
A Soul Made FullMetal

@fullmetalgrigori / fullmetalgrigori.tumblr.com

FMG. 24. ISTJ. Writer. Multifandom. If you're looking for rhyme and/or reason, you've come to the wrong place.

imo a funny as fuck gag is when a character calls out another characters name from somewhere up high or otherwise not immediately noticeable and the second character replies “god?”

“It’s rather chilling to consider that one of the most indelible images in the Star Wars saga is its heroine silenced, stripped down, and in chains. I know a lot of men have positive feelings about this particular costume — in fact there’s an entire episode of the popular sitcom Friends that’s devoted to it — which is why it’s kind of hilariously ironic that Han Solo was blind during these scenes. That is, the one man who is romantically attached to Leia is the one man who never saw her in the golden bikini. Which means Han Solo is more attracted to a mouthy space age shield maiden than he is to a tight female body on display. In fact, if I could be so bold, I would suggest that Han Solo would be more turned on hearing about how Leia strangled Jabba the Hutt to death — using nothing but the chain that enslaved her — than he would be hearing about how his sworn enemy turned the woman he loved into a tawdry plaything.”

I mean, the first time he says he’s starting to like her, she’s wearing a dress that covers her from chin to ankles and has spent the entire time he’s known her stealing guns, yelling at him about how sucky of a rescuer he is, and trash-talking his ship.


I start all my posts and messages with “and” and “also” because thanks to ADHD I do not experience the linear progression of time and every thought leads into the next one it is an interconnected web of existence and you are all the mosquitos on which I feast


it’s DIRT


unmute for comically aggrieved farmer


reblogging for the second time because I still laugh uncontrollably. in my mind the cows are trying to be gracious about their strange gift. ‘yes we love it thank u’


I know I literally  just reblogged this but I love this video so much it always makes me laugh because


2. The very disappointed “Eclair…”

3. “WHAT?” (High pitched mooing in response)

4. The way they turn into Pleakley from Lilo and Stitch as they get progressively more frustrated


Culture is so obsessed with the idea of lone geniuses that it doesn't really appreciate that most of the progress of science (and likely every other discipline) occurs collaboratively, in babysteps, and usually through a lot very tedious, utterly unsexy, work.


This is what’s so faulty with our short sighted coverage of scientific discoveries. You hear politicians question why we spend money on science studying insect wings and then decades later that research gets used by NASA for the most efficient way to fold/unfold solar panels on spacecraft. All of science is connected and useful because it enhances our understanding of the universe


the immune system is such bs tbh. you are diseased so now we have to fill your lungs with gunk. oh no! oh no! oh no! theres gunk in your lungs! cough it up right now! still filling them up with more gunk btw


This applies in varying ways to parts of the midwest as well.

I still vividly remember the time my car broke down in a McDonalds parking lot off the main road in Chicago when I was I think 19. I’d been dropping someone off since it was only a day or so’s drive from where I lived and much cheaper than a plane ticket. Anyways the battery cable came disconnected and it was the type you needed a wrench to reattach, I asked in the restaurant if they had one, no dice, asked in the lobby if anybody had one in their car, no dice, I remembered my parents had gotten me a small emergency tool kit years before, then remembered exactly where I’d left it at home. I called my parents, dreading what was to come, standing there describing the problem while looking under the hood, preparing myself for the inevitable mocking that was going to come, when an elderly man in a set of work-stained overalls carrying a duffle bag full of tools Hip-checked me out of the way, leaned in, attached the cable, and walked away without saying a Goddamned Word to me or even making eye contact.

(I shouted a deeply confused “Thank you!” as he walked off, but got no acknowledgement whatsoever)


i need to stop picking at my face but the problem is theres Textures On There and i would prefer if there Werent


Absolutely Devastated to discover that attempting to Remove The Textures will cause new, much more Textured Textures To Appear


my dad always tells me that when he’s with people bragging about their kids’ accomplishments and such he goes “yeah but are they like ....cool?” and the parents always give him a confused look and he goes “are they cool? my kids are so cool. i love hanging out with them.” and it always throws people off and i think that’s so funny and sweet like i may be a fucking idiot with just about zero accomplishments but at least my dad thinks i’m cool

Getting personal for a second, this is actually a huge sticking point for me. Sure, they love you, you're part of the family etc. But do they like you? You as a person, when the blood ties are set aside. Would your family be cool with the person you are if you were just some guy? It fucks me up.


The cast of the Original Trilogy had cliched, boring character concepts that were executed wonderfully enough for it not to matter. 

 The cast of the Prequel Trilogy had interesting concepts that were executed poorly enough to make them seem utterly stupid. 

The cast of the Sequel Trilogy had amazing, thought-provoking concepts that were executed in the town square and put up on pikes as a warning to others.


This is actually probably the best summary of star wars I’ve ever seen


the best part of stranger things to me is that everything in separate genres is always happening at once in completely different places and the storylines only truly converge at the very end. it was done so fucking well ESPECIALLY in the first season. s1e8 should have won every emmy imaginable

will + joyce/hopper + mike/lucas/dustin/eleven + nancy/jonathan/steve are all literally four completely different stories with completely different atmospheres in completely different genres (survival horror vs conspiracy mystery vs supernatural coming-of-age vs monster movie teen dramedy) and yet. and yet. they form the best coherent narrative in any season of the show

the cutaways from joyce and hopper uncovering government spy secrets to nancy jonathan and steve living out irl riverdale are unmatched and i’m not kidding

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