
This Blog Will Be Moved To Another One!

@xxbottleofwinxx / xxbottleofwinxx.tumblr.com

(I am moving myself over to 'xx-bottle-of-win-xx' I will keep this blog up as an Archive but my future posts will on there. Thank you.) Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend Of Korra, Assassin's Creed, RWBY, Red Vs Blue, and much more... All of which I'm a fan of... Here I wrote my opinions on certain shows, fandoms, posts, and other stuff.

BENEDICT OF NURSIA might have had a brilliant political career ahead of him had he chosen to serve in the administration of barbarian-ruled Rome. Instead, he went to live in a cave and to seek the Lord’s will. He formed monastic communities. When he died on March 21, 547, Benedict could not have imagined how consequential his vocation would be for all of Western civilization, and indeed for the eternal life of countless souls. All Benedict wanted to do was to follow the will of the Lord. For all he knew, he would die in obscurity, his work amounting to nothing. But he was driven by the conviction that Mother Teresa articulated like this: “God has not called us to be successful, but faithful.”

Image: Steve Voita, St. Benedict Mission, Catholicchurchart.com

@that-classic-book-junkie My mom and dad painted this!! Just something I thought I'd let you know!


An Apology...

I know I haven't posted for a long time. I don’t own my own computer so I'm reduced to my phone. Hopefully I can post more soon.


Bookstore in Chengdu 

Located in the Yintai Center of Chengdu, this bookstore designed by X+Living embodies the cultural charm of this populous city in Western China. The streets of Chengdu have become a unique landscape, with its cultural atmosphere and remarkable leisure, running through every person’s life, and properly showing its elegance.

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