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@sandrobotticelli / sandrobotticelli.tumblr.com


4/13 Countdown

Celebrate Homestuck Day with us by participating in FIVE DAYS of FUN THEMES counting down to 4/13.

Everyone has their favorites. Share yours by creating art, edits, music, stories and more! Tag @413countdown​​ or use #homestuck413, #413countdown. We’ll reblog/retweet it and share the love ♥♦♣♠

  1. April 8th, 5 days to go! Theme: Favorite Power/Classpect Classpect yourself, write meta analysis on class dynamics, redesign your favorite god tier outfits or fraymotifs— get creative!
  2. April 9th, 4 days to go! Theme: Favorite Non-Canon Characters Show off your fantrolls, OCs, or even your favorite Hiveswap/Friendsim characters that deserve some more love!
  3. April 10th, 3 days to go! Theme: Favorite Relationship Pick a quadrant, any quadrant. Or maybe none at all? Siblings, friendships, found families, romance…there are so many meaningful relationships in Homestuck. Which one is your favorite?
  4. April 11th, 2 days to go! Theme: Favorite Flash/Panel Redraw Recreate your favorite moment in your style!
  5. April 12, 1 day to go! Theme: Favorite Characters Who is it? Is it Vriska? It’s probably Vriska. Unless it’s not. Why are we trying to guess? Just tell us!
  6. April 13,  HOMESTUCK DAY! Theme: Birthday Party/Free Day! Happy Homestuck Day! It’s party time! 🥳 Create whatever you like to show your love for Homestuck!

We look forward to counting down the days with everyone!

*Please include content warnings in your posts. There is a chance untagged or harmful content will not be reblogged/retweeted. Feel free to visit our FAQ or send any further questions to our Tumblr.


If your apology involves degrading yourself, calling yourself shit or insulting yourself, its not an apology, try again.

Can someone translate this?

Don’t try to guilt people by saying “I’m sorry I fucking suck.” “I’m sorry I’m just the worst and I should die” Because thats not an apology, thats trying to guilt the other person into dropping the subject.

Yup.  That’s called Weaponized Remorse.  Basically, you’re avoiding accountability by blowing up a big Feelings Bomb at the person you hurt and going “let’s not focus on what I did or what I should do to make amends, let’s focus on how awful I feel about it all, and how you should make me feel better.”

White Woman Crying Syndrome.

Some of the people doing it are just selfish and insensitive assholes.

Some of the people doing it are selfish and insensitive assholes who are specifically trying to train you to think that trying to tell them what they’re doing wrong is going to involve a Drama Bomb and not resolve anything, so you just shouldn’t bother.

“But I DO feel hurt and upset by the situation I’m apologizing for”

Sure, but the person you’re apologizing to doesn’t want or need to hear about it. Go tell a friend who wasn’t involved. Go tell a therapist. Your spouse. DON’T add it to your apology.


Friendly reminder that fan-made content (fanart, fanfic, fanvids, etc) are:

  • extremely time consuming. Remember someone actually took time out of their life to create that, time they could’ve used to, idk, sleep, for example
  • entertainment you’re consuming for free. I can’t stress this enough: you’re enjoying someone else’s craft for free. You paid exactly zero money to look at/read/watch it.
  • S H A R E D  with you, not made for you. This is the most important point: someone created that, put it online and you found it. No one forced you to consume that fanwork, you C H O S E  to do it. 

Whenever you feel like leaving a mean comment, anonymous hate or make a ~clever post about how ‘lol look at all of these overused tropes every fic writer crams into their fics’ remember you’re being a dick to someone who shared their work with you. You’re not being funny, you’re not being edgy, you’re not being brave for calling something out - you’re being a dick.


S H A R E D  with you, not made for you.

Read that again.


Kelly Rowland Texting Nelly Via Microsoft Excel And Then Getting Annoyed When He Doesn’t Text Back (2002)


A woman bought a sculpture at Goodwill for $34.99. It actually was a missing ancient Roman bust.

An ancient Roman bust from around the first century that had been missing for decades has finally made its way into the San Antonio Museum of Art, and all it took was for one artist to buy it from a Texas Goodwill for under $40.

In 2018, art collector Laura Young was shopping at a Goodwill store in Austin, Texas when she stumbled upon a sculpture on the floor beneath a table, according to the San Antonio Museum of Art. Someone that looks for undervalued or rare art pieces, Young told The Art Newspaper she bought the piece for $34.99, and a picture of it after she bought it shows it buckled up in her car with a price tag on its cheek.

After buying the bust, Young noticed it looked very old and worn, so she wanted to find out when and where it came from. Read more.


i will never be over the fact that during first contact a human offered their hand to a vulcan and the vulcan was just like “wow humans are fucking wild” and took it


Humanity’s first contact with Vulcans was some guy going “I’m down to fuck.”

Vulcans’ first contact with Humans was an emphatic “Sure.”

“sir…these…these humans…they greet each other by…” *glances around before furtively whispering* “by clasping hands…”

*prolonged silence* “oh my…”

“sir…sir how will we make first contact with them? surely we…we cannot refuse this handclasping ritual, they will take it as an insult, but what vulcan would agree to such a distasteful and uncomfortable ritual??”

*several pensive moments later* “contact the vulcan high command and tell them to send us kuvak. i once saw that crazy son of a bitch arm wrestle a klingon, he’ll put his hands on anything”


Elsewhere, w/ kuvak: “….my day has come.”


The vulcan who made first contact with humans is named Solkar guys. Y’all just be makin’ up names for characters that already have names.

Bonus: here’s a screencap of Solkar doing the “my body is ready” pose right before he shakes Zefram Cochrane’s hand:

I swear Vulcans only come in two types and they are “distant xenophobes” or “horny on main for humanity”. Also apparently this guy is Spock’s great-grandfather and frankly that explains everything.

Hey so I looked into this at one point and that handshake literally created a lifelong telepathic bond between the two of them, and basically all of Solkar’s descendants were later obsessed with humans, including freaking SPOCK, so I’m not saying that handshake was so gay and good that it created an intergenerational telepathic bond between Solkar’s descendants and humans, but I’m also not….not….saying that.

The slow deliberation with which Solkar takes Cockrane’s–I’m sorry, Cochrane’s–hand… The sheer sensuality witch which Solkar infuses an otherwise borderline impersonal social ritual… It clearly shows a very conscious knowledge, on Solkar’s part, of what the significance of the handshake is in Vulcan terms and of how affected he is by it.

That’s why he’s so slow in doing it, and so sensual. A part of Solkar can’t believe this is happening, despite it being a perfectly logical thing to expect from a human, and the rest of him can’t believe how good it is.

I bet that if the camera zoomed in any further we would see the dilation of Solkar’s pupils and a quickly-repressed shiver of delight. Cochrane’s firm, businesslike clasp is probably (in sexual terms) being perceived as a deliciously carnal display of dominance.


And so we find out that yes, there is such a thing as bottoming in Pon-farr.

Every time this post comes round my dash, it just gets better.


Some Vulcan: we could probably just explain that handshakes are intimate in our culture

Solkar, rubbing lip gloss on his hand: don’t tell me how to do my job 

A LOT of Humans: of course I’d make out with an alien, I mean, who in their right mind wouldn’t?

Solkar: *whispers to himself* FINALLY someone gets it!

Other Vulcans: what was that Solkar?

Solkar: Nothing. Nothing at all.

Other Vulcans: We understand this is a highly indecent act to go through for the sake of first contact, and we can find someone else if you’re uncomfortable with-

Solkar: WHAT?? NO!! I-I mean, it’s fine. There no need for someone else, I’m perfectly capable of greeting the humans on their own terms despite how thrilling-I MEAN inappropriate!!!…as it is. Perfectly capable. There’s no need to find someone else.

Also Solkar: *slowly sneaks a bottle of hand lotion and manicure kit into his robes when the other Vulcans aren’t looking*


don't get too cocky about your growing power, libra. scorpio season is next and you cannot kill all of us before then


Decided to do a little drawing for 4/13. I can’t take credit for this quote, it was something I heard a long while ago on Yu Yu Hakusho abridged and it’s always stuck with me. 

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