
@therewasamoment / therewasamoment.tumblr.com

Em//24//US// I like a lot of things. still here for whatever 1d is up to these days, also achievement hunter/rt, gilmore girls, apparently hockey now, and whatever new obsession i may throw myself into

I know this is horrible but this comment was left on a true crime youtube video and I cannot stop laughing. 


“He could put you on the end of that and say: “Yes, I know you.” The idea is that these two people know each other, knew each other other when they first saw each other, That they recognized each other from their future.” - Joe Wright


why are we still here? just to suffer? every day i get emails


A guy goes into a bar and orders a beer. Bartender says, “that’ll be a dollar”

The guy thinks, “man, that’s cheap,” but the beer was delicious. So he finishes his beer and decides to take a chance. “Bartender, I’ll have your finest wine” bartender goes through a long process of showing the bottle. Opening it. Aerating the wine. Pouring it into nice a nice glass and says. “That’ll be 50 cents”. The guy can’t believe it. So he thinks ‘fuck it ’ and says “I’ll have a whole bottle of your best scotch “. The bartender hands it to him and says “here. On the house”. Curiosity finally gets the better of the guy. He asks “ok. Where’s the owner” bartender replies “upstairs with my wife”. The guy asks “what’s he doing upstairs with your wife?” And the bartender looks the man in the eye and replies “same thing I’m doing to his business”…

Hey Jeff, change your url please.


idk why Sandra Oh’s comedy chops surprised people like I know she’s been a drama actor for years but never forget her roots and the pinnacle of comedy for her role as Vice Principal Gupta in The Princess Diaries (2001)

what she says: i’m fine
what she means: i still can’t believe simon’s fucking “friends” abandoned him after he was traumatically outed to the entire school, over something as petty as high school relationships. they didn’t even take an “i love you but i’m mad at you” approach, they forced him to face returning to school alone, even sit alone at lunch in total isolation. The hate incident happens in the cafeteria and they don’t do ANYTHING. they don’t stand up and say anything, they don’t support simon, they don’t even try to stop it. they just sit silently and watch as simon, and simon ALONE, confronts his attackers in front of everybody. yet somehow the narrative portrays them as The Good Guys, the heroes of the story who have nothing to apologize for.

You must know… surely, you must know it was all for you. You are too generous to trifle with me. I believe you spoke with my aunt last night, and it has taught me to hope as I’d scarcely allowed myself before. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes have not changed, but one word from you will silence me forever. If, however, your feelings have changed, I will have to tell you: you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on. Matthew Macfadyen as Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy in Pride & Prejudice (2005)


$50,000 immediately dropped into my bank account wouldn't improve EVERYTHING but boy it sure would be a grand, sexy little start to a good, happy life path, don't you think

Reblog for unexpected $$$ dropping into your Bank account.

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