
Dying is easy, Living is harder

@bisexualbodyguard / bisexualbodyguard.tumblr.com

30. Medicinal Chemist. Teacher. Endurance Runner. Cosplayer.

*ships m/f couples but in an un-mistakably bisexual way*


i've seen this post a half a dozen times and every time it was replied to with a different picture of jessie and james


this is good


I’d just like to add, see how they behave when they’re angry/frustrated/exhausted, and if you see something that concerns you, wait until they’re calm, and then talk to them about it.

My husband used to yell when he got frustrated, but after I explained to him that I found it upsetting, he stopped yelling and started consciously working on asking for help before he got to that level of frustration.

When I’m upset over something, or just in a bad mood, I tend to withdraw. My husband explained to me that it makes him feel like I’m mad at him, so now when I need some space, I’ll tell him what I’m upset about, or that I’m in a bad mood for no particular reason, and I need to be alone for a little while.

See your friends and partners at their worst, but don’t assume that their worst is immutable. If someone loves and cares about you, they’ll try to accommodate you to the best of their ability.

^^^^ This is the best advice I’ve ever seen on this site, and it is so important. Communication is everything, and is 80% of the reason my husband and I have such a healthy, strong, and supportive relationship.


The appalling travesty that was BBC’s Sherlock has infested the Sherlock Holmes fandom like a malignant tumour so I want you all to know how awesome the OG literary Holmes was:

  • The literary Sherlock Holmes was an autistic coded character before people knew what autism was.
  • The literary Sherlock Holmes was an explicitly aromantic character before people had a word for that.
  • Literary Holmes solved mysteries not merely for the intellectual stimulation but also out of a genuine desire to do good. He cared deeply about every client. HE WAS NOT A HIGH-FUNCTIONING SOCIOPATH! He could definitely be insensitive and blunt but he was not callous or unfeeling.
  • Literary Sherlock threatened to beat a guy who was being creepy with his own stepdaughter.
  • Literary Sherlock learned to grow past his misogyny after a woman outsmarted him.
  • In particular, he was always respectful to Mrs Hudson, never belittling or talking down to her (the otherwise enjoyable Guy Ritchie films screw this up too). In fact, they got along so well that they were actually a very popular ship back in the day.
  • Literary Holmes would NEVER call Watson an idiot. He was his only friend who he loved and respected, even if he did get frustrated with him sometimes. He didn’t need to belittle others to feel powerful.
  • Literary Holmes and Watson broke into a corrupt man’s house and witnessed him being murdered by a woman he was blackmailing. They knew exactly who she was but they let her get away because they were chaotic good like that.
  • Literary Holmes had HUMILITY: something a smug prig like Steven Moffat will never understand. He could be arrogant but he had a sense of humour and was willing to admit when he was wrong. And he was wrong sometimes because he was a flawed human being, not some gross male power fantasy.
  • Literary Holmes respected the working class and was often disdainful of the rich. In Victorian England!
  • Literary Holmes indirectly caused the death of a guy who abused (and implicitly molested) his daughters and he didn’t give a single fuck about it.
  • At the end of the series, Holmes retires to Sussex to keep bees. Beekeepers are awesome.

absolutely nothing will top the video game experience of being SHIT at a video game but all the npcs you come into contact with are in awe of you for being the most amazing and talented person they’ve ever met

the seven year old daughter of some npc i’m helping out: PAPA! YOU MUST COME MEET THE HERO WHO SAVED MY LIFE!

me, dropping a grenade on the ground accidentally and immediately blowing myself up:

Pokemon is almost always the opposite of this. I’ll have 6 gods in my party and won the championship a half dozen times and some snot nosed kid with one diglet will still be like, “you think you can beat me?”


The final chapter of Dead Reckoning is up! And it now comes with cover art, courtesy of the talented @defenestratin.

For those unfamiliar: Dead Reckoning is a direct continuation from canon, following the end of Harrow the Ninth. I aimed for a tone that’s similar to canon — that same mix of dark and funny and romantic. There’s lots of plot and action, combined with angsty griddlehark romance, Gideon Being Gideon™, some delightfully strange bodyswap shenanigans, and a dash of smut for seasoning. To give the actual summary I gave it on ao3:

"Gideon has a plan to bring Harrow back, but as with most of her plans, it isn't long before everything goes sideways. With the two of them stuck sharing Gideon's body, and Alecto holding Harrow's body hostage, they find themselves in a desperate race against time to get it back before Harrow's magic absorbs Gideon's soul."

This has been a hell of a project to work on, I kind of can't believe it's done. I hope you all enjoy the ending, I'm really proud of it.

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