
I will clamber through the clouds and exist

@sirlancelotthebrave / sirlancelotthebrave.tumblr.com

Lauren. 23. She/her/hers. American. Aspiring writer. "Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness."

Can I just say, uh, I’m pretty sure noticing you’re asexual is harder than noticing you’re gay, straight, pan or otherwise. Like, I just read someone’s desciption of hitting puberty and, like, there’s nothing like that. There’s no sudden ‘boob’ moment, no sudden ‘fuck, I’d fuck that’ moment, not sudden anything. You just, like, plod on through life as usual going ‘oooh, that’s pretty, I’d like that hair’ or ‘oooooh, they’re nice, I’d like to be close to them’ but there’s no like, ‘oh, someone would want to fuck that but I don’t’, you know? You just- you don’t notice, you don’t realise everyone else has ‘had a moment’ but you haven’t, you just- keep going as you always have.

And then, much much later, you start to wonder why people are getting so caught up in drama for romance or sex, like, why bother? It’s not worth it, they’re not worth it, why are you doing stupid things for something that’s so- and then you wonder if there’s something wrong with you, start mentally over compensating. Like ‘uh, okay, um, who should I date? Who can I stand to date? Who could I stand to fuck?’ like- it’s not, it’s not something you want, but you want to fit it, to be normal.

Sometimes you don’t even know that you’re doing it.

Sometimes you don’t even know asexual’s a thing.

I dunno, I guess, I just feel like, uh, people should understand more?

idk sorry thank you for listening to me

Thank you for perfectly describing it.

There it is. Y'all better read it

And this is it in a nutshell


it's not a love story but,

i won’t leave here without you,

i always come when you call,

nobody wants him here more than i do,

i need you,

i love you,

don’t make me lose you too,

i’d have died for you, i almost did a few times,

cas is family,

you’re the best friend we’ve ever had,

and i did it, all of it, for you,

where are you?,

i need you here,

please, dean,

i miss him,

i’d rather be here,

i’d rather have you, cursed or not,

i was getting too close to the humans in my charge, you,

dorky little guy,

i’ll watch over you,

dean and i do share a more profound bond,

to keep them away from you,

i’m doing this for you, dean,

i’m doing this because of you,

everyone you love, everyone except me,

don’t ever change,

his human weakness,

he was your boyfriend first,

where’s your angel?,

the one in the dirty trenchcoat who’s in love with you,

and then you’d kill the angel castiel, now that one–that i suspect would hurt something awful,

he has this weakness, he likes you,

when castiel first laid a hand on you in hell, he was lost,

i know, you’re hoping castiel will return to you,

i only wish he felt the same way,

i was there, where were you?,

morning, sunshine,

nobody gets left behind,


and casti—cas is my best friend,

i won’t hurt dean,

i can’t,

i could go with you,

i prayed to you, cas, every night,

thank you, for everything,

i could pick up on a longing,

i’ll go with you,

you know i always appreciate our talks, and our time together,

cas almost died!

we’re family,

you were stupid for the right reasons,

we’re making it up as we go,

personal space, cas,

hello, dean,

hey, buddy


I love how after Spock gets beamed out of the canyon Bones was ready to fight all of their attackers with his fists. Like, who cares if they have fancy ships he’ll fight every single one of them with nothing more than his five o’clock shadow and grumpy attitude (ง •̀_•́)ง


French person: 80 French person: lol blaze it 

i just 5 to my knees I laughed so hard


this whole post makes me want to 7 something on fire


i’ve had e9 of this


Sweet, sweet 17tion.


10 is making me facepalm so hard.

I feel bad for people who don’t know what this 16


pray for the people who have to 8ness this

I have to 4 my breath from laughing so hard


Mayor Cuts Down Man’s 30-Year-Old Majestic Tree, His Revenge Is Awesome

This is one of the best stories we read in a long time. An arborist AKA a tree caretaker and tree surgeon from Redondo Beach, California had to watch the death of one of his favorite trees, which was ordered by the mayor. Although he lost a great battle, he won the war. Find out how he avenged the death of his 30-year-old pepper tree named Clyde.

His story was recently shared online and has already been shared over 150k times. RIP Clyde.

This is druidic as fuck

Chaotic good


         Hello, you’ve reached Grantaire- if you meant to call me, leave your name and number, and if this is an accident, it’s fine, it happens, just never mention it again, if this is Enjolras, I love you. And also, I’ve embarrassed you on my voicemail, and there is nothing you can do. There will be a beep. That’s your cue. (x)

oh my god oh my god oh my god

/flings self into the sun


Oh Billy, you look so small right there…


Superman’s sheer anger over Billy Batson’s situation is a sight to behold. Batman and Robin get away with it because he knows it’s the world’s best internship and that Bruce is willing to put out all the stops to protect him. But Billy? He doesn’t have anyone looking out for him. And that pisses off Superman more than anything.

Seriously, Clark’s face here

He is ready to kick the ass of whoever put this boy in this situation SO HARD

Next page he really lets the Wizard Shazam have it.


Shit, son. I might have to buy this book for those last two panels alone.


When Superman is written well he is an amazing goddamned character.

these few pages are some of my favourite in comic book history. So good. For anyone wondering what the next few pages look like, here you go:

This is a bigger deal than some of you might think, because Superman is one of the heroes in the DC Universe who keeps his secret identity pretty damn secret, because as probably the most powerful and influential person on earth, a lot of people do not wish him well - and would jump at the chance to hold people dear to him as leverage.

Yet, he trusts this poor, scared little kid. To comfort him, and entrust him with his biggest secret - just as Billy did for him.

Superman is just really important, ok?

this for people to truly understand superman


AU where Marian and Garrett are twins: DAI edition. 

Meeting up at Skyhold after parting ways:

Marian: Garrett, what is on your face?
Garrett: My beard.
Marian: That is not a beard, that is some sort of monster that has attached itself to your face.
Garrett: It keeps my face warm.
Marian: While it sucks any charm you ever possibly had. 

Seeing Varric:

Garrett: Varric, why did you write about Marian and me as one person? Everyone seems to think there’s only one champion of Kirkwall.
Varric: Made for a better story. 
Marian: Did making this champion a man instead of a woman make it a better story as well?
Varric: Oh Marian, didn’t see you there, give me a second to write my will before you tear my head off. 


Garrett: Oh, hello, Cullen.
Cullen: Ser Hawke? But if you’re here that means-
Marian appears in door: Miss me? 
Cullen: Maker, what did I do to deserve this?
Marian: Would you like that list chronologically or alphabetically? 

The Fade:

Marian: Why. Is. It. Always. Fucking. Spiders.
Garrett: Because you stole a silver piece from the Chantry when you were six.
Varric: Oh my. Naughty, Hawke-

The Fade:

Marian: I will make the sacrifice. Alistair is too important and you have a mage rebellion to organize.
Garrett: …..no.
Marian: Garrett, this is the only way. You know this. Please don’t fight me on it.
Garrett: I don’t have to.
Garrett: *hits Marian with a sleeping spell that knocks her flat on her ass and hands her to Alistair to carry out*
Garrett: I am sorry, big sister. Tell Anders I’m sorry. 
When Marian opens her eyes an hour later, the first thing she says is “where’s Garrett”

Varric cannot bring himself to tell her.


Zevran putting it around that anyone who wants to get a good shot at killing the warden can totally bribe him to help. He’s a former Crow after all, of course he can be bought, Crows don’t train their people to build attachments.

Some would-be assassins actually taking Zevran up on that offer. Meeting with him, exchanging coin, doing everything right.

Somehow, they vanish before the actual job gets done, though.

Somehow, the people who take him up on that offer always seem to vanish before the job gets done.

Never at the obvious time, they never get killed at any of their meetings, the arrangements they agree upon are always met - they just disappear before they’re set to make the kill. No bodies. No clues. It can’t be Zevran, of course, that’s not his style. Oh, he might make it look like an accident, but a kill like that? Without taking credit? No, it has to be something else. Something about the warden, probably. Maker knows anyone who walks away from a fight with an archdemon can’t be normal.

(Zevran actually being a very, very, very good assassin when the motivation is right.)

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