
There is Purity in Snow

@the-snow / the-snow.tumblr.com

I am Snow.

crabs are literally being forcefemmed by barnacles every day and no one ever talks about it

sacculina makes me go a little insane honestly and not even for strictly transgenderly reasons... its life cycle involves attaching itself to a crab, producing eggs in place of that crab's eggs, and using the female's natural "egg dispersal" technique to, well, disperse its own eggs; but what do they do if they attach to a male host? give up and die? of course not, they simply instigate a hormone cascade that fundamentally changes the crab forever. easy!

and this is just what being an arthropod is like most of the time. bugs get parasitized like CRAZY. theyre the worlds most hijackable machines and you better believe the biosphere is taking advantage of that fact

and, sure, you know what, its yuri. fuck it. theyre raising kids together. this is the ideal liberal family: barnacle mother, absentee barnacle father, and beautiful transgender crab mother


@pirateprincessjess this is yuri?


I could never watch wrestling because I would just keep getting frustrated by the fact that they never start sucking and fucking even though i KNOW they want to

Like what is this??? Is this wrestling??? I dont know and I cant watch it because it makes me too horny!!

That dude’s ass is pissing me off


Me & the other drivers were really impressed when you swerved around all of us at high speeds & got to the red light before anyone else


“lol why are you following the boobs and ass artist” why do you think I’m following the boobs and ass artist. do you think I go to the grocery store ironically too

fear of god in my heart seeing this notif


the japanese “-ne?” particle and the british slang term “innit” serve the same function

Standard English: It’s cold, isn’t it?

Japanese: Samui desu ne?

British: It’s fuckin’ freezin’, innit?

i have to do everything around here

i hate this cause i did japanese for like a year and this explains the use of the -ne particle WAYYYY better than my teachers ever did. it took me ages to comprehend what this post makes abundantly clear.

my teachers: its like a, a little rise at the end of a sentence, to show that you are seeking a response, while not warranting the -ka particle which would make it a proper question.

me: ok. i guess i get that??

this post: its like saying “innit?” 

me: oh. oh no.

fun fact: afaik, "-ne" was inherited from the Portuguese settlers/priests that stayed in Japan in the 16th century. It comes from "né?", which the contraction of "não é?", "isn't it?".

It's LITERALLY "innit".

oh so like "eh" in canadian

*un-Babels your Tower*

[ID: anime girl with long pale hair in a blazer school uniform. Text above and below reads "Kawaii desu / innit bruv?" End ID.]


hot croc bun

op i hope you know croc bun is a real thing in indonesia, here are some pictures

theyre usually made for big events like weddings!


Really not enjoying this attempt to compress the 20th century's greatest hits into like a decade like it's a netflix reboot


The opposite of a mansion murder mystery where everyone present is a bounty hunter who really wants to take credit for the murder and the detective has to find out who really did it


Assistant: "What about the gunpowder found at the scene?"

Detective: "I thought about that as well! But as you can see from the bullet wound, it was clearly done posthumously."

Assistant: "Remarkable find! But why would someone shoot a corpse?"

*Bounty hunter 'Gun shootman' tossing his hat on the ground and stomping it as he rips up the contract he hoped to cash in on fulfilling*


Femme fatale: his ink bottle was knocked over detective. I dont know if that means anything but its all i could find. *coquettishly turns and shows off ink stains on dress*

Detective: The victim was murdered in the lounge actually so i don't think there should have been any ink there at all

Femme fatale: *takes off heels and throws them through the glass window*


In the end it’s revealed that the “victim” died of natural causes


Mods? Take him to the stump of his favorite childhood tree.

Mods, make him busy during a friends planned trip so he misses out on the new inside joke.

Mods… change the smell of his parents house.

look boss, our quarterly "subjection to the brutalities of the Absurd" budget is almost blown already. can we not just shoot this one twice in the back of the head and call it a day?


Shit man, this wizard war is fucked. I just saw a guy clap his hands together and say "the ten hells" or some similar shit, and every one around him turned inside out, had their tibia explode and then disappeared. The camera didn't even go onto him, that's how common shit like this is. My ass is casting frostbite and level 2 poison. I think I just heard "power word:scrunch" two groups over. I gotta get the fuck outta here.

INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 1x01 In Throes of Increasing Wonder... It was a cold winter that year, and Lestat was my coal fire. And I found myself for the very first time, to anyone other than Paul, confiding my struggles to another man. I was being hunted. And I was completely unaware it was happening.
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