

@serious-kisshu / serious-kisshu.tumblr.com

I joined tumblr as a joke what the hell

man do u ever just think about who you would be if you didnt have to deal with your mental illness and trauma??? like where would i be without it ???? who would i be friends with ???? how would i be spending my time ?? what would my hobbies be??????? ive had to give up so many things because of this shit like ??? who would i be without it ??????


staying @ someone else’s place is so perpetually uncomfortable? everything feels like an inconvenience + invasion of privacy. sitting in a chair? inconvenience. opening a cabinet to get a glass? invasion of privacy. breathing? invasion of


sticks and stones may break my bones but words are even worse holy shit please dont say mean things to me


Dear Fellow Guys....stop hitting on women at work. Let me explain.

So i work as your friendly underpaid barista and currently we’re having problems with one of our regulars hitting on our women staff members. The first woman he hit one, he wrote a note to her….as in elementary school note passing. Now of course, she’s at work and the model in f&b and retail is that you do everything in your power not to piss off the guest. So in hopes of not causing a scene, she kindly wrote on the note that she appreciate the interest but she’s a lesbian. Now, 1) she shouldn’t have to out herself to a complete stranger all to avoid a bad yelp review. 2) She shouldn’t be forced into a situation where she has to entertain a guests unwanted attentions to avoid at the least, a negative review on yelp.  So once she passes this dude the note, he then starts jokingly exclaiming “I always fall for lesbians” in the middle of our cozy cafe, effectively outing her to anyone within earshot. Now my co-worker isn’t closeted, she’s out and proud etc, etc. However, that doesn’t give someone else the right to disclose her sexuality without her permission, and especially not after he effectively coerced her into outing herself in order to avoid his come-ons.   Another one of our regular guests, hits on one of our baristas on a regular basis. No matter how much she casually brings up her boyfriend. It’s gotten so bad that I’ve had to literally stand in front of her so he can’t force eye-contact with her (Naturally we do this kind of thing in a low-key manner so that we don’t actively piss off guest and thus put our jobs at risk). I’ve had to actively shut down people on behalf of my women co-workers (Nah dude, she’s seeing someone. She’s not interested in that sort of thing. Dude, chill out.) because they simply can’t understand the fact that they are at their jobs and simply just want to get their jobs done and go home. Stop taking advantage of the unequal power dynamics to force her to engage you. She’s seem nice? Of course she is, her job revolves around being nice. She seemed into you? No, I can promise she’s not, she’s doing her job and told me five minutes ago how you were clearly staring down her chest.  “But how am I supposed to let her no I’m interested in her?” you might say. My answer, that’s not my fucking concern. There are plenty of opportunities to meet people in this world that don’t revolve around you forcing them into an uncomfortable position while they’re literally trying to earn a living. Not every person your interested in obligated to entertain that interest.  Simply put, stop being goddam creepers and let people do their goddamn jobs. 

Fuck off. Some of us have a hard enough time talking to people without shitheads like you guilting us over it.


No one’s guilting you over anything. The point of this post is for you to stop doing it, not to do it and feel guilty. If you feel awkward hitting on someone who’s not in a position where she can safely be honest with you or leave if you make her uncomfortable, that’s good. Listen to that awkward feeling. It’s telling you that you’re transgressing a boundary. Now, if you feel like you’re always awkward and always crossing a boundary, then posts like this should be a gold mine. It’s telling you in clear terms where boundaries actually exist and why.


sexuality fluid. most day i want to kiss boy. some day (rare day) i want to kiss girl. normal.

do not stress. do not label. label scary and also bad. 

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