outnumber Republicans in the US.

Democrats outnumber Republicans in several "red" states - the Rs just work very hard to keep them from voting.

In "red" states, every Democratic vote matters, even if they don't win; it proves support, and it makes the Rs nervous about pushing their agenda. (And in states where there is also voting on laws, the public can block some of their agenda even without voting in a Democratic governor or majority in their legislature.)

In "blue" states, Democratic votes help remind everyone that we outnumber them, and help push the Overton window to the left.

If voting didn't matter, nobody would be wasting money trying to convince you not to.


He wanted to love him, wanted to take care of him, wanted to slowly unwrap his convoluted, unknowable heart like opening a beautifully wrapped package. Luo Wenzhou had started on a path with his one-sided declaration, had made his preparations for a long and arduous journey, carrying a traveling bag of patience on his back.

📌 Zhang Xincheng and Fu Xinbo in Justice In The Dark

✨ this quote is from book Mo Du/Silent Reading by Priest


I’m noticing an increase in new fic writers on AO3 who…uh…mayy not know how to format their fics correctly..so here is a quick and VERY important tip

Using a random fic of mine as example..

The left example: ✅✅✅

The right example: ❌❌❌

Idk how many times I’ve read a good fic summary and been so excited to read before clicking on it and being met with an ugly wall of text. When I see a huge text brick with zero full line breaks my eyes blur and I just siiiigh bc either I click out immediately or I grin and bear it…it’s insufferable!

If a new character speaks, you need a line break. If you notice a paragraph is becoming too large, go ahead and make a line break and/or maybe reconfigure the paragraph to flow better. I’m not a pro writer or even a huge fic writer but…please…ty…

This is a good thing to keep in mind! It is often and unfortunate that a really good fic doesn’t get love because its formatting makes it too difficult to read!


Hey pro tip if this isn't your fault, if you have typed it into a word processor, usually a mobile one, with the spaces and it stripped them, the fastest way I know of to fix it on Android is to use Gboard and paste it from here

Also you can investigate the rich text option on the AO3 interface, but I don't actually use it

It is really annoying when people don't add breaks or add breaks that are much too large, but there has been a problem for a while of people not meaning to.


If you use Google Docs, the AO3 formatting script is a lifesaver. I started using it ages ago and have not looked back since. (Linking to a Reddit post because I'm not going to send you direct to a random Google Doc. You'll get occasional warnings from Google about whether you really want to let it read your shit in GDocs, but it's safe.)

Make a copy and put it in your own GDrive. When you're ready to upload, paste all that shit into the doc and ask it to format the text for you. It handles everything I've thrown at it, including blockquotes and strikethroughs.

If for some reason you need to de-HTML your text, it will do that too!


Please note that things get particularly weird when people confuse line breaks and paragraph breaks.

In your word processor, whether google docs or anything else, if you hold shift while you hit the enter key, you get a line break. This puts you on the next line but does not put a space between the paragraphs. Useful for poetry or lyrics, LOUSY for easy formatting of text.

If you simply hit enter but don't hold the shift button at the same time, you get a paragraph break.

Now, some sites will automatically turn line breaks into paragraph breaks, and some sites will not. Sometimes you get line breaks in notes sections being converted to paragraph breaks while line breaks in the story are not.

Sometimes to compensate, people will use two line breaks in place of one paragraph break. This is a Bad Habit to get into.

AO3 naturally puts a space after every paragraph break in the body of a story. It does not do that after line breaks. This is normal and expected behavior, because there is a style convention for online materials to have space between paragraphs (AND NO INDENTED FIRST LINE) because things are easiest to read that way, and online, page real estate isn't an issue.

In print, to distinguish between paragraphs, there are NOT generally extra spaces between them in prose, just indented first lines. This saves paper and preserves readability. You DO need to indent first lines when you are laying out large blocks of text for print. But extra spacing should be preserved for scene breaks, for example.

IF you get in the habit of using paragraph breaks in your word processor, and only one per paragraph, it will help in two ways.

  1. AO3 will correctly insert a small space between each paragraph.
  2. You won't accidentally double-space your stuff and end up with giant gaps.
  3. If someone makes a printed book out of something you write, it will save them hassles in the layout stage because we can tell a word processor or layout program or website to handle text differently without needing the body of the text to change to get the end result we want.

I set up a blank doc years ago for my own use formatted roughly the way AO3 does things, fonts, line spacing, style settings, all of it, and then set that as my google docs default. Which gets me a lot closer to 'what you see is what you get' (wysiwyg, pronounced whizzy-wig) and a lot less likely to reflexively double paragraph. Now if I hit a paragraph and it's not properly spaced, wherever I am, I go check my settings. The exception is facebook, where often hitting enter will post and using double line breaks is the only way to do multiple paragraphs reasonably, because facebook.

on google docs there's a really easy way to get paragraph breaks approximately the same size as the ones you see on ao3. it works like this:

  1. highlight your entire document (even if you haven't written anything yet, it just ensures everything is formatted the same)
  2. click the kebab menu at the end of your toolbar
  3. click on line and paragraph spacing (it should be the second from the left)
  4. click custom spacing
  5. you should see three boxes to fill out - in the final box, under paragraph spacing and after the word after, make that number 30pt
  6. hit apply

now every time you hit enter, the last line in your paragraph will have a larger gap between it and the next paragraph, meaning you still get the effect of having hit enter twice without it messing up your formatting when you copy it over to ao3

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