
You need a nap!


Okay folks, this is a Witcher/ Geralt x Jaskier blog now. Some Joey Batey worship is to be expected as well. ^_^
Anonymous asked:

Why its always you gay fetishists who love a white boy ship being shitty people?Fuck you transphobe.

Ah, I was waiting for the racism. There it is. lol 

Well, I hope you can live with harming actual LGBT people and helping to push back LGBT acceptance by at least a decade.

Btw., it’s “Fuck you, transphobe”, not “Fuck you transphobe”. Alternately you could also say “Fuck, you transphobe.” I guess. :D

Anonymous asked:

well, what are YOUR pronouns? just asking, so that i can misgender you in the future. after all, according to your logic, that would be okay to do, right sweetie?

My pronouns are zir/zer/Empress/eror of Genderfluiddemipanistan. :D

Anonymous asked:

"i don't care about his preferred pronouns" wow, just wow. imagine being such a horribly transphobic piece of shit. you have absolutely no right to decide about other people's pronouns, no matter how shitty this person is. and instead of acting butthurt bc you got called out, maybe actually listen to those who criticize you. y'all homophobes and transphobes are nothing but hypocrites. shipping your "cute gay ships" but then turn around and discriminate against real queer people

lol Homophobes? XD What does homosexuality have to do with pronouns? What does being trans has to do with someone wanting to be called they/them?

This is a website that calls actual trans people truscum. The harm that your ilk has done to actual LGBT folks is insane. I can only repeat:

LGBT acceptance in younger people is significantly down for the first time in ages. This is on you. This is on this hellsite where you congregate in you echo chamber and then screech your BS out into the world where it meets reality and sane people who then associate this pronoun 100+ genders circus with actual perfectly reasonable LGBT folks. Congrats, well done.

I would make fun about this if it wasn’t so serious and sad.

Anonymous asked:

die transphobe xoxo

lol Ezra isn’t trans.

Gee, I wonder why LGBT acceptance amongst younger people is going down significantly for the first time in ages with balanced individuals like you representing them or pretending to be allies. It’s a total mystery! XD

Anonymous asked:

Where did you see he spit on them? Ive only seen the video and i cant find more information

The person who filmed the video posted more context on a Reddit post (I’m pretty sure it was Reddit) someone made about the vid and also mentioned the bar, cops arriving etc. Variety confirmed the bar/cops/serious altercation thing so since the Reddit post was already made yesterday I think it is credible. Someone posted a screenshot in the Ezra Miller tag but you might also find it on Twitter.


So where is the proper Ezra Miller is Over Party happening and where can I join in? lol

Or are we not doing that on tumblr because he’s “smashing toxic masculinity” by wearing make-up and attention-grabbing (*cough* whoring *cough*) fashion and likes to call himself “they”?

PS: The fucking irony of Ezra throwing Johnny Depp under the bus over the false DV allegations and now it turns out he’s the violent one who might reflect negatively on Johnny in the next movie. Damn!

PPS: I don’t care about his preferred pronouns.

PPPS: Not only did he choke a fan, he also spit on the people who had to get him off of her.



Hold the fucking phone.

You don’t care about his preferred pronouns?!

Sit the fuck down for a second.

You had better give a damn about preferred pronouns, even to assholes and jerks and hell even rapists and murderers. If they say they have pronouns different from what you’d expect than you had better use them.


It’s not to show those people any kindness or respect. It’s not to support them or show any softness towards them. It’s because it’s the right fucking thing to do. It’s also because someone’s preferred pronouns are NOT yours to take away if they don’t adhere to your damned standards of ‘niceness’ or ‘goodness’.

A person’s gender and preferred pronouns are NOT contingent upon them continuing to behave in society. How the fuck do you think that’s ok?

Yeah this little shit is a jackass. Yeah they deserve hate and scolding and all the other backlash for their actions–but the SECOND you take away their preferred pronouns YOU become the ASSHOLE.

All your friends who are trans/demi/queer/nobinary/etc get to see that you don’t give a damn about someone else’s gender. You’re just humoring them and playing nice until they fuck up and then they don’t deserve to have their gender honored.






You can take away your respect for someone, you can revoke your admiration, you can insult and vilify them for being bastards, but their gender and correct pronouns aren’t yours to take away.

Yes, they are. They are words and I can take them away just like that, boom! lol


So where is the proper Ezra Miller is Over Party happening and where can I join in? lol

Or are we not doing that on tumblr because he’s “smashing toxic masculinity” by wearing make-up and attention-grabbing (*cough* whoring *cough*) fashion and likes to call himself “they”?

PS: The fucking irony of Ezra throwing Johnny Depp under the bus over the false DV allegations and now it turns out he’s the violent one who might reflect negatively on Johnny in the next movie. Damn!

PPS: I don’t care about his preferred pronouns.

PPPS: Not only did he choke a fan, he also spit on the people who had to get him off of her.



Hold the fucking phone.

You don’t care about his preferred pronouns?!

Sit the fuck down for a second.

You had better give a damn about preferred pronouns, even to assholes and jerks and hell even rapists and murderers. If they say they have pronouns different from what you’d expect than you had better use them.


It’s not to show those people any kindness or respect. It’s not to support them or show any softness towards them. It’s because it’s the right fucking thing to do. It’s also because someone’s preferred pronouns are NOT yours to take away if they don’t adhere to your damned standards of ‘niceness’ or ‘goodness’.

A person’s gender and preferred pronouns are NOT contingent upon them continuing to behave in society. How the fuck do you think that’s ok?

Yeah this little shit is a jackass. Yeah they deserve hate and scolding and all the other backlash for their actions–but the SECOND you take away their preferred pronouns YOU become the ASSHOLE.

All your friends who are trans/demi/queer/nobinary/etc get to see that you don’t give a damn about someone else’s gender. You’re just humoring them and playing nice until they fuck up and then they don’t deserve to have their gender honored.






You sound ridiculous

Seriously, completely unhinged. lol

No, I don’t give a damn about preferred pronouns if I dislike you. I sure as hell don’t give a flying fuck about the preferred pronouns of rapists and murderers, holy shit! In fact I would go out of my way to use the most incorrect and hurtful ones possible. XD

And yes, it’s all about how a person behaves in society. If you want unusual pronouns to be used or don’t match what is usually associated with the pronouns you prefer that is completely dependent on people liking or at least respecting you. Sorry, that’s reality.


Ezra Miller can choke on his preferred pronouns. lol

He’s using they/them as a fashion accessory just like most who insist on gender neutral pronouns. I feel bad for trans people who have to deal being associated with those attention whores who will move on to the next oppression point trend sooner or later.


as i said on Twitter, I understand that Ezra Miller is a shitty person and what they have done isn’t okay but cis people don’t get to use this as an excuse to be transphobic. Ezra uses they/them pronouns and you need to respect that and use their pronouns because no longer are you hurting one person, you’re hurting a community and all other people who use they/them pronouns. 

This is not an excuse to be transphobic and you’re just a shitty person if you think it is

Aww, shut the fuck up. Ezra is not trans and no one is getting hurt by disrespecting a guy who clearly is a piece of shit. In fact you and your ilk are hurting actual trans people by associating trash like him and this whole pronoun speech control thing with them.

“Yeah, okay, I get that he, like, is a serial killer and did some bad stuff but lets talk about the important issue here. Decapitation Joe uses they/them pronouns, okay? Like OMG! Just because he disembowelled and decapitated 20+ women doesn’t mean you can use this as a way to be transphobic and disrespect his pronouns.”

I really hate tumblr sometimes. lol This is the kind of shit that has lead to LGBT acceptance going down for the first time in ages.

Ezra Miller can choke on his preferred pronouns!

yikes, the transphobia is off the rails here. the tags on this post said “transphobes don’t touch this post” so like you can fuck off now? 

No one is interested in your transphobia. 


“Aww, shut the fuck up. Ezra is IS trans and no one is getting hurt by disrespecting a PERSON who clearly is a piece of shit. In fact you and your ilk are hurting actual trans people by associating trash like THEM and this whole pronoun speech control thing with them.

“Yeah, okay, I get that he, like, is a serial killer and did some bad stuff but lets talk about the important issue here. Decapitation Joe uses they/them pronouns, okay? Like OMG! Just because he disembowelled and decapitated 20+ women doesn’t mean you can use this as a way to be transphobic and disrespect his pronouns.

”I really hate tumblr sometimes. lol This is the kind of shit that has lead to LGBT acceptance going down for the first time in ages. 

Ezra Miller can choke on THEIR preferred pronouns!” 

fixed it for you. now bye bye! 

Again, Ezra isn’t trans and you need to stop harming trans people by associating them with this woke tumblr bullshit.

Again, LGBT acceptance is down for the first time in ages because people like you keep calling everything transphobic and keep screeching about pronouns and you are so loud people start to believe you represent trans people (or LGBT in general). Stop before you cause even more damage.


as i said on Twitter, I understand that Ezra Miller is a shitty person and what they have done isn’t okay but cis people don’t get to use this as an excuse to be transphobic. Ezra uses they/them pronouns and you need to respect that and use their pronouns because no longer are you hurting one person, you’re hurting a community and all other people who use they/them pronouns. 

This is not an excuse to be transphobic and you’re just a shitty person if you think it is

Aww, shut the fuck up. Ezra is not trans and no one is getting hurt by disrespecting a guy who clearly is a piece of shit. In fact you and your ilk are hurting actual trans people by associating trash like him and this whole pronoun speech control thing with them.

“Yeah, okay, I get that he, like, is a serial killer and did some bad stuff but lets talk about the important issue here. Decapitation Joe uses they/them pronouns, okay? Like OMG! Just because he disembowelled and decapitated 20+ women doesn’t mean you can use this as a way to be transphobic and disrespect his pronouns.”

I really hate tumblr sometimes. lol This is the kind of shit that has lead to LGBT acceptance going down for the first time in ages.

Ezra Miller can choke on his preferred pronouns!

Anonymous asked:

been said before but ezra miller is yet another reason the internet needs to stop worshiping any man that wears makeup or does something traditionally feminine. I've heard more men be called feminists literally just for wearing makeup and dresses than women for actually trying to promote equality. Men being feminine does not mean they actually respect women, there is literally no connection.

And this is the problem that I have with this stereotype that if a man isn’t feminine enough he is seen as a misogynist by default and/or is questioned. Versus a man who is openly gay or bi and wears makeup, they are automatically by default a feminist and a good person. This is bullshit 100%. There are lgbtq men who respect women and are good people and then there are also straight men who respect women and are good people as well. Both worlds can coexist. Vice versa.

Celebrity worship is another issue. We don’t know these people and we shouldn’t hold them to such high regard. While I am not a fan of Ezra Miller anymore, I will still watch their films and separate art from the artist. I’m able to do this and some people aren’t able to and guess what, that’s okay. You are valid.

It is unfortunate that a person who tries to promote equality for their oppressed people end up abusing someone else from a different oppressed group. That’s not okay.


Watch me reblogging half of your blog because you keep dropping truth bombs. lol


Ezra not only choked her but also spat on her friend. So fucking disgusting.

And it happened only a few days ago with the virus thing going on. Normal people are facing jail time for doing this but eh, he’s a celeb so nothing is going to happen.


So where is the proper Ezra Miller is Over Party happening and where can I join in? lol

Or are we not doing that on tumblr because he’s “smashing toxic masculinity” by wearing make-up and attention-grabbing (*cough* whoring *cough*) fashion and likes to call himself “they”?

PS: The fucking irony of Ezra throwing Johnny Depp under the bus over the false DV allegations and now it turns out he’s the violent one who might reflect negatively on Johnny in the next movie. Damn!

PPS: I don’t care about his preferred pronouns.

PPPS: Not only did he choke a fan, he also spit on the people who had to get him off of her.


As someone who used to be a fan of Ezra Miller, it is heartbreaking to see what kind of a demented and rotten soul they have become. Amber Heard needs to be fired just as much as Ezra Miller should be too. Violence is never funny. Fuck them.

Couldn’t agree more. Amber should have been cancelled years ago since most of the evidence against her was already out back then and apart from Ezra being an annoying attention whore I can’t get past how he threw Johnny under the bus right there on the red carpet of the Fantastic Beasts premiere.

I never got why anyone liked him that much to be honest (yes, great actor but so are many others) Just because he dressed and acted more feminine, wore make-up and called himself “non-binary” and queer? Maybe this is a good opportunity to realize that just because a guy wears a ton of make-up and identifies as whatever has nothing to do with “toxic masculinity”. Most regular dudes would never do this to, hell, anyone (talking about mainly western countries here, unfortunately the situation is different in many parts of the world). Most wouldn’t even lay their hands on a woman if she brutally mentally and physically abuses them for years like it happened with Johnny and Amber.

Life lesson: The ones who signal and scream “ally/ I’m one of the good ones” the loudest often turn out to be the worst.

PS: I don’t give a shit about his preferred pronouns. lol



There are three new Joey/Henry fics on AO3 and new chapters of a WIP too and I didn’t have the time to read (and review because I need to write proper reviews because writers deserve it for entertaining us for free) any of them for three damn weeks because they buried us in home assignments to the point that I had to work non-stop on them.

I think I’m going to have a conniption, argh! 😖 

Only two days to go and I’ve made it to the Easter holidays, thank fuck! Can’t wait to catch up on reading and finally making some Jaskier gifs too, damnit!

I am pleasantly surprised at my self-restraint though. I saw those fics popping up and I didn’t cave in and quickly read them without leaving reviews like the fic junkie I am, noooo, I waited! 😂


Oh good lord, what has tumblr done to my dashboard? It looks horrible, the font is too big, scrollbar too small, it loads slowly, it’s 30% sponsored blogs and the worst: it no longer shows notifications! WTF?

Apparently some people can switch this beta dash off under ‘dashboard’ but some don’t see the button and I’m one of them. Is there any other way? Because all the changes are extremely annoying while the best aspects, fast loading and notifications, are gone.

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