
Welcome to. t. twisted

@mrmessofga / mrmessofga.tumblr.com

an adult

humanity in sci-fi novels immediately upon learning that the alien race they encountered isn't fuckable or humanoid


Pretty much the worst thing a game can do to me is have any sort of firearm crafting system. I'm not usually one to winge about a lack of "realism" in viddygames but I have yet to encounter a firearm crafting system that doesn't instantly activate my gun nut Facts Disease.


I don’t understand sonic. Why didn’t he just use his skills at being fast to hurt Eggman until he dies

(The research team mumbles satisfactorily and deploys food pellets for the two of you)


do you ever watch a letsplay and it inspires you to go play the game, not because it looks fun and such, but because they're fucking it up so badly that you just need to get into the game and do some of this shit correctly?

This is literally why those ads of people playing mobile games poorly exist


Hate how we’re starting to be like “having a niche interest in something = autism” in the same way that “i like to be organized/need my colored pencils in order = ocd” used to be repeated


You’re right and you should say it

My drag grandma said that one of the biggest rules in her book is to "Stop making your face look Instagram worthy. This isn't Instagram, this is an art form." and I've never heard better advice

I perform in drag shows from time to time and I couldn't help but be very self conscious about how I looked and how good my makeup skills were. Honestly, I don't believe that I'm bad at makeup, but in comparison to popular Instagram makeup artists I'm pretty bad. At the same time it helped break down this bias that I never even realized I had. When I first made my way into the scene, I thought it was kinda funny that people would actually go perform with "trashy" makeup on. Now I recognize that drag isn't supposed to be like RuPaul's drag race, it's supposed to be fun and inclusive and welcoming. In drag there's no room for bias or discrimination. It was founded as a community for that community. "Bad drag" isn't a point of comparison, it just means that the performer is having fun

Drag is an art form, not a competition


Favourite things to say before doing something incredibly stupid:

  1. Hey everybody watch this
  2. I'm God's favourite
  3. I'm always right and I'm never gonna die
  4. (Person nearby) gets my crap if I beef it
  5. I'm way too sexy to fuck this up
  6. It's okay I've done this a hundred times
  7. This is gonna to be on purpose
  8. Hello you're watching Jackass
  9. Check out this cool magic trick
  10. If I die I want you to tell people it looked really cool
  11. Wanna see a trick I learned in prison
  12. It's okay, I saw this on TikTok
  13. This is only illegal in Massetchuschessetts
  14. My dad used to do this all the time before the divorce
  15. If you're a cop you have to tell me or it's entrapment*
  16. I'm doing this as a prank
  17. Could a mentally ill person do THIS
  18. Out of two thousand possible futures this is the only way we live
  19. I have to. (Stupid thing I'm doing) killed my mom
  20. The government doesn't want you to know this is even an option
  21. I'm about to become so powerful you have no idea

usamericans do really love making posts about parking lots. i met god in a parking lot. fighting my ex in a parking lot. it's like their main biome


i know this is coming from a place of like intense sexual objectification and homophobia and racism not to mention the world ending efforts of big oil but unfortunately it is so funny


i love that this is perfectly designed to make every single political person angry but for different reasons


Radical Centrism

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