

@angelofashes / angelofashes.tumblr.com

All things TWD and my darling Norman Reedus

headcanon: rickyl

they hooked up a number of times during that first winter. rough, wordless things while they were off on their own scavenging, when the stress and the strain got to be too much, when the harsh distance from lori and the thinning resources and the weight of everyone relying on them threatened to crush them under. sometimes it felt vindictive, sometimes it felt desperate, and sometimes it just felt like having something solid to lean on for a few minutes. they never talked about it in between, both read it as nothing but stress relief, but it solidified them as two people needing each other, trusting each other, and relying on each other through anything.

it ended when they found the prison. after lori, after judith, after merle and the governor, and the world settling down slow after. it ended after that first winter, but that was alright.

it’d never been anything anyway.


ok but the fact that glenn started team family.  maggie was right and i never explicitly thought about it that way until now.  glenn didn’t just save rick’s life back in atlanta - he put into motion every event that would lead these characters to meet and come to care about each other so much.

team family wouldn’t exist without the selfless, compassionate, caring, pure heart and soul of glenn rhee and everything they do to protect each other honors him and his memory and everything he risked and sacrificed and that’s honestly the most beautiful thing i’ve ever heard. 

What’s going through his head there? First off, in that first scene, even being in that jail cell, Daryl’s thinking he deserves it. Like, whatever happens to him, he deserves it, but he can’t say he’s Negan because it would give up all of the hope that Glenn had. Glenn was this optimistic guy. He was his friend. He’s done so much and that’s the last thread of humanity that he has left, is saving face for his friend. It’s as much for Glenn as it is for Daryl, you know? That’s the last thing he has left.

Norman Reedus in Entertainment Weekly

See I love this so much had to share it…

(via frickss75)

It’s a fantastic quote!

Anonymous asked:

Dwight has no choice but to follow Negan order or Negan will torture his family as well as him. So its choice between hurting and killing people you don't known or let your family suffer and starve. Negan has tone of people so Dwight can't just kill him or it would endangering his family he try to escape but that didn't help. So Dwight follows Negan order to gain enough trust to get close enough to bring him down.

Ok… I assume this is something you’re getting from the comics? (Please warn for comic spoilers before you say them!! I’m not reading and don’t really want future plot points spoiled for me. Thank you

Because nothing of the sort was ever explained in the show. And that bugs me because it’s lazy for the writers to expect us to look to alternate sources to explain plot points or characters’ behavior. Yes, everything can’t be explained in 45 minute stretches, and maybe they’ll go into more of Dwight’s backstory next season (like seven months from now) but if you’re going to actively change a character’s behavior then the least you can do is throw in a line explaining it, or showing that the other characters know it’s strange too.

Daryl: Thought you wanted to get out.
Dwight: There’s no getting out. I realize that now. You’ll realize it too, soon enough.

I mean… how hard would that have been? It would’ve acknowledged the change, piqued the viewers’ interest, and taken all of 3 seconds.

The other issue I have is that Dwight isn’t acting like someone who’s scared or who’s been threatened. He seemed totally cheerful about killing Denise; not like someone who’d been forced into his actions out of fear or has any qualms about it, but like someone who genuinely enjoyed killing and being a part of the Saviors. He didn’t seem at all like someone who’d wanted to get out but was scared back into it.

So I don’t know. I guess jury’s out on his character until I see how the show handles it, but so far it’s been very clumsy writing.

Ehat? I haven’t watch it omg… I’ve been waiting like a mad person,

Dude. You need to blacklist #twd spoilers if you don’t want the spoilers!!!

I don’t know, I mean, maybe you’ll be satisfied by the ending. They were going for a cliffhanger and maybe some people will appreciate that but it just felt like a cheap stunt to me. Like... I can’t care until I know what I’m supposed to be caring about. Anyway, that’s all I’ll say for now.


I'm mad I'm just mad at that ending!


I just feel so… bleh from it. Like I was honestly really enjoying the episode until Negan came out, and while I love Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and I get what they were going for with the blase cheerful faux-reasonable killer type, I was fairly underwhelmed. Maybe because there was just five minutes of him talking and then… nothing. No payoff. Like… really?

Because the fact is that I wouldn’t react to everyone’s deaths the same way. I can’t get too upset when it’s possible that someone like Abraham or Rosita (no offense to Rosita but she’s basically made no impression on me) is dead. And so now we’re all just stuck in this bleh limbo for six months when I was expecting to come out of this episode devastated.

It was just… I sort of have no reaction to it.

Because I wasn’t given anything to react to.

And that’s really not how you should feel coming out of a finale. :/


Hey there! I wondered: What do you think of Carols arc? Especially the last 2 -3 episodes? For me ... I kind of ... don't really get the change in her character (or maybe in her beliefs?). At the beginning of the season I was stunned and in awe by her ruthlessness, because: yes, sometimes you will need peopel like her, who do the dirty work and do the morally questionable and bad things, so others don't have to do them. And it seemed that she accapted her role ... so what did I miss?


We started to really see a change in Carol’s conviction following the time jump after the mid-season break, so I think the breaking point for Carol was probably during the Walker invasion of Alexandria – when the entire town was on the brink of destruction and there were hundreds of flesh eating Walkers literally meandering up and down the streets, but all she could focus on was killing the imprisoned Wolf… who, let’s face it, wasn’t their biggest problem at the moment.

She’d gotten such tunnel vision at that point, fallen into this honestly irrational mindset of kill every possible threat right the fuck now without asking questions or thinking things through, and it was to the point where she couldn’t focus on the bigger problem in front of her. In her mind, in that moment, the Wolf was the enemy, and Morgan was the enemy for bringing him in… and honestly as I was watching I wanted to shake her for starting a fight over the tied up guy (giving him a chance to knock them down, kidnap Denise, and escape) when there was so much else going on.

And I think it shook her too. She realized that there was no real in-between for her: she could either be that cold-blooded, efficient killer or she could be the sweet happy homemaker, but she didn’t know how to find a balance. I think she was teetering on the edge of too far for a while, and that incident made her realize it and snap back.

We also can’t forget that there were a couple months in there that we didn’t see, which were seemingly pretty peaceful and just about rebuilding. We saw Carol baking for the neighbors and seeming happy enough about it. I think that in the downtime she had time to settle and rethink things, probably for the first time since the prison, and realize that she actually liked being that happy, homey person. She liked not having to make tough calls, or to kill when no one else could.

Honestly I don’t love the way the arc has played out. While Melissa is a beautiful actress always, the writing behind her struggle (as well as most things this season, I feel) has been incredibly convoluted. It’s hard to see where her shift is coming from and how much of her struggle is real and how much is an act (I think it’s always some measure of both). And maybe that’s the point, maybe she isn’t sure either, but I wish it could have been handled better and I wish it hadn’t been such a drastic change.


Yeah, I can’t tell if the writers are just getting lazy or if the characters are supposed to be getting clumsy and overconfident. Because they’ve survived this long, more or less, by being smart and being careful, and now all of a sudden they’re just wandering about blindly, taking trips out into the wild on the flimsiest whim, risking their most valuable people (I’m sorry but Denise, really? I loved you but how stupid and irresponsible to have the only doctor in the entire community go wandering off just so she could feel tough. Like I knew all episode she was going to die, she just kept taking dumb risks and Daryl and Rosita weren’t watching her nearly closely enough) and starting a war with a new group they know literally nothing about, without trying to do any kind of recon first. Since the time jump it’s like Rick just thinks he can survive anything, like nothing can touch him and his... which feels like an especially strange transition considering how his son just lost an eye (not to mention his girlfriend & family dying). Like where is this stupidly blase attitude coming from?

I’ve never really thought the group deserved what they got before (well, at least since that time in s2 when Lori randomly took a drive out to town on her own, and didn’t watch the road and got herself into a car accident) but this season I’ve been feeling like pretty much everything that’s gone wrong could have been avoided by them just being less stupid about things. And that (along with the weird pacing) is making me way less invested in what happens to them.

You’re probably right about Dwight, but I hope we get something, because right now he’s kind of a cartoon villain. And I hope the show in general just uses its 90 minutes wisely next week, and we get a strong finale.


Ok first off: holy frick replies are back??? When did this happen?? I’m so out of touch with Tumblr, guys.

But yeah, he’s just so different now, and with no explanation whatsoever, so it’s really hard to process or honestly to take seriously. I’m wondering (as a non-comic reader) if maybe the Saviors are an actual cult and he’s been brainwashed into a happy killer person since going back there.

If they could’ve had some line somewhere, just a throwaway with Daryl saying something like “guess you found your place back there,” and Dwight saying how Negan had shown him the light or something (haha, get it, because his face is burned now) then at least there would be a hint of an explanation to tie things together, but as it is it’s like the writers just created a new character and gave the role to the same actor for some reason. Like no one has acknowledged how different he is in-show (or mentioned his new scar or anything) so it just feels like sloppy writing.

*sighs* Maybe they’ll give him some character moments during the finale which will clear things up. I don’t know. This half of the season has been pretty disappointing overall and I’m sadly not expecting too much from next week.

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