
Blinded by a fear of feeling

@hurricanesfollowyou / hurricanesfollowyou.tumblr.com

•your head’s a hurricane it moves in waves, a perfect storm that keeps you wide awake•
millennial | elder emo | ADHD | awkward af

everyone who thinks the BO fandom is crazy needs to go back 10 years and take a look at the echelon (thirty seconds to mars)

we. were. wild.

and I wasn’t even in the top third of wildness!


You mean The Noah Sebastian?

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorofndndnfndndng

When I was in my teens this was the hot hair cut for boys. PJ & Duncan, Whatshisname…Peter Andre, Nick Carter, various members of other boy bands. None of them looked this good. I promise you.


the superior vocals that are THE GREY 😵‍💫

I love when he sits down like that like, let’s talk

nicky keeping folio company up on the platform 🥹 loving his bobbed hair bouncing around


@burning-outx posted this in a reblog, I had to post it on its own.

because damn, what is this? what are these glasses (IM IN LOVE)? the hair ugh, and his fucking delicious lips, this must be illegal fuck, and here i am again about his teeth, yes i know, i can be in love with teeth okay

in my language there's this saying, but I dont think it translates very well, but i have to say it anyway.

He is to be eaten. UGHH

he is to be eaten



I get that Keaton and Noah were close friends and I get that Im a bitch but it's sometimes so annoying when new BO fans that heard about TCTT this or last year constantly relate TCTT only to Noah or BO as if they weren't the band of their own and even started their career before BO. This band means so much to me ever since their first song got released I just couldn't wait for the whole album to drop. There was no band who has both lyrically and musically resonated with me more. Nerve Endings (the album) is literally engraved in my heart. Their music marked the best and worst moments of my life and then some bo girlie inserts herself with her whole NOAH NOAH NOAH talk or calling TCTT ''that band that made the song with BO or ''the band whose singer was Noah's friend'' like GIRL... I know I'm gonna get a lot of shit for this and yall gonna call me a names and get agressive but some of you bo fans are annoying as fuck when you're only liking some shit or some artist just because the guy you simp for has something to do with it and not even actually appreciating the artist or actually talking about the quality of their music aside from just THAT one song, I'm sorry. I literally had to rent it out.


Exactly. I found TCTT after Keaton passed but it wasn’t because of bad omens. When novocaine came out, I sobbed the whole time at Keatons verses, they were the best in the song, but I only ever heard ppl talking about Noah’s verse. And no one talked about any of the other songs because all they cared about was that collab. I wish I found TCTT earlier. But I’m tired of ppl praising Noah for “ keeping his legacy alive “ when really it’s Keaton who crafted these songs and is keeping his own legacy alive, Noah and telle and cane hill are all just helping with that and I don’t think they’d like Keaton being referred to as “ that singer who was friends with _____”. Sorry yall it just boils my blood.

I agree, and will now ramble about my feelings for this band and my life around the time of Keaton’s death.

I found out about TCTT in January while watching an interview with Noah where he talked about their song Eiley and immediately checked them out. I wish wish wished I’d known about them sooner, and had no idea that more music was even coming then. I was stoked to even have found what I did. For me the link with BO is how much influence Keaton had on Noah in his writing style and vocals, which is obvious and wonderful. I love being able to hear the influence of other bands in the music I love.

I’ve said this before, on here I think, but despite wishing i’d know about TCTT sooner, in a way I’m glad I didn’t. Three months to the day before Keaton died was one of the worst days of my life. It was right in the middle of six months of one trauma after another. My own health, my child’s health, the sickest we’ve both ever been; me losing all faith that I could move forward from my childhood trauma with my parents, then having covid, then finally a thankfully-non-life-threatening but very scary car accident in March 2022.

If I had known and loved TCTT and had a connection with Keaton the way I feel I do now (or maybe worse, had known, liked and not realised the importance of their music to my life until it was too late) and then learned of his death at the end of that six months, it could very well have been the thing that fully broke me.

It’s surreal to feel such a connection with people that would never even know you exist, and of whom you only ever see a curated image. However, I understand that public Keaton was very similar to private Keaton. He wore his heart on his sleeve, he was kind and loved fiercely, he was goofy and open about his brokenness. I like to think that’s pretty close to a description of me also.

Shout out to all the people who love TCTT because their music is…beyond words, whenever they found/find them.

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