
Intentionally Untitled

@the-anonymous-fangirl / the-anonymous-fangirl.tumblr.com

I am what my URL says. An anonymous fangirl (27, she/her, queer ace❤️). Should you venture onto this blog you are likely to find any number of things

can anyone give me a single good reason to include a "stat check" boss in a video game. "because your stats should be this high at this point in the game" is not a good reason by the way, there's no reason player skill shouldn't be able to make up for a dps/health deficit


imagine ur mortal enemies with a vampire and they just fucking. take a nap until you die. 100 years later they wake up like “i win” how embarrassing,,,


The best revenge is living well........

i think the best revenge in this case would be killing ur vampire enemy

Ok but imagine ur an immortal vampire and your worst enemy is a world renoun author who's been dead for 500 years but people still quote him. Like imagine if ur mortal enemy was william shakespeare or dante aligheri. Like you cant even kill them by any means. Everybody loves them but you remember them and you hate them but everyone disagrees with you

oh god,,,, that’d be my worst nightmareeee. yeah ur right the best revenge is getting so famous that u become immortal and then ur vampire enemy can never escape u


hey did you know??? that if you stop stretching and maintaining mobility in your body then it goes away?? things get tight and you can't move the way that you used to??? and when you decide to try getting a stretch routine going that the first week fucking sucks because you keep going 'damn i used to be able to do this no problem' and then you have to switch gears and be kind to yourself and just focus on getting better from here instead of berating yourself for dropping the good habits in the first place??? and your body never stops aging so you gotta keep taking care of it and sometimes you gotta take care of it extra in certain areas because of things that happened when you were younger and it's boring and sometimes hurts but it's so necessary???

i am yelling this at myself right now i am going through An Experience (trying to get into a routine of body maintenance again for my physical and mental health)

oh, Sisyphus! i got you


This is literally why the 3/5ths compromise was created. 

Well, this and seats in Congress. Yes.

I’m trying to figure out how to check the second part of this premise. I guess I gotta look at prison populations by state and then cross check to electoral seats. 

That prison is used as a way to disenfranchise people of color is a fact, but I had thought that because seats were awarded based on population, more densely populated states, tending to be more urban, tend to be more Democratic. And I had figured that prison populations tended to follow the general population numbers. Time to research.

shit, so much math…I got a list of incarceration per population and a list of electoral seats. I think where I’m getting lost is the proportion of seats per population, which is what I need to compare incarceration rates against. 

Yeah, I’m not seeing much correlation between rate of incarceration and proportion of electoral seats. But maybe I’m missing the point somewhere?

Within states of high incarceration, prisoners count as part of the population(and thus, more electoral points for that state) but CAN NOT VOTE, thus the power of all the other votes is raised.

oh, now I see what I missed in the comparison. Effectively white voters count more in high incarceration states. The proportion of electoral seats is already odd depending on population and further skewed by voter disenfranchisement compounded by disproportionately incarcerating people of color. It’s not so much an issue of how the electoral seats are awarded on the federal level (which is what I was thinking about) but how voter disenfranchisement by states affects federal level elections.

So Alabama, with its high incarceration rate, although it looks on the electoral map to be fairly balanced, is actually very imbalanced because the number of people eligible to vote doesn’t match the population number that determined the number of electoral seats. 

Exactly, yes. The point distribution by population looks…ok (smaller states do get more points proportionally) but voter disenfranchisement through incarceration and other means can skew that really badly within a state (like slavery did with the 3/5 compromise.)


I knew all these facts individually - the 3/5 compromise, electoral college votes determined by population, people convicted of felonies lose voting rights, black people are imprisoned at a higher rate than whites - but I never put all those together to realize what they meant.

That is an entire new level of horrifying.

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