

@boook-worm / boook-worm.tumblr.com

So be merry, so be dead.
Anonymous asked:

I know you might well never see this, but I'm rereading my favourite story and there's a fictional character who really reminds me of you, the way you type, etc. Unfortunately that character's actual existence is a spoiler until halfway through the story.

In a one-off venture back onto Tumblr I've just seen this now! I'm so touched that you thought of me, as well as incredibly curious to know who the character is... Thanks for your message ☺️

“Yesterday I almost cried in public I was sitting in the classroom and there was a lot of people standing around me Talking and laughing with each other My only friend was standing in the crowd, speaking with our classmates I stared out the window and the familiar lonliness got closer and closer until it was sitting right beside me I could smell it’s rotten breath but I tried not to look at it And I succesfully kept water away from my eyes I’ve realised that I always feel the lonliest when there’s other people around me”


the bridge by ntinoslagos #SocialFoto


I’m so social around most people, but as soon as there’s someone I want to be friends with, I act like a complete potato.

“I love deep talks. Like, hell yeah, tell me about why you’d prefer to talk to your mom rather than your dad. Tell me about your favourite lyrics in the songs you listen to everyday and why they’re your favourite. Tell me about the dog you had when you were growing up and how he was your best friend. Tell me about what kind of books you like to read when you’re alone in your room. Tell me about the things you think about right before you fall asleep. Tell me anything and everything.”


“The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, not the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when you discover that someone else believes in you and is willing to trust you with a friendship.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friends on the early morning streets of Taxco, Mexico.

© Kevin Charles Ward

If I try to describe him here, it is so as not to forget him. To forget a friend is sad. Not everyone has had a friend. And if I do forget him, I might become like those grown-ups who no longer care for anything except figures.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince (via memoryarchaeologist)

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