
Dragon's Den

@feathers-and-scales / feathers-and-scales.tumblr.com

Amoxtli - the young dragon from Yucatan
Sator - the dragon of mixed breed
Both welcome you to take part in their travels, be it as friends, enemies or more
Independent RP blog for Original Characters, Multiverse/Multiship.

yeah so - I’m pretty sure I will keep this blog only for my side: wewinyoulose which is an rp blog from Mephisto and Praxina from Lolirock. Go check it out. If you want to rp with my dragons still - ask me about my Discord! I’m way more active there. I also have a centaur lady side-blog to this one: Classytaur and a standalone: codeoftheforest if you like aliens. Karaa and the twins are my most active blogs. I do rp all of these and more on Discord. Just ask me if you’re interested.


                                   ‘ do you forgive yourself? ‘ 

                                                        no. next question. 


A case of misunderstanding

Hellboy wasn’t expecting this. Five barrel fires were going and they were set up in a pattern. They were surrounding something. Make that plural. He made out a possible second entity. Bracing himself, he slowly made his way closer, trying not to startle whoever or whatever was there.
As he got closer, he rested his left hand on his gun. He didn’t necessarily want to use it. But it was a more precautionary thing. Hellboy froze as he heard a deep hiss. Finally, he got a good angle and was able to see what it was. Nope, not what he was expecting. There was a dragon. This thing knew he was there too.
There were voices. That’s good, it means there can be communication between the three. Debating on wether or not he should speak, he figured he might as well say something. He didn’t want to make a false sense of a sneak attack.
“Hey. I ain’t lookin’ for a fight.”

Amoxtli was suspicious, understandably so. Her wards popped their heads from under her wings like chickens. There were four of them in total.

“Are they taking us away?” a sleepy 10 year old girl rubbed her eyes. She sounded scared. “I don’t want to go.”

“You shall not go anywhere,” the young dragon assured her. “Now hush.” She stroked their faces. “If you aren’t looking for a fight,” she called back to the unexpected visitor, “then why are you hiding in the shadow like a thief. I know you are there and I know you have a weapon.” The bitter scent of metal filled her nostrils, rattling her feathery crest. 


Relationship Headcanons

💕 + a character: Under which circumstance would your muse fall in love with them? 😘 + a character: How could they get your muse to like them more than they already do? 💔 + a character: What must they do to ruin their relationship? ⚡ + a character: How would they get your muse angry at them? 🍃 + a character: What would they have to do to get your muse to be more trusting towards them? ✨ + a character: What must happen for your character to get involved with mine?


Alternatives to Tumblr if Yahoo goes any further

  1. Soup.io - well-known alternative to Tumblr. Reblogging, post types, themes, collab blogs, dashboard, artsy, great community already there. Soup can auto-import everything you’ve posted on Tumblr.
  2. TypePad - Includes reblogging. Dashboard and post types similar to Tumblr. - Not Free 
  3. Jux - Artful posts, beautiful blogging experience
Reblogging cause one day it just may be neccessary.
It became necessary

4. Known - seems to be a good one as well at a glance, seems to be good for roleplayers. 

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