
issa JOKE

@shxhzil / shxhzil.tumblr.com

aha :)

white people will cry over the death of a robot but will totally ignore the murder of an African American man who got shot by the police while he was sleeping.

His name was Willie McCoy and he was only 20.

That the man died this way fucking sucks and is terrible but he wasn’t one of the biggest accomplishments of human kind and he didn’t explore Mars for us. And don’t fucking act like white people have no heart for black people. We’re all human we all have the same importance.

“he wasn’t one of the biggest accomplishments of humankind” i kindly hope you’ll get the help you need to build some fucking empathy like have u even read what you wrote or are you just a condescending racist jerk? fuck off


can’t stop thinking about how around 5 years ago i used to reblog videos of a random girl saying a hoe never gets cold and now she’s cardi b


It occurred to Pooh and Piglet that they hadn’t heard from Eeyore for several days, so they put on their hats and coats and trotted across the Hundred Acre Wood to Eeyore’s stick house. Inside the house was Eeyore.

“Hello Eeyore,” said Pooh.

“Hello Pooh. Hello Piglet,” said Eeyore, in a Glum Sounding Voice.

“We just thought we’d check in on you,” said Piglet, “because we hadn’t heard from you, and so we wanted to know if you were okay.”

Eeyore was silent for a moment. “Am I okay?” he asked, eventually. “Well, I don’t know, to be honest. Are any of us really okay? That’s what I ask myself. All I can tell you, Pooh and Piglet, is that right now I feel really rather Sad, and Alone, and Not Much Fun To Be Around At All. Which is why I haven’t bothered you. Because you wouldn’t want to waste your time hanging out with someone who is Sad, and Alone, and Not Much Fun To Be Around At All, would you now.”

Pooh looked and Piglet, and Piglet looked at Pooh, and they both sat down, one on either side of Eeyore in his stick house.

Eeyore looked at them in surprise. “What are you doing?”

“We’re sitting here with you,” said Pooh, “because we are your friends. And true friends don’t care if someone is feeling Sad, or Alone, or Not Much Fun To Be Around At All. True friends are there for you anyway. And so here we are.”

“Oh,” said Eeyore. “Oh.” And the three of them sat there in silence, and while Pooh and Piglet said nothing at all; somehow, almost imperceptibly, Eeyore started to feel a very tiny little bit better.

Because Pooh and Piglet were There. No more; no less.

~ Kathryn Wallace


yo guys if you live in the US and use regular absorbency U by kotex sleek tampons please throw them away. they’re currently under recall in america because they’re coming apart in people and leaving pieces which puts you at a huge risk for toxic shock syndrome.

im gonna go ahead and plug the diva cup right now which i live and breathe by. i’ve never had any issues with it and i’m totally open to talking about it!

please be safe y’all!


Not just the US: the recall is in Canada, too. You can find out if any that you’ve purchased are part of the recall right here


500-Year-Old Body of Man Wearing Thigh-High Boots Found in London Sewer Construction

During the construction of London’s massive “super sewer,” archaeologists discovered something unusual in the mud: a 500-year-old skeleton of a man still wearing his thigh-high leather boots.

The Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) announced this week that the skeleton was unearthed on the shores of the Thames, near a bend in the river downstream from the Tower of London.

“By studying the boots, we’ve been able to gain a fascinating glimpse into the daily life of a man who lived as many as 500 years ago,” said Beth Richardson, a finds specialist who analyzes artifacts at MOLA Headland, a consortium of archaeologists. “They have helped us to better understand how he may have made his living in hazardous and difficult conditions, but also how he may have died. It has been a privilege to be able to study something so rare and so personal.” Read more.


500-year old skeleton:


remember when Britney Spears dropped the Da Vinci code on all of us almost 8 years ago… the time she sneaked “F-U-C-K ME” into the radio


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