
What The Who Hey Ho

@theasil / theasil.tumblr.com

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Put indie music, ukuleles, sci-fi dorkitude, neuroscience, books and a galore of pop culture in a blender. Mix well, pour into cup. Garnish with kitten.

If You’re Gonna Make Something Wheelchair Accessible, Don’t Make it a Thing

Here’s some examples awkward accessibility being a thing:

Your at a hotel that has a lift to get you from one sub-floor to another, but the lift can only be unlocked and operated by one specific person that the hotel now has to go find. Sure, they’ve made the entrance to the sub-floor is accessible, but now it’s a thing.

The buses are wheelchair accessible but the driver has to stop the bus, take 30 seconds to lower the goddamn ramp, move passengers out of their seats, hook up the straps and then secure you in the bus. Sure, they’ve made the busses accessible but now it’s a thing.

The restaurant has an accessible entrance, but it’s past the trash room and through the kitchen. Sure, the restaurant is accessible, but now it’s an insulting thing.

Here’s some great examples of accessibility not being a thing:

The train to the airport pulls up flush with the platform. I board with everyone else and sit wherever the fuck I want. Riding the train is accessible and not a thing.

In Portland, I press a button the side of the streetcar and a ramp automatically extends at the same time the door opens. I board in the same amount of time as everyone else. This is not a thing.

I get that it is difficult to design for wheelchair accessibility, but folks need to start considering the overall quality of the experience versus just thinking about meeting the minimum requirements.

For the love of all things holy please pay attention to this


Here’s the full-length 84 Lumber Super Bowl ad for anyone who hasn’t seen it.

Warning: prepare for the onion-cutting ninjas hiding in your bushes.


wrecked. totally wrecked me.


Greatest ad ever. 

Donald Trump said recently he had a ‘great relationship with the blacks.’ Though unless ‘the Blacks’ are a family of white people, I bet he’s mistaken. - Seth Meyers, White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Reblogging a post from my May 2011 tumblr....

  • When Vice President-elect Mike Pence takes office in January he’ll move into his designated residence on the grounds of Washington, D.C.’s Naval Observatory
  • Until then he’s renting a $6,000-a-month-place in the D.C. neighborhood of Chevy Chase. 
  • And his new neighbors there have found the perfect way to welcome him to his new abode — rainbow LGBTQ pride flags. Read more
Source: mic.com

Mike Pence attended Hamilton and the cast had something to say to him: “We are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us.” (x)

Yes, good stuff.


this, on my dash, NOW.



Sorry world, we let you down today.

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