
Me: Alright, are you ready, Hattie?

Hattie: Meow

Me: *sings* ♪ If you’re happy and you know it, say “meow” ♪

Hattie: Mraaow

Me: ♪ If you’re happy and you know it, say “meow” ♪

Hattie: Mrah

Me: ♪ If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it, if you’re happy and you know it, say “meow” ♪

Hattie: *rolls over* Mwraaah!


This is exactly the kind of A+ content I come to see on this website



In the Netherlands, abortion is freely available on demand. Yet the Netherlands boasts the lowest abortion rate in the world, about 6 abortions per 1000 women per year, and the complication and death rates for abortion are miniscule. How do they do it? First of all, contraception is widely available and free — it’s covered by the national health insurance plan. Holland also carries out extensive public education on contraception, family planning, and sexuality. An ethic of personal responsibility for one’s sexual activity is strongly promoted. Of course, some people say that teaching kids about sex and contraception will only encourage them to have lots of sex. But Dutch teenagers tend to have less frequent sex, starting at an older age, than American teenagers, and the Dutch teenage pregnancy rate is 9 times lower than in the U.S.


I endorse evidence-based medicine, and evidence-based activism.


Não finalizado

Achei que me apaixonar novamente depois de tudo que passei seria bom, até que esta sendo mas cheguei em um ponto onde gostar de você dói. Não, não como uma figura de linguagem, realmente estou sentindo dor física toda vez que o pensamento viaja até você, toda vez que meus olhos são agraciados pelo fato de que posso admirar sua beleza. Ainda não sei o que me fez gostar de você - ou sei e não quero admitir - talvez sua beleza, esse seu jeitinho as vezes meigoas que quando necessário você sabe se impor, definitivamente existem muitos "talvez" para serem listados. Somente sei que sofro e sofro calada porque sempre coloquei você acima de mim, mas está passando da hora do meu vem estar vir primeiro, desculpa se daqui pra frente pareça que estou com raiva de você ou oitra coisa, nunca teria a intenção de te magoar, nem você me machucaria por querer e não te culpo por tudo que estou sentindo, simplesmente preciso...


I just thought I should actually admit this somewhere. I fell in love with one of my best friends. She's straight, not even bicurious. Have a thing for liking jerks, but I'm just someone who has to listen to her, be there to support her. I'm just getting fed up of keeping my feelings for myself, but I don't wanna ruin the friendship we have. I'm so confused, that's so much on my mind. Don't know what to do anymore

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