
Marauders's hovel

@hp-and-fellowship-of-the-ring / hp-and-fellowship-of-the-ring.tumblr.com

I'm a 19 year old girl. This blog started off as fandom but went down a strange and terrifying route.

CNN’s Don Lemon on police shootings: “When I am stopped by an officer - I shouldn’t have to be ‘yes,sir-ing’ anybody.”

Don Lemon lost the support of the Black community after a few controversial remarks that he made throughout his career. During yesterday’s CNN Tonight he shared his thoughts on the killings of two Black men that occurred earlier this week and they’re actually making everyone consider changing their mind. Let’s be honest - everything Don Lemon said was on point. I cannot help but think that until this day he was forced to say everything he said, because his words regarding police violence are pretty damn woke.

#BlackLivesMatter   #StopPoliceBrutality

Idk he’s been pretty consistent in his cookery but I can appreciate the fact that he sees that this affects him as well.

He can’t avoid that he isn’t untouchable anymore


this is so important because this is so needed, people who were raised to behave like him and taught to ‘comply, comply, comply’ coming around and realizing these realities and getting upset


Oh shit. I never realized this.

This is a depressing reality every 4th of July.

Please be considerate. PTSD is no joke.

Son they already started lighting these shits up in my area .

I really need to find one or about 7 of these signs .


i dont think american filmmakers realise how huge london is, because sure you have the london eye and houses of parliament but when you say ‘london has fallen’ what??? so the nandos in catford is in flames? the tesco in peckham has descended into chaos? wtf??

We have states bigger than your entire country


I love it when people tell me about me because I have no idea who I am

I love when people say “i really like that thing you do, you know when you (insert thing)” and you had no idea that is something you do. I also love it when people know more about you than you do. I get really excited.

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