     Hello! Would you kindly reblog/like if you’re a MULTIMUSE oc/canon,      or if you’d be interested in interacting with one? Please and thank you! 

If you still wish to interact with Eveona, she can be found on this blog! ^^ She has been moved to my new multimuse. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


Perm. Blog Event!

     “ Goodbye, m o t h e r . “


Today was supposed to be a happy day. It was her birthday, and even worse, it was the holidays. Her first day of officially being an adult, and she was spending it hunching over her mothers bed. The monitor she was hooked up to had went silent hours ago. Eveona simply refuse to believe her mother was just gone. She knew it would happen eventually with how bad of condition she was in, but why did it have to be today? 

( Throwing the rest under a readmore because it gets pretty heavy. )


“Huh?” At the sudden tilt of her head byakuya jolted lightly. He didn’t expect her to suddenly tilt her head so cutely. “Oh um…..what’s the problem…???” He asked her, offering a nervous smile in response.


     “ You frowned there for a minute. It just concerned me was all! “ 

Golly, he sure did always seem nervous around her, didn’t he? She hoped that would fade away over time. Maybe it was because this was the first few days of her relationship.


   That was it! He was sold! He’d become friends with this stranger, they’d be a dynamic duo, and it’d be awesome! Grinning–though, he was probably doing so before without even meaning to seeing as bones didn’t move like flesh did–the skeleton extended a hand, meant for it to be shook. 



While seeing a skeleton was a bit intimidating, she couldn’t help but to feel oddly relaxed in his presence now that they spoke for a moment. A new f r i e n d. Knowing she had somehow befriended him was enough to make her smile. It had been awhile since she managed to befriend some one. She wasn’t as social as she wanted to be.

     “ I’m Eveona. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mervin. “

Her childish grin only widened as she shook his outstretched hand.

I’m gonna be working all this morning/afterno on. So, to have something to look forward to when returning from h e l l work,       like this for a starter if we don’t have one going!


Send me a "✔" if i'm one of your favorite blogs!
      T-Thats a hella ton of checks.idk if I’m worthy 4 u babbu--*wheeze*  t HANK.
Anonymous asked:


Send me a URL and I’ll give my 100% honest opinion.
     I’ve known Britt since the start of this blog. We’re p goodfriends, and honestly, I wish we talked much more. She’s so niceand precious. Her arts cute as fuck, her muses are all so unique,and the themes she makes are fuckin’ rad. Hell, if she was closeenough to me, I very well would visit her one day.
Though…I can’t help but to feel a bit shitty whenever she’s downand I can’t do much to help. I truly try when I notice she’s upset, butI feel like I fail at cheering her up. I hope I can fix that. I dunno how i’dfeel if I heard she hurt herself.
In short, I adore and treasure Britt a lot!! (no full homo)

Jolting at the sudden nuzzling of his stomach the blonde merely frowned lightly. Jeez this date was full of shocks, excluding the rain of course since it is a rainy season after all. “…….” Continuing to run his much bigger fingers through her hair Byakuya gave a content nod to himself of sort-


It seemed that with the okay to show affection, she certainly wasn’t going to waste time with displaying the sweet gestures. She noticed the slight frown, however, and tilted her head a bit in silent question.


         “Temporary distractions, eh? Well all you had to do was            jump me when I walked through the door, and I’d have            gladly acquiesced.” 

Joel winked roguishly before returning to his coffee as if he hadn’t said anything, though that mischievous glint was still more than apparent in his eye. 

          “Lucky? Nah. I’m just nocturnal as all hell, and not trying            to sleep anytime soon. Your real luck comes from the fact            that had you not texted me when you did, I’d be in the studio            right now, and completely ignoring my phone.”


     “ Either way, I am glad to have you around.~ “

Unlike him, Eveona tried to sleep during the night. It was just normally after two am. She just found that she did her best work at night when no one was around to distract her. Without the aid of the coffee, she probably would of passed out already. 

     “ Now that I recall it, a lot of the times something rough has happened, I found myself coming to you. That in mind, it’s almost like I’m drawn to you in an odd way.~ “

Her sweet smile was odd. He suddenly felt out of place, like he’d encountered the kind of person he was pretending to be - someone with a lot of money and a lot of class. Hell, Teruteru felt like a naughty child underneath it all who was trying to hide a broken vase from his parents - he never really did stop hiding it though, not really. He’d just keep on pretending like nothing was broken.

“W-well! I guess some people don’t just… have hundreds casually sitting in their purse…” He didn’t know what to say. Even though he tried to pretend he was of the upper-class himself, finding out about her monetary status altered his opinion of her negatively. Perhaps it was envy - it was most definitely envy

“Please! I’m a chef, I’m never inconvenienced when it comes to cooking. It’s my job and my title after all.”


     “ In all honesty, I truly shouldn’t even be carrying more than fifty. Walking around with too much makes you a target to get mugged if people find out. But! I do so just in case I run across nice little things like this! “

While she wouldn’t mention it, she kept a weapon on her person just in case such a thing were to happen...again. But if she could donate to things like this, it was worth it to her.

Hearing that she wouldn’t be inconveniencing him made her perk up a bit. Getting out of the house for a bit would probably do her some good anyhow. Perhaps taking him up on his offer would be a good idea.

     “ If you feel that way...I wouldn’t mind an actual meal. “


Send me a ♮ for my muse's reaction to yours coming up from behind and wrapping their arms around mine's waist.

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