
The Life and (Un)Death of Kalad

@kaladwra / kaladwra.tumblr.com

An inspiration blog for Kalad, a Death Knight in World of Warcraft at Wyrmrest Accord server | 18+ | Follow my other RP blog at http://azeroth-and-beyond.tumblr.com

Had an art block on proper sketching digitally for a while, broke it by drawing Fina and @kaladwra.

She’ll get that grumpy helm to break metal properties and grin if she has to break out her worst puns.


Forged in Fel Flame

Grogna held her tongs firmly, their arms grasping a large piece of red-hot iron. With the small hammer in her other hand, she gave the metal a gentle tap in a very specific spot. Suddenly, a larger hammer crashed down on the same spot, a loud bang that reverberated around the large room.

“Oi, hit it harder, yeh dumbass!” the dwarf screamed, sweat pouring from her brow. The large felguard on the other side of the anvil grunted loudly, but said nothing. Grogna tapped the iron again with her hammer, which was immediately followed by another large strike from the felguard. “Much better, keep it up!” She kept tapping the hot iron, and the felguard kept striking it, gradually shaping it, warlock and demon functioning in tandem. The metal slowly cooled, losing its red color.

“Increase the heat, the forge is too cold!” Grogna barked without even looking at the forge, feeling the lack of heat on the back of her neck.

“What?! How hot do you want this forge to be?” came the screeched response, which made Grogna furrow her brows.

“Hotter than it is now! Get to it!” The forge light increased, further illuminating the room, and warming the back of her neck again. “Much better!” She turned her head, looking at the imp channeling a jet of flame into the forge. She smiled, and chuckled briefly. “Ha! See? Do as yer told, and this will work out just fine.” Grogna set down her hammer and grabbed the tongs with both hands, placing the cooled metal back in the forge. “More heat, yeh bastard!” she snapped at the distressed-looking imp.

“How much fire do you think I got?!” he chittered in return, exasperated.

Grogna shook her head, and turned to look at the imp for a few seconds. “Bah, I’ll do it meself!” Her eyes glowed brightly, an intense orange light surging from them. She raised her hand toward the forge, and released a bout of fel fire into it, turning the inside of the furnace into a raging inferno. After a moment, the inferno subsided, leaving the forge much hotter than it had been previously. “Perfect,” she said to herself, satisfied. The dwarf waited until the metal bar was once again glowing hot, and repeated the same process several times. It slowly took shape and form.

There were several dark iron bars neatly piled in a corner, with many other bars of all types and colors stacked upon them, waiting to be used. The forge room was well equipped and served Grogna well, even if she had sacrificed the largest room of her house to build it. She had also earned the ire of Fenella Darkvire, one of the head architects of Shadowforge City, by altering the lava flow so she could use its heat to warm her forge. But it had been all worth it, because she now had one of the best private forges in all of Blackrock Mountain. It was no Black Forge or Black Anvil, but here, here she could work at her own leisure, in whatever way she preferred. There were no other dwarves here to heckle her for taking too long, or for “damaging” the forge with her… peculiar methods.

  The smithing continued for several more hours, the thick metal bar slowly taking the shape of a beautiful, ornate hammer. Grogna inspected her work against the forge’s light closely. She had a reputation to uphold, after all– and delivering a flawed commission could spell the end of her name. She had to make sure no weak points or impurities threatened her creation. Her eyes lit up again, but this time they didn’t glow red. Instead, they were suffused with a sickly green and purple light. She raised a hand, using her particular brand of magic to open a portal into the abyss that was the Twisting Nether.

  It didn’t take long for an observer to float through the portal and into her forge. “Ah, calling me again so soon, Grogna?” he chuckled, amused.

Grogna simply held the hammer out to the demon. “Yes. I need yeh to inspect this hammer for me.”

The observer blinked at the object several times, and then turned his gaze back upon the dark iron. “This is not enchanted, Grogna. There’s no magic I can learn from this.”

Grogna sighed. Observers were supposed to be among the smartest demons there were, but sometimes they were amazingly obtuse. “Because I want yeh to analyze the hammer’s integrity, not observe magic! Now get to it, it’s part of yer contract.”

The observer rolled his several eyes, clearly annoyed, but obeyed. As he focused on the hammer, his eyes began to emit rays of light, which connected with the hammer. The rays scanned it several times, without seeming to affect the object in any way. The observer relaxed, and looked at Grogna again, his head bouncing in the air as he nodded. She grinned.

  The warlock walked over to a special table she had built just for enchanting, and gently set the hammer down in the center. The table was covered in specialized engravings, painstakingly hand-carved into the hard stone. Arcane wasn’t her forte, of course, but she was still well-versed in the delicate magic of enchanting.

Beside the table was a large metal chest. Grogna grunted as she opened it, looking inside. She took a few small cloth bags and placed them upon the table, opening them one by one. Each contained something different; some were filled with pieces of crystallized mana, while others held enchanting dust. Using the table’s carvings to guide her, she meticulously placed crystals at key points. She sprinkled the hammer with enchanting dust, making sure it was fully covered, then connected all the crystals with a trail of dust. She beckoned for the observer once more, who floated toward the table, appearing slightly more interested in this part of the process.

  By this time, the forge’s heat had subsided, and the felguard and imp were resting. Grogna lifted a hand, conjuring a small, flickering flame on the tips of her fingers. She carefully touched a line of enchanting dust with her fingertip. Being no ordinary fire, it spread quickly through the trails of dust as if they were oil, engulfing her carefully-placed crystals, and finally the hammer itself. Though they burned bright, the flames were eerily cold. The crystals began to dissolve, their liquefied mana following a fiery trail toward the hammer, bubbling like melted wax.

  Grogna’s hand remained steady as she manipulated the enchantment. The process itself could take several hours, and everything had to be perfect for the magic to properly take hold. Even the smallest mistake could ruin her work at any moment. But there was a reason why she charged a premium for her weapons. Her creations were no poor smith’s shoddy craftsmanship. Grogna had spentdecades honing her craft.

As the last of the crystals melted down, she controlled her breathing carefully. “Here. Watch this.” She snapped her fingers, a dancing green fel flame sparking to life at her fingertips. Though small, it seemed very much alive, as if desperate to break free from the warlock’s control. She slowly lowered it toward the last remaining crystal, her muscles visibly tense. This was the hardest part of the process, as fel magic was too chaotic and unstable for most enchanters to work with. Grogna, however, was willing to take risks that others might not. She had learned to add her own flair to her enchanting, empowering the magic beyond its normal capabilities– that is, if she was successful at binding the fel energy. At best, a failure would result in the magic breaking free from her control and consuming her creation. At worst… Well, there would be a raging inferno where her forge had once been. It was best not to contemplate that just now.

  As the fel flame touched the crystal, the lines of fire consuming the dust flared brighter, shifting in color and temperament. It grew, becoming aggressive, trying to escape from the bounds of the dust trails in order to consume the table. Grogna was faster, taking control of the situation. She deftly wove the fel and arcane together, binding the innate order of arcane to the ineluctable chaos of fel.

The demonic observer barely blinked, intent upon observing her technique and her methods as the magics met and combined. While it was not unusual to use both together, and using one often led to using the other, it was still a unique process, and he seemed to find it quite fascinating to watch.

The enchantment took hours, and by the time it was done, the fire had burnt down to ash, the dust and crystals completely consumed. The stone table was left looking quite singed, but the hammer stood proudly in the center, covered in a fine layer of dark ash.

Grogna lifted the hammer carefully, finding it to be heavy and well balanced. She had used a special alloy of her own invention, and was quite pleased with the results. She stood back and gave the weapon a few test swings, the muscles in her arms flexing, then handed it back to the observer. The demon appeared quite eager, and needed no further commands. He inspected it closely, his eye beams hungrily scanning the hammer, perhaps more thoroughly than strictly necessary. He kept his gaze on it for several minutes, then finally chuckled.

“Another masterfully crafted item, Grogna. Congratulations.”

The dark iron picked the hammer back up with her callused hands, and inspected it for herself, the shine of the metal reflecting the dim light of the cooling forge.

“Imp! Clean the table.” The demon groaned reluctantly, but knew there was nothing he could say that would change his fate. He grabbed a bucket and brush from the corner, clambered onto the table, and began to scrub at the ash and scorch-marks.

  Grogna found that she was grinning, proud of her work. The observer floated back to her side, curious. “Tell me, Grogna. Does this hammer already have an owner? How much did you sell it for?” Grogna kept her eyes on the hammer in her hands, drinking in every detail, remaining silent as she felt its weight and imagined its power. “Because, well, if you are still looking for a buyer, I could make an offer for it instead. I’m sure you’d find it generous– more generous, I imagine, than even a wealthy dwarf could offer you.”

Grogna shook her head, her eyes glinting. “This is not a mere commission, Xhultarc.”

The demon took a long look at the hammer, unable to conceal the longing in his gaze. “I can still make my offer. Perhaps I could change your mind?”

The warlock finally looked up, and stared directly and fearlessly into the demon’s largest eye. “No, Xhultarc. This hammer is not for sale.”

He shook his head, bereft, and heaved a sigh. “Very well,” he grumbled. “And who is it for? Or are you going to wield it yourself?”

  Grogna smiled, letting out a soft chuckle. “No. This is a gift.” She looked into the hammer again, her smile widening. “You see, in a few years, Dagran II will need a weapon that is befitting of his station… And his throne.”

((Many thanks to http://liettarosewood.tumblr.com/ for editing this story for me!))


Reblogging on this blog!


Emergency Commissions.

I never wanted to have to open up commissions like these while I still had a queue. Most of you saw my post earlier about a sale.

I can’t wait. My PC broke down today in rhe middle of things and it will not start up.

I’m offering something special. I need a decent PC to continue what I’m doing. All of my WIPs will be lost, and I’ll have to work with the WIPs that I already sent out for those already on my queue.

Now that special thing I’m offering: Two character-full color, thigh up images. There is no armor charge, and you get a paintover background like my most recent commissions. These will be going for 100$. These will be on my queue, but I will not take any off days until they’re all done.

I need help, I hate asking, I really do. Please consider buying an emergency commission, donating to my Ko-fi (also ZealousLynx) or even reblogging this post so that someone can help. I want to get back to work, and I am absolutely devistated.

Thank you for reading, I’m sorry I have no links. If you can’t afford an emergency commission, I will sell my regular commissions as well, but the emergency orders will also get a free colored bust alongside each order.


Quoting the Full Text:

The 8.0 prepatch is almost here, and there are some major changes to roleplay profile addons that everyone needs to be aware of. So please read this, and pass along the information to those you know that don’t read the forums. First and foremost: All roleplay profile addons need to be updated for 8.0. New addons will not interact with old addons, and old addons will not work properly in 8.0. MyRolePlay, TotalRP3, and XRP will all have releases ready for 8.0 going live. I’ll update this post with direct links to the official 8.0 releases as they become available. Releases for 8.0 will only work on 8.0. Do not use them with 7.3.
  • MyRolePlay: v8.0.1.415: release pending
  • Total RP 3: v1.4.0: release pending
  • XRP: v1.8.0: release pending
Beyond this update, be aware that all roleplay profile contents will be logged and can be reported to Blizzard for abuse. An issue arose within the past year or so where some individuals were extensively using roleplay profiles to harass others on an ongoing basis, or to publish someone else’s personal details. As such, implementing the reporting capability became a high priority for profile addons, and it has been done in time for 8.0 prepatch launch.
This means you should clean up your profiles now. The guidelines on acceptability are roughly what you’d see in public chat channels. If you wouldn’t say it in /say, don’t put it in your profile. These reports are all reviewed exclusively by Blizzard – addon authors have no power or influence whatsoever, so please don’t hurl abuse at any of them if your profile is ever reported.
That said, I ask that everyone exercise common courtesy when it comes to reporting. Don’t abuse the report system – abuse of the report system to harass someone can result in actions against your account, instead of the person being reported. Furthermore, please use your judgement when it comes to reporting – try to reserve reports for profiles that incite hatred or violence, that harass and target individuals, or that publish personal or harmful details on others. These sorts of profiles, while few and far between in a community like this, are serious enough problems that this needed to be done.
Finally, there may very well be bugs. Please keep an eye out for updates to your roleplay profile addon of choice over the coming days and weeks. If you encounter behaviour you suspect is a bug, please report it to your addon’s author, preferably on the project’s bug/issue tracker.
If you’re comfortable with it, please consider running the following command in your WoW game to enable Lua errors:
/console scriptErrors 1
Run the same command with 0 replacing 1 to disable Lua errors. Enabling Lua errors may help find any bugs that need to be fixed, which would be greatly appreciated. While these addons have been extensively tested on beta and PTR, nothing compares to the chaos that is live servers.
Thank you.

I will be updating this post with URLs to downloads as they become available. You can click the link to see the official post, or click here to come to the original version of this post.


If Kalad were in a modern AU, what would he be like? What profession do you think he'd be in? Would he have gone to college, etc.? You can go into detail if you want, but just the basics is fine!


Considering a DK Kalad (minus, well, the undeath part)… Probably a park ranger? He has a mix of caring for nature and animals. Yet, at the same time, he’s still not very fond of constantly being around people who aren’t his friends, or being in large settlements/cities in overall. He’s still go out of his way to be a bit of a loner, at least when he wasn’t with his closer friendsNot being undead would help that lot, since as a DK he’s abhorred by most of nature, especially most living creatures, something that frustrates him greatly. He wouldn’t really have gone to the college, or done much formal study beyond high school.For pre-DK Kalad? He’d either be a farmer, much like he wanted to be before dying, or become a veterinarian. A modern day farmer is a far cry from what farming is in WoW, so being a vet might’ve been a more realistic career for him.In this particular AU, he’d obviously be college educated if he went toward being a vet. Even if studying was really never his thing, he’d probably push himself through it so he could take care of animals in a modern society.


I didn’t know when this would happen, but I’ve been waiting to have this for ages. I’ve been watching the count go up slowly, and then today it EXPLODED, and I couldn’t even get a screenshot of the 200 count, because so many new followers joined us!! I’m beyond happy, and flattered that so many people like my stuff enough to have it thrown directly into their dashboard. All I can say, is thank you, folks.  So here I am, doing a give-away. This giveaway is going to last a full month– that way, we have a chance to reach the second goal, and I have time to finish a lot of my commissions so that I can devote the time I want to the prizes! <3  That being said, if you’ve followed me for awhile, you probably know I have a Patreon. What you may not know, is each month there are raffles over there! So, if you want to support me, and also have a chance at a cheap piece of art, and to participate in the monthly poll check that out!  If not, don’t worry about it at all. Seriously, I’m just overwhelmed with happiness that you guys follow me, and that’s enough. ( Though I do like to buy things, and I kind of want to upgrade my tablet in the future, so every patron/commission counts! ) Also, for reference, only reblogs count. 

Giveaway ends on: April 27th, 2018


I should probably add… You MUST be following me to win the giveaway.


THE GOAL HAS BEEN MET. I don’t know what I’m going to offer if we reach 300 followers, but I’ll think of something. :O If we reach it, that is. 

However, now there’s FIVE pieces that will be given out at the end of the give-away! Thank you so much folks! <3


Seven days, eight more followers. Can we do it folks? If we reach 300, I’m going to do a poll on what my next full piece will be. Normally I save those for patreon, but it will be in celebration of something great. (That being said, Patreon still gets to vote for a NSFW image each month, not to mention other rewards. owo)


4, 5, and 21?


4. Weirdest place you’ve had sex?

In the middle of the forests of Dun Morogh, while snowing nonetheless!

5. Favorite sex position

Doggy style is Kalad favorite sex position, currently.

21. Have you ever had a threesome? If not, would you?

Yes, Kalad already took part of a threesome, and he’s interested in having others.


Snagged this off Twitter, figured it might be fun! :O hit mee


20. Does your character like animals? What are some of their favorite animals? Would they want pets? What about mythological creatures? // 40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others?


20. Yes, Kalad is very fond of animals, especially after growing up on a farm. Horses are his favorite animals. He currently has pets, but they aren’t exactly animals, so... But he’s be up to having animals, if they aren’t scared of his undead state.

40. Well, killing people kinda counts right?


True or false: "Mierette assures me you're not three gnomes stacked, but she didn't rule out two dwarves, so I'm assuming that might be true."



Two dwarves would be a bit too stocky. Would be too hard to pass by as a human that way, they would be too wide.


True or false: Kalad has a giant drain stopper that he puts in his chest hole.


False! He actually just keep the hole open, without filling it with anything.


27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it?


“Murder. Just because I go out of my way to not kill innocents, it doesn’t mean murder isn’t a crime nonetheless.”


True/False game. Make an assumption about me in my ask and I’ll tell you if its true or false. Go.


4, and 40?


04. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical)

“First, her red hair. Second, the way she cares about me, even when I don’t care about myself. I guess someone has to care for me, after all.”

40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others?

Does killing people counts? He doesn’t like people to know how often or how much he does it after all.


RP Askbox Memes: The Darker Aspects of Life.

(TW! Some of these detail sensitive situations and darker themes!

🚬 - What are some of your muses’s vices? have they tried to quit, or are they content with these habits?

🚭 - Do they approve of immoral behavior, or are they more of a straight-edge?

💉 - Specifically, are they addicted to any substances or immoral behavior patterns? (Bonus points if you outline why!)

🔒 - Is your muse secretive? If so, why?

❌- Something terrible that my muse has done, but frequently denies in the face of others (or themselves)

✂ - Their thoughts on revenge.

🔥 - If applicable, do they lean more toward sadism or masochism?

👊 - Have they ever gotten into a fist fight before? (Bonus points if you mention what caused the fight and how it turned out!)

🌊 - Have they ever come close to drowning (Or have they caused someone else to drown?)

🌈 - Are they the type to put on a face and act like things are hunky dory when in reality they aren’t?

🐍 - Would they ever keep a dangerous animal around?

💀 - Have they ever killed before? (Bonus points if you mention why!)

💰 - Have they ever stolen before? If so, what did they steal and why?

👀 - Had your muse ever witnessed a crime and looked the other way? (Bonus points for specifics!)

💣- Do they have an affinity for large and/or dangerous weapons?

✨ - (If applicable) Would they prefer using “good” or beneficial magic, or would they be liable to prefer malignant and evil magic instead?

🔫 - Discuss a murder or a crime your muse has committed.

🎭 - Do they have a conscience, or are they cold-blooded?

😉 - Do they have any qualms with manipulating others to get what they want?

👄 - Are they attracted to immoral behavior? If so, what specifically are they drawn to?

📢 - Would they be more likely to report a crime to the authorities, or be more inclined to look the other way?

🗽 - Do they support government institutions, or do they favor anarchy instead?

💄 - Would they seduce another person in order to manipulate them?

🏆 - Are they type to take credit for someone else’s achievements?

⚡ - In their eyes, do the ends justify the means?

👿 - Are they petty?

💲 - Would they ever kill or commit crimes for money?


Also for my other characters: @theravenbound and @hazukhota ! <3


FEAR. -What are your muses biggest fears?


Kalad biggest fear currently is losing control over to the Endless Hunger, and then murdering Lietta, his fiance, during the subsequent rampage. This is probably the single biggest fear Kalad has, enough to be a recurrent nightmare of his. This very fear guides many of his actions and decisions he takes.

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