
@howtotrainyourginger / howtotrainyourginger.tumblr.com

All the fic is HERE. If you're underage, don't tell me. Follow my twitter for updates: @trainyourginger

Please please please update Stargazer, I read all of it today and it's pure gold. I love your writing style, the story is quite sad but has an underlying humor that made me laugh out loud while wanting to cry. The dialogues are so great and I love how you portray Ed in your own way while also keeping him in character. You've done a fantastic job, and I can't wait to know how you wrap it up. I'm in love with your writing holy heck.


Hello and thank you! I finished writing Stargazer so long ago that it feels weirdly distant now, so it’s cool to check in after so long and find messages about it. I’ll make a post one day about where the whole story can be found, but for now, here’s a random little section that I never put on tumblr. Enjoy!


Every time you see Iris, you look away. 

No, that’s not right. 

It’s more like you don’t see Iris at all. She’s there; you know she’s there, drifting through the hallways of your house, her voice a soft murmur to her mother in another room, the scent of her lotion lingering for half a second when she passes you in the kitchen. You’ve eaten dinner with her, sat on opposite sides of the same couch watching telly, swum in the same pool. She’s this constant, inescapable presence in your life, but somehow you manage not to look directly at her, not ever, not even while handing her the bowl of mashed potato at dinner. You couldn’t say how she’s wearing her hair on any given day, whether or not she’s even changed clothes at all in the past week. You’re aware of her like an ache, like her body is this painful feeling you have when she’s in the room, an uncomfortable tightness in your jaw and the inability to turn your head in her direction. 

And for her part, Iris doesn’t see you either. She appears in the same room only when she has to, coming and going as unobtrusively as a breeze, her footsteps sometimes fading like mirror fog before you even feel her come through. She only speaks in front of other people, and she never sounds as though anything has changed, but she also never addresses you directly. No one else notices. Not even Hannah notices. Did Iris never speak to you before? It feels like she did all the time. How could no one notice the difference? How could they not realize you and Iris are just ghosts now, haunting each other? 

Rumors on the Internet. No surprise there. You and the woman from Big Brother, and on some blogs, you and the woman from Big Brother’s friend that you barely recognize from your night out (but apparently danced scandalously close to). She’s some sort of online model. Fans arguing about whether or not you left with those two while your girlfriend suffered at home. Many people assume you did, and this is all the proof anyone needs, isn’t it? Right here on several different social media stories helpfully compiled by the tabloids. 

Miraculously, no one seems to have filmed you and Iris kissing, or you being sick on the floor afterward. Maybe the Big Brother woman and her friends saw you but decided that bit of the night didn’t fit well into their narrative. 

Hannah looks through all the photos and clips, laughs at your drunken dance moves. She’d woken up when you came trudging in that night and sank heavily onto the bed. To her, you were just drunk and tired. She had no way of knowing that every part of you that wasn’t your body was fractured, hollow. She just knew you came home to her that night the same way you had every night before, and when you lay down beside her, she reached over and squeezed your hand in the dark. 

“Hey, you’re in this one,” she says to her sister brightly. She turns her tablet to show the photo: you with your hands in the air, sweaty hair stuck to your temples, one knee up like the crane pose from Karate Kid while the Big Brother woman laughs delightedly. And in the background, small, a little blurry, Iris sitting alone with her drink, fingers playing idly with the bar straw in it, watching you dance. 

Iris leans over to look at the photo. You feel her there, so near you that her hair swings down into your field of vision, but you don’t look at her. As long as you don’t look, she could be anyone. But you’re staring hard at the image of her, at the way she was looking at you that night, at the shape of her mouth, her eyes. It’s been days since you’ve seen her face. From the front, she looks less like Hannah than you remember. What was she thinking about while she watched you? “Guess I’m famous now,” she says wryly. “How will I ever go out in public again?” 

At the same time, you and Hannah both say, “Balaclava.” 

Then, shaking her head slowly, Hannah says to her sister, “I can’t believe you met Geri Halliwell.” 



Hi! A friend recommended one of your one shots to me last night and I was so eager to reblog it when I was finished but I realized you don't have it set up that way. So instead I'm sending you all the positive feedback I can muster because holy cow it was probably the best smut I ever read (Cascade). It was so well written and it's obvious you know what you're talking about, and that's important to me in my reading. Anyway great job and I'm excited to read more of your writing 💕.


Hello and thank you so much for the positive feedback. Reading this just now really made my day! I hope you have found some of my other stories enjoyable as well. 

I am considering reposting some of my earlier stories as rebloggable posts since apparently the mobile app has issues with accessing them, but I don’t like the idea of making people see posts that they’ve already seen. So I haven’t decided yet. 

Anonymous asked:

Soooooooo glad to have read that part two of stargazer. Really terrific writing and I truly missed your work. Quick question – I’m confused by reading all the notes and comments: did you also upload a new chapter of BOY? Or would that just be wishful thinking on my part?

Thank you very much. I’m so glad you’re enjoying Stargazer! I’m quite proud of that one. 

I have not updated Boy. To be honest, I’m unsure of what to do with my blog layout. I have to make some decisions about how the stories are presented and whether or not I should repost them all so they’ll be accessible through the app. It seems like a lot of work just to accommodate a few people, but if the app is the only way those people know how to access tumblr, maybe it’s worth it. 

Anonymous asked:

I miss Boy. It’s my favorite Ed fic! Will you ever post more?

Boy is almost entirely finished, only missing some connective tissue between certain scenes, but I’ve got some professional/ethical issues with posting that one here, and I’m afraid they won’t be resolved soon. 

That’s a roundabout way of saying I don’t know yet. 

I do appreciate the interest though. It is really nice to know someone has connected with my writing! 

Anonymous asked:

Its the slight hints that Kit’s heart will get broken that make me simpy yet curious about how things go down LOL its amazing work

Thank you! I love hearing that this story has stayed with you. I would love to share the ending eventually and see what you think of the plot twists. 

Anonymous asked:

Stargazer and Boy never fail to make me an emotional puddle. Hope for more writing from you soon! Youre amazing

Thank you very much! I’m a little surprised that Boy has made you emotional since I didn’t get to the tragic parts yet, but it’s always cool to hear an unexpected perspective on your work. I appreciate the feedback. 

Anonymous asked:

That cliffhanger YOU MONSTER! When you will post the rest????

The plan is to pick up my old computer in May and I should be able to access the rest of the story by then. I’m sorry I couldn’t post it all at once like I wanted, but these things happen. Also it’s hard to type with my gigantic monster hands. You know how it is. 

Anonymous asked:

(Same anon that said about Chrome and the app) I have a theory! I just checked and in the app I can open your new chapter, but not the old one. Maybe the mobile app isn't compatible with (older) custom URLs? Because I noticed your first chapter URL, much like your masterlist link URL, are custom URLs! Just an educated guess.

Ah. That may indeed be the problem. 

It’s frustrating that the tumblr website itself allows you to customize in ways that are entirely incompatible with an app that many people exclusively use to access the website in the first place. 

A friend showed me how to use custom urls when I first started tumblr because my fics tend to be so wordy that if I didn’t do it that way, people would have to scroll for miles to get past my long posts. It also allowed for adding things like hit counters. I just couldn’t remember how to do it when I posted the second bit of Stargazer, so I did it like a regular post. 

How do other people do master fic lists? Are they like regular posts as well? Do you just edit them when you add another story, or do you reblog and add to the end? 

Thank you for all your help!

Anonymous asked:

Hey! Just wanted to let you know: in Chrome (both on my laptop and on my phone) your links work fine, but in the mobile app your links, including the link to your masterlist, don't work. I'm guessing a lot of people are just using the app. Not sure if there's a problem with other browsers, sorry. Loved the new Stargazer chapter btw, and I'm so happy you're back!

Oh! Thank you so much for letting me know this. I... don’t know how to fix it... I wonder if anyone else has this problem with their blogs, or if it’s just me. But if the app is incompatible with my posts then it doesn’t seem like posting again would make it work. I’d just be posting more posts that app-users couldn’t access!

I wonder if it’s to do with my theme. I don’t really know how to change these things, but I could get someone else to look at it for me. 

I’d be willing to change themes and repost all my fics, but it seems a shame to bombard the followers of this blog with smut they have already read. 

Anonymous asked:

It works on my phone so idk what those ppl are doing wrong. Love the story tho. so sad, I read it several times since it went up n I cry every time. And its hot

Thank you very much. I appreciate the feedback. 

It may be that they are doing nothing wrong. It’s not wrong to click a link in an app. But I do think the solution lies in avoiding the app and just pasting the url in a normal browser instead. Or visiting my blog in a normal browser and tapping the link from there. 

I wish I knew whether it was the first part or the second which they are having trouble with. Or both. 


A couple more people have said the link to Stargazer doesn’t work, but I don’t understand what that means. Which one of the links doesn’t work? Have you tried to copy/paste it into a browser window instead of just tapping it? What device are you using? Are you trying to access it through the tumblr mobile app which doesn’t appear to work with my blog? 

The urls to both parts of the story work perfectly fine for me on both my phone and my computer, and they appear to be working for most other people, so this is a specialized issue for only 4 or 5. I have to assume those 4 or 5 are trying the same thing and getting the same result, but I can’t know how to fix it unless I know what thing is being tried and what other things you have also tried. It wouldn’t help for me to repost the story in a certain way if posting it in that way was the problem, if that makes sense. 

Is it an issue with the “read more” cut link? What happens when you open safari (or chrome, or whatever browser you use) and type or paste the link in the address bar? Is it solved when you close the app and go directly to my blog through a web browser? 


Where is your stargazer part 1. The link doesn't take you to it.


The url of part one is here

I have tried clicking the link and copy/pasting the url on both my computer and my phone and it works for me in both places. I don’t know why it wouldn’t work for someone else, but if you are having trouble, maybe it will work if you try it on a different device. 

It could be some sort of incompatibility on the tumblr mobile app. If you visit my blog using your phone’s browser instead of the app and click the link there, maybe that would work. I don’t have the mobile app, so that’s what I do. 

Anonymous asked:

Wait wait.. what?? You posted a bit of stargazer???? But where i cant find it. I've read stargazer didn't realize you posted anything after that

It was just the second part of the same story. I reblogged it onto my page again and posted links to the two parts a couple of minutes ago. Enjoy!

Anonymous asked:

Um? Where have you been? We've been waiting forever for you! We miss you and your writings. I hope you're doing okay!

Thank you! I’m sorry to have left so abruptly last year, but it feels good to know someone noticed. I posted a bit of Stargazer when I came back, if you’re still interested in more of that story. 

Anonymous asked:


I think some people like to read fanfiction without sticking their name on it. It’s okay though. I didn’t put a hit counter on this one (I forgot how!) but on my other stories, the ratio of hits to notes is sometimes several hundred to one. So I know people are reading, whether they want to speak up or not. And it’s not as if fanfic writers get paid according to the number of notes they get. 

Except… I suppose it actually is that way since it’s the only thing they receive in return, but you know what I mean. 

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