

@fyeahkorea / fyeahkorea.tumblr.com

A blog with heart & Seoul. South Korea current time:


♡ vocabulary :

계산대 - checkout 카트 - shopping cart 영수증 - receipt 포인트 카드 - loyalty card 할인 - discount 상품귄 - gift card, discount coupon 슈퍼마켓 - supermarket 대형마트 - hypermarket 가격 - price 금액 - total 현금 - cash

♡ useful sentences :

… 코너가 어디예요? -> where s the …. section? 코너 - section 어디 - where (+예요 - to be) 과일 코너 (fruit section) 라면 코너 (ramen section) etc…

이거 얼마예요? -> how much is this? 이거 - this 얼마 - how much/many (+예요 - to be)

…(으)로 해도 되나요? -> can i pay by…? (으)로 - method particle

…(으)로 할게요 -> i will pay by… 할거요 - will do



♡ 시작하다 - to start (시작해요, 시작했아요, 시작할 거에요…)

♡ 끝나다 - to finish, end ( 끝나요, 끝났어요, 끝날 거에요…)

♡ 살다 - to live (살아요, 살았어요, 살 거에요…)

♡ 죽다 - to die (죽어요, 죽었어요, 죽을 거에요…)

♡ 있다 - to have (있어요, 있었어요, 있을 거에요…)

♡ 없다 - to not have (없어요, 없었어요, 없을 거에요…)

♡ 먹다 - to eat (먹어요, 먹었어요, 먹을 거에요…)

♡ 마시다 - to drink (미셔요, 마셨어요, 마실 거에요…)

♡ 요리하다 - to cook (요리해요, 요리했어요, 요리할 거에요…)

♡ 만들다 - to make (만들어요 만들었어요, 만들 거에요…)

♡ 사용하다 - to use (사용해요, 사용했어요, 사용할 거에요…)

♡ 하다 - to do (해요, 했어요, 할 거에요…)

♡ 주다 - to give (줘요, 줬어요, 줄 거에요…)

♡ 가다 - to go (가요, 갔어요, 갈 거에요…)

♡ 오다 - to come (와요, 왔어요, 올 거에요…)

♡ 만나다 - to meet ( 만나요, 만났어요, 만날 거에요…)

♡ 배우다 - to learn (배워요, 배웠어요, 배울 거에요…)

♡ 공부하다 - to study (공부해요, 공부했어요, 공부할 거에요)

♡ 가르치다 - to teach (가르쳐요, 가르쳤어요, 가르칠 거에요…)

♡ 읽다 - to read (읽어요, 읽었어요, 읽을 거에요…)

♡ 보다 - to watch/see (봐요, 봤어요, 볼 거에요…)

♡ 일하하다 - to work (일해요, 일했어요, 일할 거에요…)

♡ 운동하다 - to exercise (운동해요, 운동했어요, 운동할 거에요…)

♡ 쉬다 - to rest (쉬여요, 쉬였어요, 쉬을 거에요…)

♡ 일어나다 - to get up (일어나요, 일어났어요, 일어날 거에요…)

♡ 자다 - to sleep (자요, 잤어요, 잘 거에요…)

♡ 앉다 - to sit (앉아요, 앉았어요, 앉을 거에요…)

♡ 울다 - to cry (울어요, 울었어요, 울을 거에요…)

♡ 웃다 - to smile (웃어요, 웃었어요, 웃을 거에요…)

♡ 노래하다 - to sing (노래해요, 노래했어요, 노래할 거에요….)

♡ 춤 추다 - to dance (춤 춰요, 춤 췄어요, 춤 출 거에요…)

♡ 연습하다 - to practice (연습해요, 연습했어요, 연습할 거에요…)

♡ 놀다 - to play (놀아요, 놀았어요, 놀을 거에요…)

♡ 사다 - to buy (사요, 샀어요, 슬 거에요…)

♡ 주문하다 - to order (주문해요, 주문했어요, 주문할 거에요…)

♡ 팔다 - to sell (팔아요, 팔았어요, 팔을 거에요…)

♡ 내다 - to pay (내요, 냈어요, 낼 거에요…)

♡ 기다리다 - to wait (기다려요, 기다렸어요, 기다릴 거에요…)

♡ 찍다 - to take a picture (찍어요, 찍었어요, 찍을 거에요…)

♡ 알다: to know (알아요, 알았어요…)

♡ 모르다: to not know (몰라요, 몰랐어요…)

♡ 생각하다 - to think (생각해요, 생각했어요, 생각할 거에요…)

♡ 말하다 - to talk, speak (말하요, 말핬어요, 말할 거에요…)

♡ 전화하다 - to telephone (전화해요, 전화했어요, 전화할 거에요…)

♡ 얘기하다 - to talk, chat (얘가해요, 얘가했어요, 얘기할 거에요…)

♡ 채팅하다 - to chat on the internet (채팅해요, 채팅했어요, 채팅할 거에요…)

♡ 물어보다 - to ask (물어봐요, 물어봤어요, 물어볼 거에요…)

♡ 도와주다 - to help (도와줘요, 도와줬어요, 도와줄 거에요…)

♡ 필요하다 - to need (필요해요, 필요했어요, 필요할 거에요…)

♡ 타다 - to ride (타요, 탔어요, 탈 거에요…)

♡ 운정하다 - to drive (운정해요, 운정했어요, 운정할 거에요…)

♡ 태어나다 - to be born (태어나요, 태어났어요, 태어날 거에요…)

♡ 사랑하다 - to love (사랑해요, 사랑했어요, 사랑할 거에요…)

♡ 좋아하다 - to like (좋아해요, 좋아했어요, 좋아할 거에요…)

♡ 싫어하다 - to hate (싫어해요, 싫어했어요, 싫어할 거에요…)

♡ 보내다 - to send (보내요, 보냈어요, 보낼 거에요…)

♡ 받다 - to receive (받아요, 받았어요, 받을 거에요…)

♡ 공유하다 - to share (공유해요, 공유했어요, 공유할 거에요…)


It’s been awhile...

Hi everyone (for those who still might be here) this is Bianca, the original mod of fyeahkorea. I apologize for no activity in the last few months. I have graduated and now work full time. I have been out of touch with Korean culture and happenings but decided to use this blog to get back into things. We have been around for almost 7 years and I am so proud! Hope you all continue to follow this journey. 



THE Bulguksa Temple (aka Pulguk-sa Temple or ‘Temple of the Buddha Land’) was built in the 8th century CE on the wooded slopes of Mt. Tohamsan at the ancient Silla capital of Kumsong (modern Gyeongju, South Korea). The Buddhist temple, after suffering a destructive fire, now stands restored but is only a fraction of its original size. The temple and nearby Seokguram Grotto with its huge seated Buddha statue is recognised by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

The temple was built on an earlier foundation set when the territory was controlled by the Baekje (Paekje) kingdom (18 BCE - 660 CE). The chief architect of Bulguksa is traditionally credited as Kim Dae-seong (700-774 CE), the Chief Minister or chungsi of the Unified Silla kingdom which ruled Korea from 668 to 935 CE. The period saw a great deal of Buddhist architecture spring up across Korea, but Bulguksa is widely regarded as one of the finest complexes dedicated to the official state religion of Korea.

Article by Mark Cartwright on AHE

Anonymous asked:

For the ask before, 'hambondo' may be 한번도 (one more time) and 'haebwado' may be 해봐도 (do it again). I'm not 100% for sure on the second one, but I hope it helps!

Thank you! 

~Admin C 

Anonymous asked:

Hello just a quick question, would there be places I could learn the Korean language in Korea, as I am from England just wondered if you could help me or recommend a few places :)

There are places all over in Korea to learn the language! The 2 most common are the language schools at Yonsei University and Sogang University. You can Google their websites for more information :)

~Admin C 


if you guys ever get to korea im sure youll love it.


I don’t know if any of the other admins are active here anymore (and I’m really busy preparing for my last 2 semesters of college) but I’ve been to Korea twice now and had an amazing time! :) 

But thank you for the kind words ^^ 

~Admin C 

Anonymous asked:

Heyy, Do you know a good kdrama? I'm a beginner hehehe

I haven’t watched too many myself but there are an endless amount on DramaFever! Just find some with a genre and a plot that interests you and off you go :) 

~Admin C

Anonymous asked:

도망치지 마 뒤돌아서서 두려움에 맞서봐 can you translate me this?

My Korean isn’t good enough to translate this accurately but using Naver Translate it’s something like “don’t run away from your fears, face them”? 

~Admin C

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