
This dude that works at my local taco bell says "tacotastic" and when i asked for a chalupa he said "beef steak or chicken which are you pickin"

I asked for as many fire sauces he could give me and he said "sure i dont pay for it" and the first time i saw him we asked if he was doing ok and he said "no i work here"


*gets home* *breaks knuckles* time to shit myself to sleep again bohs

wait no its cracks knuckles

wait no its cry myself to sleep

dont reblog this stop it


a good thing about having friends with kids is that you can just sow the seeds for something that you’ll never need to address again. like tonight my friend’s three year old saw me eating blue corn chips.

kid: what are you eating from that basket?

me: triangles.

kid: can i have triangles?

me: dunno, did you brush teeth yet?

kid: no

me: mhm, and are you okay with screaming really loud?

kidd: what???

me: yeah, sometimes these make you scream really loud, are you ok with that?

kid: i am not afraid of screaming.

me: you’re very brave. you can have two triangles. then why don’t you go show your dad your new power, i gotta go.

op u live up to ur username

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