
May Our Deities Guide Us.

@eclectic-witcch / eclectic-witcch.tumblr.com

My name is Aurora. Eclectic witch, always open for asks be it spells, hits/tips, advice, information or suggestions and since I'm eclectic it can be on any "type" of craft. I do tarot and pendulum readings-inbox me for prices and to work out the deets https://ko-fi.com/readings. Please enjoy my blog! )O(

Working with Plants

1. Start your own Herbal. There are some great books out there, but recording your own experiences/uses/collected lore for herbs is invaluable. Draw, press or take photos of the plants you include. 

2. Learn about plants by seeing them with your own eyes. Visit botanical gardens, nurseries, garden centres and parks to see the plants in situ and (hopefully) correctly labelled. The human brain has an amazing memory for plants, it is a survival skill to be able to identify them. When you walk through a park or garden, notice the plants and identify those you know to re-establish this memory.

3. Grow things. Be as ambitious as your space, money and time allow. Collect plants that are hard to find, appeal to you and suit your climate. Go beyond culinary herbs. Be aware of where you plant things in the garden, both directionally and symbolically. Plants you have grown are constantly receiving offerings of your time, energy and resources and are therefore more likely to be willing to assist you.

4. Plants will die. Even the most experienced gardener will lose plants. Accept it. Don’t just buy a few seedlings and then decide you lack a green thumb because they all died. Some herbs are annuals, that means they only live for a season, some plants are deciduous, some will simply not be suited to your climate or area and fail to thrive. Be patient and persistent and become a student of gardening as well has herbcraft.

5. Work in depth with a particular herb or tree to discover its secrets. Read everything you can about it, research folklore and planetary correspondences, consume it raw, dried, as a tea and a tincture. Prepare a spagyric essence from it. Burn it as incense. Infuse oil with it. Grow it, talk to it, dream about it. Watch how it changes through the seasons, collect its seeds, smell its flowers. Do this until you know it inside out, and then begin again with another. 

6. Substituting herbs is tricky business. No, you can not replace all flowers with lavender or all herbs with rosemary. That is lazy nonsense. Put some actual effort into getting the herbs you need for a spell, and if you genuinely can’t acquire them find something botanically related, energetically similar or at very least ruled by the same planet.

7. Treat herbs and trees as spirits, with respect and humility. Ask before your take, leave offerings, communicate, bond with them and you will be rewarded with gifts and wisdom and powerful ingredients for your spells.

8. Poisonous herbs and strong entheogens are for advanced practitioners. Don’t just start growing or using them because you want to be taken seriously. Some of these plants are tricksters, they can be very seductive. They are quite capable of controlling you. Be wary.

9. When harvesting for magical use, think not only what the plant is but where it is growing. A tree on a university campus will have different properties to the same kind found in a graveyard. A herb growing at the crossroads is different to one found by a stream. 

10. Expand your learning and awareness beyond trees and herbs. Learn the lore of mosses, lichens, fungi and seaweeds. Parasitic and carnivorous plants. Get to know the plants that grow locally, even if they are far removed from those found in your books.

11. Check your sources when it comes to lore. If a book tells you lavender is good for love spells, question it. Try to discover where the information came from, look up the older herbals, read books of plant folklore, investigate planetary and elemental correspondences based on the nature and virtues of the plant, not just what Cunningham says. 

12. Develop relationships not only with individual trees and herbs, but with particular species. Plants can be spirit guides in the way that animals can. There is an oak tree, and then there is Oak. They can teach, guide and protect. Having a handful of plant allies you know intimately and fashioning your tools from their wood, planting them around your house and visiting them in the wild will make your connection to those spirits all the stronger.


Candle properties

black: grounding, wisdom, learning, protection, safety, hex-protection, banishing negativity.

brown: house blessing, animal magick, earth magick, stability, earth element, food financial crisis

gold: great fortune, abundance, divination, fast luck, solar energy, positive attitudes

gray: glamour, contemplation, removing negativity

green: prosperity, abundance, money, acceptance, weather, luck, marriage

lavender: intuition

light blue: spirituality, peacefulness

orange: creativity, self-expression, overcoming addiction, investments, celebration

pink: love, compassion, nurturing, emotional healing, protection of children.

purple: wisdom, influence, independence, breaking habits, spiritual power.

red: passion, strength, danger, conflict, fire, fertility, vitality

silver: stability, intuition, communication, moon magick

white: all purpose, unity, purity, cleansing, balance, truth, consecration

yellow: pleasure, imagination.


Pendulum 101

Alright, pals! Time to learn all about pendulum divination! Strengths: -Pendulums are best known for their ability to give quick yes/no answers! -Pendulums are don’t cost a lot of money and are easy to make. -Pendulums are very easy to pick up and learn quickly… no extensive training needed! Weaknesses: -Pendulums require a steady hand, which some people struggle with. -Pendulums don’t provide in-depth information, just surface-level answers. How To Do It: -First, set up a pendulum board. This can be a set board or cloth, or you can scribble it down on an index card. It’s traditionally two perpendicular lines, one for yes and one for no. Other things can be added as well! (Many people include a “Maybe,” “Rephrase the question,” add a circle of numbers or letters, even zodiac signs!) -Grab your pendulum and “set” it to the board. (I usually do this by tapping each point on the board with the pendulum and saying, “yes, no, one, two,” whatever is appropriate. -Give it a test run before asking the big questions. Ask it questions you already know, to make sure there isn’t anything interfering with the pendulum. Try to ask at least one yes and one no question! -Ask your question out loud. Then wait. Eventually the pendulum will start swinging towards your answer! How It Works: There are a few different schools of thought, here. Some say your Higher Self guides the pendulum, others say that spirits do. Some say the pendulum itself has a consciousness! Other people attribute its movements to the ideomotor effect. Many skeptics will try to discredit it this way. My personal response? So what if it uses the effect? We all know your subconscious is wayyy smarter than your conscious, so you probably know the answer to your question deep in your gut, somewhere and just need to bring it to the surface. This idea only increases the validity of pendulum divination, in my eyes. Tips: -You don’t need a fancy crystal pendulum. Any weighted object on a string will do! This includes necklaces, keys on lanyards, a needle and thread, you get the idea. -Pendulums are best used indoors in areas without drafts. These air movements could interfere with your reading! -I find it better to weigh my yes/no questions as a positive affirmation. For example, “Jenny likes me.” The yes/no response here would be very clear, where as “Jenny doesn’t like me” raises questions. Is a “No” because the statement is incorrect, or no because she doesn’t like you? Affirmations also give you the added help of gut feeling. If you say, “Jenny likes me,” and your gut feeling makes it feel like a lie, that’s important information. (Remember your subconscious is smart!) - If your pendulum is acting weird, try giving it a good cleanse! Sometimes they pick up “gunk” from extended use and get bogged down. -Pendulums are very useful for contacting spirits! If you hold your pendulum still and call for a spirit, they can signal their presence by moving it. I prefer this over tarot because tarot always guarantees a response, whether a spirit is there or not. Pendulum, meanwhile, is better for confirming your answers are genuine. If you’d like to see me do any other posts like this one, let me know! :)

“Greeks held Poison Hemlock and Aconite sacred to Hecate, and that both plants have intimate associations with death. Diodorus reports in Book 5 of his Ancient History that Hekate first discovered Aconite and “expended all her efforts in making up deadly poisons.” Aconite, also known as Monkshood and Wolfsbane, was believed by the ancient Greeks to have sprung from the banks of the Acheron, a river in Hades; and, alternatively, from the slavering jowls of the hell-hound Cerberus. Aconite is also supposed to have been the poison that formed the cup which Medea prepared for Theseus … Given what is known of the powers and idiosyncrasies of Aconite poisoning, it possible, even probable, that this plant may have been used as an adjunct to rites calling forth the Mighty Dead”

— Veneficium by Daniel Schulke

Witch Powder

“This is a most useful and general working powder of Cornish magical tradition . It is used to lift curses and drive away negative influences by casting it about a place or over a person , animal or object that has been ill - influenced . It may also be employed to cast powers and influences according to intent in general , and in generative magic it may be cast into a charmed fire to conjure that which is desired.

Make it by grinding together the following:
Camphor oil – 1 drop,
Dragon's blood – 3 tsp,
Earth from places of power – 1 tsp,
Madder root – 2 tsp,
Mugwort – 1 tsp,
Patchouli oil – 1 drop,
Salt – 1/2 tsp”

Traditional Witchcraft:

A Cornish Book of Ways

—by Gemma Gary


A Witch’s Ingredients: Lady’s Mantle/Achemilla


Love, Protection, Purity, Fertility, Beauty, Youth, Improving Romance and Libido

Scientific Information/Overview

Lady’s Mantle is a the common name of Achemilla, which is a genus of plant in the family Rosaceae. There is about 300 species of Lady’ Mantle found across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. Some are used for medicinal purposes for gynacological disorders, issues or menstruation while others are commonly used in teas for spiritual or traditional purposes.

Other common names of Lady’s Mantle are - Lion’s Foot, Bear’s Foot, Stellaria and Pied-de-Lion.


Known as a herb greatly revered by alchemists, and where it gets its name Achemilla, it was often believed that gathering that the dew on the leaves of this plant was very magical and powerful. Many alchemists would bottle the dew believing it was connected to many magical powers and itself would increase their own powers. Some believed it could be connected to the Philosopher’s Stone. Women, especially in Europe, would also collect the dew from Lady’s Mantle believing that applying it to the face and skin would rejuvenate it and make it more beautiful and soft. It was later on commonly used in the 16th century by women to “restore” virginity for it was believed that the herb would heal any signs of pre-marital sex and restore any “damages” to the vagina and uterus. 

Mid-wives would use tinctures and teas of Lady’s Mantle before and after child birth believing it would help the mother recover faster and allow her to carry child again sooner.

It was wildly believed that Lady’s Mantle was a cure-all for many ailments including rashes, impotence, sores and welts, fever, bronchitis and organ failure though like many historical believes most of these declarations were inaccurate and unresearched.


Often the plant is associated with the Christian Virgin Mary and where its restorative powers of virginity in women likely originated from. Though the name “Lady’s Mantle” also is related to Mary due to the curved leaves appearing to be like a lady’s mantle or cloak.

Many female deities are related to Lady’s Mantle, especially goddesses of fertility, virginity and motherhood, such as: Isis, Tawaret, Brigid, Damara, Freyja, Frigg, Demeter, Hera and Libera. Though a few male deities are related to it as well. Both Dionysus and Pan are associated with it due to its associations with fertility and libido.

The herb is said to be connected to the planet of Venus and the element of Water.

Modern Medicinal Uses

Often, Lady’s Mantle is brewed into teas used to help relieve the pain, cramping and bloating caused by periods. It is also commonly utilized by women facing and experience menopause to lessen some of the symptoms of it such as bleeding, sweating and soreness. The teas are also drank to help with digestive issues, painful gas and upset stomachs.

As a tincture it is often applied to rashes, swelling or areas the muscles are sort to help bring some minor relief. It can also be applied to the stomach to relieve stomach aches, indigestion, bloating and menstrual cramps though it isn’t usually as strong as the teas. Some herbalists recommend both the use of the teas and the tinctures to relieve insomnia and anxiety in some patients.

This herb is still used by midwives with women after giving birth to help the uterus “heal and regain shape” though this is wildly debated among professionals over whether it actually helps in after birth care or not. Some midwives still use it to induce labor and contractions in pregnant women if they are having difficulties in birthing or are past their due date - though doctors and hospitals no longer use this method.

Some dentists will recommend its use to help with tooth and gum pain after extractions and other oral surgeries. Tea from it can also be used to help with canker sores on the tongue and gums, though it isn’t proven to help them heal any quicker only to help relieve the pain for short periods of time.

Modern Magical Uses

Many witches associate Lady’s Mantle with love spells and fertility spells - which it has been used for both for a very long time. Teas of it are often shared by couples before intercourse to promote fertility in a simple ritual. Rituals of applying tincture of Lady’s Mantle flowers to the chest and stomach of a lover is said to improve libido and passion between the pair before intercourse. Carrying the flowers is said to improve one’s attractiveness to others. Carrying sachets of the dried leaves is said to to help attract love into one’s life. Bathing with the herb added to the bath water is said t improve self love and beauty. 

Lady’s Mantle is often added to jar spells and enchantments to increase the power and fortitude of the spells. It is seen like a magnifier of most magic - so often it is added to all sorts of spells to give it an extra boost as well as to wards, poppets and altars. Some believe that planting Lady’s Mantle in your garden will help keep it protected and warded from baneful magic.

Using Lady’s Mantle in anointing oil and anointing oneself or a candle is said to improve the spell or ritual being done, improve energy flow and improve psychic awareness. Some will use it on their forehead and chest to help keep themselves from exhausting their energies too quickly during divination or trancework.

Casting Lady’s Mantle into fire or burning it in a spell is said to be a “cure” for a broken heart and mourning of a lost relationship allowing the caster to move on from it.

Cultivation and Care

Lady’s Mantle comes in a wide variety of species thought most like to grow in cool, moist climates with rich fertile soil. These plants need plenty of space about 12 inches (about 30cm) of room to properly flourish and grow. It can be potted though that is not ideal for long term growth and care, it does best planted in the ground. When planting from seeds they need only shallow planting but need thorough watering to ensure the soil stays moist. Germination of most Lady’s Mantle is around 3 to 4 weeks, though it varies between species.

These plants need plenty of water, especially if in intense sunlight or bright areas. In less sunny areas make sure the soil stays moist but not flooded. Lady’s Mantle is prone to seed and spread rapidly, be sure to take precautions to prevent it from getting too out of hand and taking over your garden or yard.

The parts of these plants used are mostly commonly the leaves and flowers. The leaves can be dried and used in teas or tinctures as well as fresh ones can be used in carrier oils to make Lady’s Mantle anointing oils. The leaves can also be eaten fresh, though often they need to be harvested when young, and are used in salads, wraps, sandwiches and pesto. Though women in late pregnancy are advised not to ingest or use caution when using Lady’s Mantle (more below). The flowers of the plant can also be used for teas or dried for magical uses and purposes. The roots of the plant are occasionally used as well but the benefits and taste of the powdered roots are not as potent as the leaves.

Side Effects and Cautions

According to Webmd - Lady’s Mantle is possibly safe for most people when taken in proper doses. Though some research shows that it could potentially cause liver damage over time if used in large amounts - though many professionals argue that this research is exaggerated or incorrect.

It is advised due to lack of overall research with this herb in recent years for women who are breast-feeding to avoid using this plant. Mixed information on its effects on women who are pregnant make it a cautionary herb and also recommended to be avoided or to speak with a doctor before using. It is not known to cause any issues with medications but this is again under researched and is advised that people on regular meds should speak with their doctors before using Lady’s Mantle regularly. It is not known to cause skin irritations though people with allergies to common herbs or grass are recommended to avoid using this plant on their skin.


*much of this post came from my personal grimoire and years of research on the herbs and plants I commonly use. Additional information I used are listed below!

Please do not copy or repost this post, I put a lot of effort and time into making this (theft isn’t nice) - reblogs are of course always welcome! 

Like what I do/post? Interested in letting me know? Feel free to buy me a coffee! Or ask for my paypal~


Spirit Working Tip

that also extends to gods, angels, demons, or whatever else you’re working with.  Nothing is free. Everything comes with a price. If you ask for something, they may not be upfront about it, but the spirit will want something in turn. Make sure you know what that is before you begin.  Gods and spirits don’t just give. 

Something I’ve always done is provide payment beforehand, offering up what I think is an appropriate price for whatever it is I may request. That way it’s made clear what I’m willing to give, and it’s usually generous compared to what I request. If it is not accepted, it tells me that I’m either dealing with a greedy spirit, or what I’m asking is worth far more than what i anticipated, which tends to make me reconsider what I requested in the first place.

Excellent advice. 


Tips for beginner witches

Where to start? This is the most common question i receive. I understand how overwhelming the craft can be! There are so many different components, and you can rest knowing your education will NEVER be complete. You will continue to learn new things all the time, and there is no rush to the order in which you learn! Cool down, and take some time to really fall into theory before jumping into practice. Its very important to read as much as you can, from as many sources as possible. Here are some of the many things you can research:

  • Crystals & their uses
  • Color correspondences
  • Different kinds of Magic
  • Different kinds of witches
  • Tools
  • Moon Phases
  • Planets/Celestial Bodies
  • Witch History
  • Herbs & their uses
  • Plants that are naturally abundant in your area that you can use in magick
  • Energy
  • Meditation and Visualisation
  • Astral Projection
  • Deities
  • Tarot cards and other forms of divination
  • Symbols (runes, sigils)
  • Theban alphabet 
  • Incense and Oils
  • Animals and what they represent
  • Sabbats
  • Cleansing, charging and consecration of tools
  • making mundane things magical

There are so many more things, so feel free to add in anything I missed or that you personally find important.

Witchlings, please ask me any questions you may have as i am happy to answer to the best of my knowledge. I will be putting up more educational posts over the next few weeks, so please ask or message me if theres anything specific you’d like me to cover. I’ll more than likely have a post for each of the bullet points above.

Blessed be!

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