
So many people do not understand the relationship between climate change and cold weather.

If you see this post it is important to send it to someone else so they too can understand

People hardly ever change their minds in front of you...the conversation becomes one of a series of slow drips that builds up to a realization


My friend sometimes brings her six-year-old to our DnD sessions and my husband (the DM) lets her roll for all enemy attacks and sometimes he will show her a few figures and let her secretly pick what creature we meet next. Who needs encounter tables when you have a first-grader around

She cheers when the monster is winning.

DM: *places an ugly, slavering, repugnant, spine-tingling creature on the battle map*

Child who can barely see over the table: ᵗʰᵃᵗ’ˢ ᵐᵉ :)


I'm convinced that every cat has a Weird Game that it likes; your duty as the cat's owner is to discover what its favourite Weird Game is.

One of the most common question types this blog gets is some flavor of asking if Weird Games are okay. The people writing in are always very concerned for their pet’s safety and welfare (which I applaud) and often looking for an explanation of the behavior (which I have zero ability to give). This speaks to how common it is for cats - and other pets - to enjoy Weird Games.

This video is a great example of the best way to tell if a Weird Game is a thing your animal actually likes: let them initiate! The cat is being carried in a weird way when the video starts, but then immediately runs back to the designated “game spot” and asks for it to happen again. If you’re not sure if an animal likes an interaction - be it petting or a Weird Game - just stop, and see if they actively re-engage. If yes, you’re good to go!

Obviously, physical safety is an aspect of Weird Games too. The cat in this video apparently likes being carried upside down, which could injure it if it happened too much. But what we see is that their person supports the cat very securely, moves slowly, doesn’t go very far, puts the cat down on a soft and easy to reach surface, and doesn’t let the Game go on for too long. The cat also isn’t being held tightly and could clearly get free / ask to be put down if it became uncomfortable or wanted to be done. That seems like a good way to make that Weird Game safe to me (vets, please feel free to correct me here). If you’re worried about if a Weird Game is safe, ask your vet! You’ll make their day and get some useful information.

my cat likes to be put in a big IKEA bag and swung around in it. I know it's his choice of weird behaviour because he climbs in the bag if he sees it. and every few swings I stop swinging to check on him ad then he yells at me until I keep swinging. except for when he's bored where he jumps out.

But the biggest clue that he likes it and it's not just my idea is that I would have picked less of a fucking arm workout.

Source: reddit.com
Anonymous asked:

top 5 things people should know about sex

  1. sex doesn't ever have to involve penetration or even genitalia if you don't want it to.
  2. the lack of an orgasm isn't necessarily a sign that the sex was bad, and the presence of one isn't a guarantee that the sex was good or even wanted.
  3. wanting or needing any kind of aides during sex - vibrators, other toys, more lube, pillows to prop up parts of your body, etc - is totally fine and doesn't mean that anyone isn't "good enough" as they are.
  4. there's no guaranteed trick to make yourself a better sexual partner except for subjecting yourself to the mortifying ordeal of being known and just talking to your partner(s).
  5. statistically speaking whatever you think is weird about your own body or sexual proclivities is probably pretty average.

most of my posts are normal I swear 😭


Also hey I forgot to draw this earlier, but yesterday I saw a goth who was literally smoking like this:

Like I can't properly even recreate it because I don't draw that kind of graphic novels, but the dude had a whole Frank Miller byronic hero STANCE going on. And I don't mean this in any mean way, I genuinely love it when people are theatrical just for the sake of being dramatic, it gives life some flair and colour. Unfortunately it was a very lovely sunny spring day in the early may, so the poor fellow had to have his brooding smoke in an environment like this:

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