
harsh but true

@sonnywortzik / sonnywortzik.tumblr.com

30 he/him dyke, thanks.

hey y’all. my phone and computer are trashed - i’m accessing this draft via a work computer and editing the caption to ask you for help.

my partner and i will be homeless very soon if we don’t pay our rent. we are trying to put together enough money to either pay rent or pay for food and a motel room if we do lose our apartment. we are so broke that anything helps. 

everyone’s in the shit right now, we ain’t special. but if my butch transgender ass (or my boyfriend’s) has ever made you smile on this here internet, we would greatly appreciate anything you can spare to keep us and our pets in ramen & kibble. 

venmo: monsterjournalism@gmail.com paypal: monsterjournalism@gmail.com

thank you ❤️

currently experiencing technical difficulties with my paypal, but my partner's paypal is @phoebustaylor ✌🏻

Anonymous asked:

Fyi: paypal says you are unable to receive money. Might be your settings?

ah shit, thanks for the heads up. I've only used venmo for so long, I'll look into it 🤟🏻


hey y’all. my phone and computer are trashed - i’m accessing this draft via a work computer and editing the caption to ask you for help.

my partner and i will be homeless very soon if we don’t pay our rent. we are trying to put together enough money to either pay rent or pay for food and a motel room if we do lose our apartment. we are so broke that anything helps. 

everyone’s in the shit right now, we ain’t special. but if my butch transgender ass (or my boyfriend’s) has ever made you smile on this here internet, we would greatly appreciate anything you can spare to keep us and our pets in ramen & kibble. 

venmo: monsterjournalism@gmail.com paypal: monsterjournalism@gmail.com

thank you ❤️


sometimes you block someone and it's like in another life we would be doing coke in a bathroom together but instead you're on tumblr and i fucking hate you

"There are old poops who will say that you do not become a grown-up until you have somehow survived, as they have, some famous calamity -- the Great Depression, the Second World War, Vietnam, whatever. Storytellers are responsible for this destructive, not to say suicidal, myth. Again and again in stories, after some terrible mess, the character is able to say at last, 'Today I am a woman. Today I am a man. The end.' When I got home from the Second World War, my Uncle Dan clapped me on the back, and he said, 'You're a man now.' So I killed him. Not really, but I certainly felt like doing it. Dan, that was my bad uncle, who said a male can't be a man unless he'd gone to war. But I had a good uncle, my late Uncle Alex. He was my father's kid brother, a childless graduate of Harvard who was an honest life-insurance salesman in Indianapolis. He was well-read and wise. And his principal complaint about other human beings was that they so seldom noticed it when they were happy. So when we were drinking lemonade under an apple tree in the summer, say, and talking lazily about this and that, almost buzzing like honeybees, Uncle Alex would suddenly interrupt the agreeable blather to exclaim, 'If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.' So I do the same now, and so do my kids and grandkids. And I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, 'If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.'"

— Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without a Country (2005)

“Movies are made out of darkness as well as light; it is the surpassingly brief intervals of darkness between each luminous still image that makes it possible to assemble the many images into one moving picture. Without that darkness, there would only be a blur. Which is to say, that a long movie consists of an hour or an hour of pure darkness that goes unseen. If you could add up all the darkness, you would find the audience in the theatre gazing together in a deep imaginative night. It is the terra incognita of film, the dark continent on every map. In a similar way, a runner’s every step is a leap, so that for a moment he or she is entirely off the ground. For those brief instants, shadows no longer spill out from their feet, like leaks, but hover below them like doubles, as they do with birds, whose shadows crawl below them, caressing the surface of the earth, growing and shrinking as their makers move nearer or farther from that surface. For my friends who run long distances, these tiny fragments of levitation add up to something considerable; by their own power they hover above the earth for many minutes, perhaps some significant portion of an hour for the hundred-mile races. We fly; we dream in darkness; we devour heaven in bites too small to be measured.”

— Rebecca Solnit. (via kuanios)


From the makers of "this meeting could have been an email" we present: this universal moral dictum could have been a personal boundary


y’know identitarian bullshit is a lot easier to divest from once you realize how good it feels to hang out with an asshole on the sidewalk without interrogating them about all of their correct beliefs

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