
Ask Dr. Dan

@askdancain / askdancain.tumblr.com

Daniel Cain, M.D. Graduated from Miskatonic University. Currently conducting research with my friend and colleague Dr. Herbert West. Figured I'd start a blog to keep myself sane. Not sure it'll work since my life is... weird, to put it mildly.

((Wow, how the fuck,.. I’m still in shock. I never thought I’d find one, really. Fuck, are there others of other Re-animator characters around other than Herbert, I wonder?

Anyways… Yeah, this is theking-of-hell  on her Herbert West sideblog. So… Do we plot, or should just jump right in? Which point in the movie timeline should we have them interact?))


((Hey!  Sorry it took so long to reply.  I’m up for anything you’d like to try.  This Dan’s canon is post-Bride, pre-Beyond, still living with Herbert and working on the work, but I’m willing to play anything!  If you have anything plotty you wanna add in let me know, as well as things you’re not willing to do.  I’m pro Danbert and pro both allosexual and asexual Herbert, and I have no problem with nsfw things.  If you wanna play this as Danbert I would prefer to start off without an established relationship so we can work it out as the characters.  Otherwise, I’m totally open to just gen roleplays in character or whatever you’d like!))

I am in love with a monster. A thing so hated to the bone simply for its mystery. Monsters are beings one fears for its own ugliness, yet I love a thing so beautiful and rare it must be hideous to anyone else but me. It wages wars and beats its chest and mutters just to hear its echo, and I can feel an anger deep within him that sends shudders down my spine, as if my brain and my heart were two disconnected entities. The tremor of fear and the tremor of love are not so different, it seems.
Source: wnq-writers
You cut up a thing that’s alive and beautiful to find out how it’s alive and why it’s beautiful, and before you know it, it’s neither of those things, and you’re standing there with blood on your face and tears in your sight and only the terrible ache of guilt to show for it.

Clive Barker, The Damnation Game (via elucipher)


Either we're buying a cat or you're coming and cuddling with me. What's it gonna be, Herbert?


You know how I feel about cats, Dan. 


Oh, have I offended your Puritan sensibilities, Herbert?  Yeah.  That’s what I was thinking too.

No, but I expect to be taken out to dinner before you… try anything. I haven’t seen any of these movies in… years. It might actually be nice.

Alright, I can respect that.  I wouldn’t, you know.  I’d never do anything you weren’t comfortable with…  Years?!  Where were you when I used to marathon them every couple of months?  Did I really never force you to sit through them?  Wow, I’ve been lax in my roommate duties…

I was joking, Dan. Mostly. I was probably either in the basement or at the hospital, as usual— we haven’t spent much time together, really. Not outside of the work.

Mostly joking?  I think I can work with that...  That's... yeah, I guess that's true.  I just feel like you're such a... fixture in my life, it's weird when we don't know things about each other.  Anyway, we'll do better from now on.

Anonymous asked:

Do you believe that, even after years of living together, one can still discover new things about one's partner?

Uh, sure.  I mean, people change.  They say you never know everything about a person no matter how long you live with them.  The best thing to do is communicate often with the person you care about.


Right.  You’re right.

Don’t hold back next time, I’d be interested to know what you consider a rude compliment.  Oh, wait, you mean… tall people who take care of their bodies, oh my God.  I didn’t even— I… think… Damn, I think you might be right. Well, can you blame me?  I’ve thought about what I’d do if—well I mean.  Now that I have you… Uh.

Well. Most of the compliments I give you are at least slightly rude, aren’t they? I didn’t know what else to say. Anything more would have been obvious. Dark hair? A winning smile? Nice hands? A tolerable personality? I know I am. That’s one thing I can promise you— we’ll never be bored. Dan. You’ve—?! Oh. That’s… Well, I hope you don’t have heightened expectations. I’m more familiar with corpses than… living people.

That’s true, I didn’t think of that. A winning smile, Jesus.  You… like my hands, huh?  Tolerable?! I’m pretty sure I know that by now. Of course i have.  Don’t tell me you haven’t… or have you?  And no, Herbert, my expectations ended at never telling you how I felt.  More familiar with—I think that sounded a bit grosser than you meant it to…

You have a nice smile. I’m… especially fond of your hands, but I do think I have a few complaints about your personality…  Good. Yes. I guess I— I didn’t think… Well. It was a surprise. Dan! That isn’t what I meant at all and you know that. I deal more with the dead than the living— I— my social skills and my… you know exactly what I mean.

Thank you!  I... I'm glad you... I'm glad.  Hey now, I never claimed to be perfect. I like your eyes.  Uh.  If we're trading compliments.  And your, uh.  Your lips. You... that's really... wow, uh.  I know, Herbert, I was teasing you.

Anonymous asked:

//Do you know what happened to the reanarrator?

((It looks like they deleted!  I’m not sure if the person who ran it wants to be asked about it, so I’m gonna refrain from linking them, but sadly it looks like they’re out of the roleplay picture.))


Either we're buying a cat or you're coming and cuddling with me. What's it gonna be, Herbert?


You know how I feel about cats, Dan. 


Well, unless you had something else in mind…  I’m feeling Claude Rains tonight, hope that’s alright.

Don’t be crude, Dan. That sounds fine— I think I’ve seen enough reanimation for today. 

Oh, have I offended your Puritan sensibilities, Herbert?  Yeah.  That’s what I was thinking too.

No, but I expect to be taken out to dinner before you… try anything. I haven’t seen any of these movies in… years. It might actually be nice.

Alright, I can respect that.  I wouldn't, you know.  I'd never do anything you weren't comfortable with...  Years?!  Where were you when I used to marathon them every couple of months?  Did I really never force you to sit through them?  Wow, I've been lax in my roommate duties...

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