
All You Can Do Is Smile Back

@deathsmilesateveryone / deathsmilesateveryone.tumblr.com

What will, will be.

As a 4 year old, this was the funniest thing I’d ever seen. I think I talked about it for days.

This is still funny to me.


lmfao just walking away at the end like fuck this shit I’m out


Don’t forget who Joe Arpaio really is.

I feel like most folks don’t really know who Donald Trump just pardoned yesterday or why people are so upset about it.  Go to this tweet and read the thread.  

Each tweet is linked to an article by the Phoenix New Times with documented evidence showing what a criminal bigot Joe Arpaio is and his gross misconduct as sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona.  If you don’t have time to get into all of those articles (and there are lot) this is just a small sampling of the headlines:

He referred to the jail he ran as a “concentration camp” where prisoners regularly hanged themselves and where guards brutalized the inmates for requesting medical attention.  While he was in office, many child sex abuse cases were uninvestigated, which makes sense given that one of guys in his “Sheriff’s Posse” was brought up on child pornography charges.  He arrested journalists for investigating him – and lost the $3.75 million lawsuit filed against him by those journalists.  He staged a fake assasination attempt on himself, hired a private investigator to dig up dirt on the judge who ordered him to stop racially profiling Latinos, and became a permanent Trump BFF because he sent one of his own deputies to Hawaii to expose Obama for not having a birth certificate (he’s still convinced the birth certificate is forged btw).  

He was ultimately found guilty of a misdemeanor because our country protects law enforcement and protects white men from punishment.  He was charged with racially profiling Latinos, because obviously his goal was to have officers stop every Latino they saw to make sure they weren’t undocumented immigrants.  That’s against the law, and a federal court told him he could no longer have those “immigration round-ups.”  Arpaio basically said Screw the court, continued doing it, and then was found guilty of contempt of court – the misdemeanor for which Trump just pardoned him.

So do a cursory browse through all of the articles and documented evidence of Joe Arpaio being a racist, masochist bigot who has no business in law enforcement at all, let alone as a county sheriff, and then remember our legal system only gave him a slap on the wrist – not really because of the terrible things he did, but because he defied the court.  And Donald Trump just pardoned him for defying the court, which is clearly not what a Presidential pardon is for.  Cheetolini just wanted to reinforce his support for his white nationalist base because they’re the only group he can rely on to actually stroke his ego and tell him he’s a great guy.


Video Game Franchises Described in One Sentence

Strategy Games - Sid Meyer’s Civilization “I WILL CULTURE YOU TO DEATH”

Age of Empires “Brought to you by the History Channel”

Warcraft “HE STARTED IT!!!”


Warhammer “EVERYONE’S F@#$%#$ PISSED!!!”

Warhammer 40k “EVERYONE’S F@#$%#$ PISSED IN SPACE”

Grey Goo “Yeah, sure, that makes sense…”

Fire Emblem “But hear me out, what if we DATED instead of fought each other?”


Chess “ANALOG AS F@#$”



yall I fucking bled for this peice of trash pls like it 

oh. I thought it was a photo.

Damn it took me 5 minutes to figure out why you wanted people to like a picture of soap. You did such a good job people think you are just posting random pics of soap.

this isn’t the fist time this has happened, I painted lube and everyone was confused that I posted a picture of lube 


Imagine being such a good artist that people think you’re just an lolrandom shitposter


This may very well be the greatest image I have ever come across


Captain America knows what’s good.


This is the Captain America we need in 2017.


Let’s hear Cap’s entire speech:


“Listen to me– all of you out there! You were told by this man– your hero– that America is the greatest country in the world! He told you that Americans were the greatest people– that America could be refined like silver, could have the impurities hammered out of it, and shine more brightly! He went on about how precious America was – how you needed to make sure it remained great! And he told you anything was justified to preserve that great treasure, that pearl of great price that is America!

“Well, I say America is nothing! Without its ideals– its commitment to the freedom of all men, America is a piece of trash! A nation is nothing! A flag is a piece of cloth! I fought Adolf Hitler not because America was great, but because it was fragile! I knew that liberty could be snuffed out here as in Nazi Germany! As a people, we were no different than them! When I returned, I saw that you nearly did turn American into nothing! And the only reason you’re not less then nothing– is that it’s still possible for you to bring freedom back to America!”


Wow. This was undoubtedly aimed at Ronald Reagan, but it’s like he was talking about Trump and Republicans. Note that he’s calling out the use of fear of “the other” and blind nationalism. 

This is the Captain America the world actually needs right now

I wonder how it feels for Nick Spencer, who likes to think his writing is so very topical, that a comic from over twenty years ago has a more relevant and important take on Steve Rogers than anything he’s written about the character in his entire time working at Marvel

This is amazing

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