
Just, "the Doctor." Hello!

@justthedoctorhello / justthedoctorhello.tumblr.com


Rose and 9

A confident smirk stains the Doctor’s lips as red wine would on red sheets when he surveys the situation through the crevice in the wall they’d slipped through — ‘we’re safe in here’, is what she gathers, and she’d have been a fool to not believe him. He’d gotten them out of worse scrapes than this one, yeah? It’s all down to waiting, this, and she fares pretty well… until the dragon gets tired of pursuing them, at least, and Rose Tyler starts yearning for the licking of the flames to her back that she’d been unaware that she’d miss.  It’d been difficult enough crawling into their hideout in the first place, flowing robes and corset and all — the material was unbearably thin, too, especially during the winter season. This, she only notices now as she clutches the light shawl tighter around her shoulders — utterly impractical. Then she’s engulfed in warm leather, and a grateful sigh slips from her lips as she turns her nose into the collar and inhales, taking in the familiar scent. It’s too big for her and makes her feel small (as if she didn’t already feel small beside him), but the battered material is made warm from his residual body heat, and she’s appreciative of the warmth it provides.                                    ——— He’s quick to ruin the moment with a chide her way,                                   even before she has the opportunity to thank him for the loan.  "Didn’t ‘xactly know tha’ a large, fire-breathing dragon was on the prowl, did I?" She hedges a tad defensively, throwing a glance his way. "Assumed it’d been abandoned, an’ I wasn’t gonna jus’… leave it t’ freeze to death." And how was she to care for it, after she’d executed step one? Couldn’t very well have sat on the egg herself, could she, to transfer warmth to it until it hatched? … She’d have figured out something, though, she would have — Rose Tyler’s certain of it. Something akin to a wail (more yowling and howling than wailing, though, when the dragon’s concerned) echoes and reverberates to her ears, then, and she takes the opportunity to creep forward and gaze through the peephole, paying the Doctor no further mind. It’s a yawn, she realises belatedly — her suspicions are further confirmed when the beast repeats the wail, the noise accompanied with an almost lethargic opening of its jaws as it inhales deeply, scaly head settling even closer to the ground as slanted reptilian eyes droop to half-mast.                    ”S’pose we’re going t’ wait ‘til she drops off, then, yeah?”


He never did notice how caught up in this particular human he sometimes got until something else broke the spell (listen to him; dragons and spells… Far too much BBC! He’d have to do something about it. Sometime.). This time it was Rose herself who jolted him back to reality and he turned away from her to blink at the dragon. ‘Drops off of what?’ he wondered, spinning back to Rose with a dubious frown.

Then back to the dragon again, but this time – Oh! Oh! Well, of /course/, look at her, already stamping down the earth to make herself comfortable, purring loud enough to rattle their little cave! “Well, sure, takes a massive amount of energy to drag around that bulk, and we're no easy catch," he beamed. "Only a matter of time,” he agreed, as if he’d been waiting for it all along. As if that should have gone without saying.

As if he hadn’t realized it was a viable option until just after she’d mentioned it.

“Shouldn’t be long, now.

“We’ll just –“ Something in the peripheral of his awareness teased at him, though he went on to mumble, “wait,” as he laid a hand on the wall of the cavern.

The vibrations.

No, something wasn’t quite right. Rose-sicles aside, and discounting the sleepy dragon outside…


“Hear that?”

Probably not.


“D’ya /feel/ that?”

The Doctor slid past Rose, hands walking along the wall as he squeezed furthur back, encroaching on the darkness. With one ear pressed against the stone wall, he pulled a face and looked at the dragon, again, listening more carefully before he complained out loud: “Dragons don’t /purr/.” (Whoever thought /that/ was ridiculous.)

If not the dragon, then… what?  

“What do you suppose has got a mountain purring?” His brows flitted up with the invitation and he disappeared into the black!



pinkspacechips [My muse was drugged and kidnapped; your muse finds them a week later, tied up and overdosed, barely alive in the cellar of a mutual acquaintance. How does your muse react?]


“I’m going to speak very softly and you are not going to speak a word,” the Doctor said, as gently as if he were speaking to a frightened child, and he smoothed sweat-slicked hair away from Rose Tyler’s face as he continued. “Rose is waking up now,

“And I hope you realize how very, very lucky you are that Rose is waking up now-

“So listen to me very carefully: I’m going to take her into the TARDIS and you are going to stand right there until I come back for you.

“I am going to end you.

“I am going to take away everything that makes you what you are. I am going to erase every moment you’ve ever lived and I am going to leave whatever husk is left of you here in this room.”

The sonic buzzed, loosing the bonds that tied Rose, and whined as it scanned her. He went absolutely rigid upon inspecting the results. “Oooh,” a slow, mournful sound; and then, slowly, “Oh, but I hope you run,” the Doctor growled, coming to his feet with Rose cradled in his arms. He swept her away with the tightly controlled urgency of a soldier. 

It had only been a week since she’d been kidnapped, but even without the distorting effects of the drugs that had been forced into Rose’s system, it felt like much longer.  She couldn’t feel anything and was only aware in the dimmest of regards that someone was talking above her; whosever touch it was that brushed against her face was cold, but that was all she could tell.  Her head was swimming, her senses dull, her body weak and bruised at the wrists and ankles from where she’d been tied up. 
She barely moved or reacted as the Doctor carried her off into the TARDIS.  Even once inside — nothing.  Rose was alive, but only just, and the chemicals in her blood kept her about as responsive as a brick wall.  If the Doctor had been any later to rescue her, she probably would have died, either from the amount of chemicals her captor had pumped into her to keep her out of it, or the lack of proper food and water.
As the minutes went by she began to flicker more into conciousness, becoming vaguely aware that she was on something softer than a hard floor. The word ‘bed’ poked through her sluggish mind, and fainted away before anything came of the thought. Images swam in and out her memory; grasping them, grasping the world around her, was like catching smoke.  Save for her shallow breathing, she lay motionless wherever the Doctor had her. 
Back in the cellar, the man who had captured her was trying to quickly pack away as much evidence as he could before the Doctor returned.  He didn’t feel like dying today — not on account of them.

Between tearing through cupboards to find what was needed and … and just tearing through cupboards… the medroom was in a state of disarray that was a sharp contrast to the two, still figures. It bore the brunt of his temper, for he did not leave the room once he brought Rose in and laid her down.

 He’d gone so far as to turn away from her, to storm the door… but he’d reached out to clutch the frame, an anchor against what he was about to do. A shuddering breath. Another. One hand lashed out at something on the counter beside him. It shattered against the floor and the sound set loose something primeval in him; he swept that counter clear with a strangled cry. Still wild, he turned to grab something across from him to hurl it out of the room and slammed the door closed after it and that wasn’t enough – it was not enough – but he stopped.

 Palms flat against the now cleared countertop, the Doctor’s shoulders heaving with each gulp of air he forced into his lungs, it wasn’t long before he was moving through the room with tight, measured actions, retrieving those items he would need for her care.

 The week had brought the Doctor low. It was a triumph for the man who’d taken Rose.

 If he had not overestimated the Doctor’s kindness, it might have been a win.

 He set about her care with the quiet dignity a real doctor might posses, and if he stopped once or frice to brush her hair or to lay his forehead to hers, there was no one the wiser for it. It was a very tenuous thread holding his pieces together as she lay numb, unresponsive, listless; everything that made Rose … Rose… slumbering (he hoped) beneathe a drug induced haze, leaden because she was ill, not because she was…

 When there was nothing else to do, when he couldn’t even pretend to do more; when she was clean and cared for and treated with all the very best he had at his disposal (which was quite a lot, and very, /very/ good), he sat, and he waited, and he did not move or think or do. 


Rose and 9

Two hours they’d been trapped inthis good for nothing “escape” he’d so cleverly gotten them stuck in. They probably wouldn’t be safe to creep away even if they /had/ some means of climbing out, not with a dragon crawling around outside, but the fact remained: so far as he could tell, there /was/ no means of climbing out of their foxhole, all smooth walls or slipping gravel. ‘Sit tight,’ he said. ‘Can’t get to us here,’ he said. And it was true. ‘We just have to wait for her to wander off – tiny little pea brain, in there; won’t be long,’ he said. And it wasn’t a lie.

 It just happened that he’d been wrong, that’s all.

 The scaly bugger decided to sit back on her haunches and wait, having nothing better to do with herself – nothing bigger to eat. With a hungry little one on the way, every bite was a good one.

 To make matters worse, once she stopped spitting fire at them, it got /cold/. Cold enough for the Doctor to notice even if it didn't bother /him/.

 The far less evolved human companion behind him, teeth chattering away like a wind up toy?

 Not like she could help it, though; can’t out-stubborn biology, not even if you’re a Tyler. Not even if she tried – and he could tell she was; trying. The Doctor rolled his eyes at all the trying she was doing just to keep from freezing. Stupid little – no, not even that! At least apes had fur! 

 With a huff and a small complaint about middle earth costume (Because what good was that gown doing her now, 2 hours in the Wardrobe later? Bodice like that was for ball rooms, not winter romps through the country side [And whose fault is that? a little voice in the back of his mind scolded, with aspersions against his driving skills and hadn’t he been aiming for a palace and not a primeval wilderness?]) the Doctor shrugged out of his coat and dropped it over the girl’s shoulders with a gruff, “Yer nose is red,” before he settled down beside her.

 He frowned down at the shivering blonde, reassuring himself (not for the first time) that she was in no real danger of freezing to death (yet!). Before she could ask about leaving or complain about this very poorly executed retreat, before he apologized for getting them into it or worried about how to get her out of it, he leaned forward a bit, elbow on his knee, and demanded in a none-too-gentle tone, “The next time I tell ya not to touch the egg,

 “Don’. Touch. The egg.”


(( ooc PSA ))

I unfollowed a bajillion people just now because I forgot that I had this blog and thought I'd just do a reset. I follow EVERYONE on my rosetylerdwrp blog, so no one needs to feel left out or unloved or ANYTHING! I just want to keep this one clean, the dashboard clear, and keep replies easy to get to. Ha. 




pinkspacechips [My muse was drugged and kidnapped; your muse finds them a week later, tied up and overdosed, barely alive in the cellar of a mutual acquaintance. How does your muse react?]


“I’m going to speak very softly and you are not going to speak a word,” the Doctor said, as gently as if he were speaking to a frightened child, and he smoothed sweat-slicked hair away from Rose Tyler's face as he continued. “Rose is waking up now,

“And I hope you realize how very, very lucky you are that Rose is waking up now-

“So listen to me very carefully: I’m going to take her into the TARDIS and you are going to stand right there until I come back for you.

“I am going to end you.

“I am going to take away everything that makes you what you are. I am going to erase every moment you’ve ever lived and I am going to leave whatever husk is left of you here in this room.”

The sonic buzzed, loosing the bonds that tied Rose, and whined as it scanned her. He went absolutely rigid upon inspecting the results. “Oooh,” a slow, mournful sound; and then, slowly, “Oh, but I hope you run,” the Doctor growled, coming to his feet with Rose cradled in his arms. He swept her away with the tightly controlled urgency of a soldier. 


pinkspacechips, Rose and 10

The Doctor ran through the halls of the space ship not quite as fast as he could – Rose was behind him and tiring. This one had been more difficult than either of them were used to… Oh, it was full of the usual stuff: evil overlords, plans of domination, hidden plots, wicked men (well, in this case women - weeell, females, anyway - they're all a bit androgynous, aren't they?). They’d been separated and the Doctor had been afraid. Angry, very angry, but he’d been properly scared, this time, and thoroughly relieved to have found her again as quickly as he did. It could have been bad. Wasn’t - of course not - as if he’d allow anything to happen to her! As if she couldn't take care of herself.

Could have been, though. 

Still, the TARDIS was not far ahead, and they needed to get off this boat before the higher ups discovered his very clever, frankly remarkable sabotage and-

Alarms went off. He groaned and backpedaled, grabbed Rose’s hand with a wide grin and dragged her onwards that much faster. “Nearly there!” he promised.

Then he heard boots in front of them. The heavy march of many boots, jogging. A quick jog. "What is that, a trot? Do Gregajians trot? Three feet, yes, suppose they could-"

He grabbed Rose round the waist and spun her against the wall, physically stopping her from turning the corner so quickly that his trench coat flared. His brown eyes darted back the way they’d come before zeroing in on a – “Oh, a utility closet,” he gushed, beaming, swinging the door open and propelling them both into the very cramped block of space. He let out a manic giggle, scarcely avoiding stepping into the mop bucket. “Look out,” he warned, quietly. He kept a hand on her waist and braced his other arm against the wall, tucking them against it like sardines before he was able to close the door.

The darkness that swallowed them was complete, but the duck-and-hide technique had worked again – the march of boots went on past their hiding place, slow and steady, and the Doctor let out a sigh of relief, relaxing somewhat though he would not be completely at ease until they’d all passed and he’d gotten Rose safely back into the TARDIS. “All right, there?” he chirped, quietly, moving his hand from her waist to her back… just to keep track of her in the darkness, he reassured his Time Lordly sensibilities.

Still. Bit of a squeeze. He clucked his tongue. “These used to be bigger,” came his peevish, whispered complaint. Bit much of a squeeze.



  Benny smirked. “Um hi?  You were saying?”  She folded her arms across her chest. “Evidently  not,” she chuckled. “Right TARDIS, wrong time, right? So umm who is the lucky girl? or boy.”

Benny stood there awkwardly holding the  bouquet, unsure if she was supposed give it back. She was sure her own Doctor had some thing special for her anyway. Hopefully something even more divine as this. But already that bouquet was  making her damn hungry.

"Wrong-" the Doctor spluttered, his insult only half-feigned. "I'll have you know that, well, yes, in fact." He deflated; he /pouted/. "It may be the wrong... time..." 

He huffed, twice, and snatched the bouquet from her arms. "Well. The lucky - Both, actually! Both, yes!" he hummed, smug behind his bananas. "They - Oh, never mind. Spoilers, and all that.

"Here you are, Benny!" the Doctor declared, his tone lighter as he handed the bouquet back to her with an air of showmanship. "You would have liked this! I wanted the one with the strawberries anyway. And pineapple," he twittered, rubbing his once-again-freed hands together in anticipation. 

He turned to leave but paused, glancing back at her, taking her in. He swallowed, just that one, tiny crack in his well-practiced air of unaffected normalcy. "Well. Happy Valentine's Day, Benny. I'm sure I'll see you later! Oh, you know what I mean! You can tell him it's from you!" he added, indicating the basket. 

"I'd /love/ a good banana bouquet!"




I am BACK! I think I only had two stories going and hope I didn't put those two writers out much. I do apologize! Real life, etc.

I AM back, though, and ready to write! I will send off replies to both the girls, picking up where we left off, and hope you will continue! I would LOVE to hear from anyone else that would like to start something else. 

Thank you!



  Benny heard the banging on the TARDIS door. The Doctor couldn’t of locked himself out could he? Even so she walked over to the door pulling it open. Peeking over the large bouquet.

Even though this was going to be rather awkward having a future Doctor appear in the TARDIS, however she couldn’t stop herself grinning like an excited child.  

"Did you get the wrong TARDIS?" she asks taking the bouquet.  Now this was what she always wanted her own Doctor to buy.. Forget boring flowers that die within a few days. This bouquet was absolutely divine, she could eat it, although that was possible the purpose for it.

The Doctor blinked, slowly, as the strange voice took away his bouquet. "What! No!" he snapped, the denial holding more than a little sneer. "I'd no my own TARDIS," scolded the Time Lord. He scoffed, marching inside to make sure, squeezing full around her before he stomped back outside. "And this," he drawled, his sharp attitude slowly melting into a state of flummox. "This is.... the wrong TARDIS."

He parted a few of the bananas down the middle so that he could see who he was talking to. "Oh," he whinged, his lips pursed and puffed, and ready for a B word: Blast? Bloody? Bother? "Benny!" be blurted, with a huff. 



The vworp of the TARDIS engines would announce the Doctor’s arrival long before the knock at their door. 

Strike that - the dull thud down towards the bottom of the door. He was kicking at it. “Oi!” came his petulant cry. “Open up! I’m going to drop it!” 

He heard, more than saw, the door open and cried, “Happy Valentine’s Day!” from behind a fruit bouquet; a massive, chololate-dipped fruit bouquet. Triumphant, excited, and giddy all at once, he rose up onto his toes as if that would help him see over his treasure. “Chocolate covered bananas! In a bouquet!” The Doctor was very pleased with himself. “It’s chocolate. And bananas.” He paused, dramatically. “In a /bouquet!/” 


(( So he missed Valentine's day. So he's a week late. Let's be honest; V-day was just a convenient excuse, anyway. /Obviously/ he found the Edible Arrangements store. ))

(( This was written with 11's voice in my head, but could just as easily swing for a 10! Open to any and all companions! Or maybe he has the wrong door! ))


HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, PONDS! // timesofthenewroman

The vworp of the TARDIS engines would announce the Doctor's arrival long before the knock at the door. 

Strike that - the dull thud down towards the bottom of the door. He was kicking at it. "Oi!" came his petulant cry. "Ponds! Open this up! I'm going to drop it!" 

He heard, more than saw, the door open and cried, "Happy Valentine's Day!" from behind a fruit bouquet. A massive, chololate-dipped fruit bouquet. Triumphant, excited, and giddy all at once, he rose up onto his toes as if that would help him see over the bouquet. "Chocolate covered bananas! In a bouquet!" The Doctor was very pleased with himself. "It's chocolate! And bananas!" He paused, dramatically. "In a /bouquet!/" 


Started with a Call // lost-rose-tyler + 11

He regressed back to furtive glances and stolen looks for several minutes as he made himself very busy with the console. “She’s um, well, she’s *Clara,*” he mumbled, hands flying over the input as he sorted the data to be read. “Os…win? You know, I don’t think that’s her real name. Os..good, no… Os…. Bah, something Oz.” He twittered and waved for Rose’s attention; held a finger up to ask her to wait in almost the same gesture. “Oh, oh, the wizard! In his gadget box!” He flew around the console and shoved a lever up; a giant, broken image of his head, super-imposed around the time rotor, flickered to life. “Eh? They got that from /me!/” he laughed, and so did the head. The head’s voice was scrambled and slightly out of sync, never mind octaves lower than it should have been. “Ran into a-” He ducked away as the head continued to shout over him. “Oh, shut up,” they both complained before the Doctor shut down the hologram with a backhanded swat to the switch. “Bad spot of trouble with a Fileezian. Now, Shirley Temple, there’s a nice girl. /Perfectly/ nice. I’m sorry I didn’t get her home in time for the filming. She would have been lovely in that film. Just lovely!” He sighed, content, leaning back against the console to smile at Rose, watching her to see that she was properly impressed. She was /always/ the best audience, always, even when he didn’t realize he was showing off - even when he did! - even when he didn’t and she called him out on it - even when he knew exactly what he was doing and she let him get away with it anyway - oh yes, especially then. 

*Well, that seemed the best answer she was going to get. Unless she met the girl-which may or may not happen. The furtive glances and stolen looks he shot her weren’t completely missed; and she rather felt like a school girl herself-being fawned over by a crush, or something. But she arched her brows a bit all the same and continued for the moment to lean on the console and watch him as he danced and pirouetted about fiddling with things and making random comments. All for her, but she didn’t quite know that. Not really. Though her eyes certainly seemed to sparkle as she watched-giving in to few giggles here and there, one that caused her chin to slip off of her palm as she looked off to one side for a moment to cover the laugh.*

                                       “The hologram just needs a teeny bit of work.”

*It was a wonderful visual likeness…at least. She wondered what the Fileezians looked like and then asked* 

                                      “You took Shirley Temple for a ride on the TARDIS?”

*Looking back at him, a proper grin in her face.*

                                      “That must have been a riot.” *She was certainly letting him get away with it for now. And why not? She had missed this. Oh she’d call him out on it at some point, but for the moment-she’d let him have his moment…She let her forearms slide down to lay across the console, as she lifted her waist up a tad on her heels, and cocked her head a bit.*

                                    “You’ve been messing with the controls, do we have a destination? Has the Sonic given us somewhere?“

*A flick of her hand indicated the screwdriver that he’d inserted into the console earlier and smirked at him*

                                     “Or do I have to pick some place to go?”

"Not the controls," he answered, looking up at her. He frowned and made one further admission. "Diagnostics." Then, he spun a dial. "It can wait. I think." He waited, counting three full rounds, and stopped it. He stroked the dial, once, before moving to retrieve the sonic from its slot. He flipped it, sighed, and smiled! "I'd know it if the universe was imploding, eh? I'm something of an expert, you know! Why, I've... Well... Never mind, that. "Off we go! What would you like, Rose Tyler? Backwards or forwards? Home or away? Lady's choice," he added, a term River had certainly made sure he was familiar with. "Ooo, I'd better not say that around you, again," he complained, aloud, pushing River back into her compartment. He rubbed his cheek, remembering slaps, imagining new ones, and wondering about Rose. He gave her a strange look and threw the lever. "Random it is!" he cried and grabbed hold of the console as the TARDIS started her shaky journey into the unknown! 


Started with a Call // lost-rose-tyler + 11

"I don’t know," he said, and the truth of that admission acted like a bucket of cold water, snapping the Doctor out of his Rose-tinted … whatever it was she had put him into. He’d have to watch that. Time Lord, not a school boy. He dropped his arms and gently disentangled himself from her. He was not as susceptible to her, he said to himself and it was, perhaps, slightly true. Last time round, all brown and pinstripes, he had utterly been hers (and look where that had got them). Now, though, oh, this one had been born of pain and loneliness and was well equipped for dealing with both. He swallowed and took a breath before he stepped away. “I don’t know why you’re here in the first place, Rose; shouldn’t be possible; can’t be safe,” he muttered, moving around Rose to the monitor. “You can go and try to find your old room, if you want to,” he paused and whirled on her, “but I make no promises!” His fingers wiggled in the air as if he might elaborate, but he only grimaced and threw his hands up. No quick explanations for all of that! “The old girl’s been banged up a /lot/ since you last left! Quite a lot. There’s bunk beds,” he added, turning back to the monitor and taking out his sonic. “Somewhere, I don’t know where, but there are. “Bunk beds,” he hummed, happily, and he shoved the sonic into an outlet on the console. It was not a cold dismissal, but she had very clearly been dismissed. 

*Well, the regeneration before hadn’t been entirely all hers. Perhaps the one with the leather jacket had been though. As far as she knew-she’d been that regeneration’s first and last companion. And that one had been broken and cold and hard due to a destructive war that had cost him his planet…and she’d had to work at softening him up again-but even that was stretching it: calling him all hers, that is. She let her hand slip away from his cheek as he stepped away from her. Drawing her arms up and pushing them over her shoulders to shove her hair back she watched him as he moved toward the sleek monitor.*

                                     “Well, that’s what I meant…Mostly…”

*She admitted when he commented about her being here.*

                                     “That rip that I came through isn’t good news no matter which way we look at it…but I could be just an innocent casualty of it…with no harm in staying at all.”

*She pointed out, and then exhaled and drew her arms back down to her sides.*                                      “I guess there’s no point in getting hopes too high though. Least till we have facts…”

*She added, before glancing at him as he told her she could try to find her old room…Keyword there she knew would be /try/. New TARDIS, new layout, new rooms…She didn’t expect anything less from that end.*

                                     “Ooh. Bunk beds…reminds me of being a kid again. Ha. Though, if its all the same to you-I’ll go look for a room later…I don’t have any things and I’m a bit too wound up to bother laying my head down.” 

*She moved around to peer over his shoulder, looking down at the outlet he’d inserted the sonic into, and then back up, before she danced off to one side and leaned her elbows on the console, chin in her palms and looked at him, with a grin.*                                    “So! Clara. Who is she?”

He regressed back to furtive glances and stolen looks for several minutes as he made himself very busy with the console. "She's um, well, she's *Clara,*" he mumbled, hands flying over the input as he sorted the data to be read. "Os...win? You know, I don't think that's her real name. Os..good, no... Os.... Bah, something Oz." He twittered and waved for Rose's attention; held a finger up to ask her to wait in almost the same gesture. "Oh, oh, the wizard! In his gadget box!" He flew around the console and shoved a lever up; a giant, broken image of his head, super-imposed around the time rotor, flickered to life. "Eh? They got that from /me!/" he laughed, and so did the head. The head's voice was scrambled and slightly out of sync, never mind octaves lower than it should have been. "Ran into a-" He ducked away as the head continued to shout over him. "Oh, shut up," they both complained before the Doctor shut down the hologram with a backhanded swat to the switch. "Bad spot of trouble with a Fileezian. Now, Shirley Temple, there's a nice girl. /Perfectly/ nice. I'm sorry I didn't get her home in time for the filming. She would have been lovely in that film. Just lovely!" He sighed, content, leaning back against the console to smile at Rose, watching her to see that she was properly impressed. She was /always/ the best audience, always, even when he didn't realize he was showing off - even when he did! - even when he didn't and she called him out on it - even when he knew exactly what he was doing and she let him get away with it anyway - oh yes, especially then. 


Started with a Call // lost-rose-tyler + 11

Well. He pulled a face and looked down at her. That’s not at all what Lady Mary had done. Still, his exceptional people relations seemed to have done the trick, at least. He didn’t realize his hand was petting her hair; he noticed that it smelled good, and that he had missed her excessive fragrances. He lowered his head so that he could breathe her in, sorting through strawberries and tea and London, to find her. Just Rose. How his chest ached.  "Would you like to stay?" He froze the second the words were out. His head shot up and his hands flew to her shoulders, as if to push her away. He hadn’t meant to say that. He’d been thinking it, of course, and his inner voice had been tormenting him: ‘Ha! After everything you did do didn’t do should have done! Don’t you dare.’ He hadn’t meant to say them out loud, and now that he had, he wanted to run.  He held her shoulders, trying not to squeeze too hard; coward. Always a coward. Afraid of her answer. A no would break him and a yes? What would a yes do to him? What would she expect from him? Now? Were things different? Should they be? Would she want them to be? Did he? "Don’t," he began and ended and begged.

*Well, Rose wasn’t necessarily a soap opera star either. Though it had worked nonetheless. Grief was not something she wanted to visit right now, so his slightly unorthodox way of comforting her had made her giggle at the right time. She closed her eyes as his pats somehow morphed into gentle pets, a simple smile was drawn on her face as she kept her face against his jacket and drank in what was undeniably the Doctor through her perception senses. Hearing the double thunder of his hearts’ beating under her ear was soothing in a way,  The feel of him there in her arms, and his light caress-and also the smell of him too-something she could never quite place mixed in with cinnamon and cloves…Spicy whatever it was. And then-he asked that… Words she never thought she’d hear him say. Words he apparently didn’t expect to hear himself say. Her eyes flew open as he snagged her shoulders and pulled her from him. As his mind berated himself hers flew to the question: ‘would the universe be alright if I did stay?’ But of course Mickey had stayed. And it was still in one piece. She gazed at him intently, and moved a step closer in again, gently forcing his arms to relax some as she did, and caught his face with one hand, turning it lightly to hers. This time it was her turn to make him look at her. The pain and fear was etched across his face again. Made her own heart ache.*                                     “’Don’t…? ‘”

*she repeated softly*

                                     “Don’t what? Don’t answer? Doctor, what would you have me do then?  Could I stay—if I answered anyway; and said yes?”

"I don't know," he said, and the truth of that admission acted like a bucket of cold water, snapping the Doctor out of his Rose-tinted ... whatever it was she had put him into. He'd have to watch that. Time Lord, not a school boy. He dropped his arms and gently disentangled himself from her. He was not as susceptible to her, he said to himself and it was, perhaps, slightly true. Last time round, all brown and pinstripes, he had utterly been hers (and look where that had got them). Now, though, oh, this one had been born of pain and loneliness and was well equipped for dealing with both. He swallowed and took a breath before he stepped away. "I don't know why you're here in the first place, Rose; shouldn't be possible; can't be safe," he muttered, moving around Rose to the monitor. "You can go and try to find your old room, if you want to," he paused and whirled on her, "but I make no promises!" His fingers wiggled in the air as if he might elaborate, but he only grimaced and threw his hands up. No quick explanations for all of that! "The old girl's been banged up a /lot/ since you last left! Quite a lot. There's bunk beds," he added, turning back to the monitor and taking out his sonic. "Somewhere, I don't know where, but there are. "Bunk beds," he hummed, happily, and he shoved the sonic into an outlet on the console. It was not a cold dismissal, but she had very clearly been dismissed. 


Tricky Timelines // youplum + 10th Doctor

The Doctor walked, rather sullenly, through the department store trailing far behind the woman who'd dragged him into it. Donna had lost a jacket and demanded a replacement. Despite all of his very legitimate protests, there he was. She'd gotten the thing at a going out of business sale, oh, years ago in her timeline and half the reason he'd allowed the silly trip was her barely restrained excitement when she'd realized she could have another one. 

The other half of it was that they'd nearly been killed the day before; she could have asked him for a pony and he would have obliged. Asking him to accompany her had been pushing it, though she'd managed. Still, twenty minutes in, he found himself wandering. Mannequins always did make him a bit queasy, these days. 

He turned a corner-

And gaped. 

Jackie Tyler stood not three feet in front of him. 

London! London was huge! All of London, and she was standing right there, debating between a blue jacket and a pink one (he remembered the pink one! Rose'd worn at some point [She let her mother but her clothes for her?!]). 

"Jackie?" he blurted out before he could catch himself. 


Started with a Call // lost-rose-tyler + 11

His hands pulled back to his chest where he twisted them nervously. “Ah. Oh, I see.” He gulped, obviously unsure of himself now that he had his answer.  "Oh," he added, eloquently, before a sudden, excited burst. His brows shot up and he held his hands out to her. "Oh! I know this one!" Then he was right there, again, and he grabbed her, pulling her to him and patting her back with his fingers, and making tutting noises. "There, there. You have yourself a good cry. That’s what’s needed now." Oh, clever, old Mr. Carson! He’d never complain about Clara’s TV shows another day in his life!

*She took the opportunity he shifted back to nervously ponder over a proper reaction, to raise her first up and rub her eyes clear—It had been a year ago now…so she could control some of herself…A brow lifted again and she peered at him through her lashes and over her fist as he made a Eureka sounding ‘Oh!’ Only to have her eyes widen some as he bounced back right beside her again and yanked her frame to his-and pat her back… Honestly, she didn’t quite know what to do with this uncalculated reaction from him-but after standing there against him for a couple stunned moments-she let out a small bubbling, sniffily laugh. Lifting her arms she encircled the Doctor’s waist and turned her face into his jacket*

                        “Thank you, Doctor…Always there to save me. Even from myself it seems.”

Well. He pulled a face and looked down at her. That's not at all what Lady Mary had done. Still, his exceptional people relations seemed to have done the trick, at least. He didn't realize his hand was petting her hair; he noticed that it smelled good, and that he had missed her excessive fragrances. He lowered his head so that he could breathe her in, sorting through strawberries and tea and London, to find her. Just Rose. How his chest ached.  "Would you like to stay?" He froze the second the words were out. His head shot up and his hands flew to her shoulders, as if to push her away. He hadn't meant to say that. He'd been thinking it, of course, and his inner voice had been tormenting him: 'Ha! After everything you did do didn't do should have done! Don't you dare.' He hadn't meant to say them out loud, and now that he had, he wanted to run.  He held her shoulders, trying not to squeeze too hard; coward. Always a coward. Afraid of her answer. A no would break him and a yes? What would a yes do to him? What would she expect from him? Now? Were things different? Should they be? Would she want them to be? Did he? "Don't," he began and ended and begged.

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