
1000% rolleigns trash.

@icchampreigns-blog / icchampreigns-blog.tumblr.com

Jamie. Canadian. 23. White. Random Fandom Trash. Main fandom is WWE, sadly. Pro Jinder Mahal and Roman Reigns blog. Click this link to find out what I'm not a fan of. All hate will be deleted, so don't even try it, ambrollins and ambreigns, stans. If you're a nazi, homophobe or general trash, get the fuck off of my blog.

moved. if i follow you from the new blog, you’ll have a message from me on this blog.


WWE also said that Dean may be out 4-6 months which means no Dean heel turn and he won’t he facing Seth at WrestleMania

WM is such a long time from now so I think there’s a chance he’d still be able to return by then, but probably not in time to set up any heel turn/shield break up/ambrollins bullcrap at mania. Which is good because they need to let that crap die and do something different

LMAO, thank fuck we might not get that shit. Because we need to see Dean vs Seth for the thousandth fucking time, and at Wrestlemania to boot, where it won't live up to the name.

Anonymous asked:

Wait are you anti reylo??? I’m trying not to follow any anti reylo blogs/antis because it really gets me down so I just wanna clear things up?

I’m incredibly anti reylo, yes.


hey hey can i reblog tlj stuff , specifically anti reylo posts, without tagging it yet?

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