
screw that kids

@christopherpaulcolfer--blog / christopherpaulcolfer--blog.tumblr.com

i like chris colfer and my otp is klaine.

THERE IS ONLY ONE DAY LEFT TO VOTE. Damon/Elena fans are voting a lot, especially on facebook. So please spend most of your voting time on Facebook, the PCA website and PCA app . The easiest way is to vote is from HERE and it keeps track of your votes! All you have to do is refresh, click and refresh again and you don't need a facebook account! So please vote


If you’re voting for kurt/blaine i would recommend using the PCA app, PCA site or the PCA facebook page(it keeps track of your votes), Its much more reliable. Last year a lot of people lost even though they were ahead on twitter!

The app is amazing i use it all...

December 5, and the award show is a little more than a month later. Chris and Darren will know if they win beforehand. So if they both go, there is a likely chance they did win. If they dont, they most likely didnt. But yes its very convenient, plus a lot more reliable. I lurked some damon/elena fans on twitter and they said last year Ian(guy who plays damon) got a lot more votes on twitter last year, and he ended up losing. Plus a lot of them are voting via app or facebook. I voted for Chris 20k on facebook last year and he won, so im sticking to fb and now the app!


If you’re voting for kurt/blaine i would recommend using the PCA app, PCA site or the PCA facebook page(it keeps track of your votes), Its much more reliable. Last year a lot of people lost even though they were ahead on twitter! 

The PCA app won’t even let you in. It shows you “this year’s winners,” and shows 2013, even though it has a vote button.

It’s for crap.

no it does! you might have last years version. It should recommend updating it in the app store. If not re download it, Its much much faster.


If you're voting for kurt/blaine i would recommend using the PCA app, PCA site or the PCA facebook page(it keeps track of your votes), Its much more reliable. Last year a lot of people lost even though they were ahead on twitter! 

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