@presidentlaguna / presidentlaguna.tumblr.com

I'm Sharpe. Check my about link for more information. Multifandom. FREE NEVER ENDED IN MY HEART

gogogogoGO.ohohohh. assassassass balances the soul...sosooool. after this, there will be ᵒⁿˡʸ ᵒⁿᵉ assmaster. ᵃⁿ ᵉˣᶜᵉˡˡᵉⁿᵗ assmaster! a-a-a-a-TTACC THE OC-CJECTI-C BEHIIHIIHHYOUIJOUIJOU– DE-F-F-F-F-F DEFEND AS OO̝̹̞͕̬̞OO̭̳͙̯͘O̸͎͔̳O̧͚̱̠͖͍̳ -ONE victory is ⁿᵉᵉⁿE L I M I N A T E THE TARGET-ᵀ⁻ᵀ⁻ᵀ-T. enememeememe teleporter detectect-ctYOSHshˢᴴᴴᴴᴴᴴˢʰhh. Enemy ttᵗᵗᵗᵗᵗᵗᵗᵗteleporter destttᵗᵗᵗᵗᵗᵗᵗᵗttroyedoroyed. enemy turreturreture̟͉̦̮̣̞̗t̶̯̦̘uͅr̤̱̰r̟͔͎̪̪̼͎e͚̳̹̤̜͚̕ͅt̬̤͈͔ṵ̰̗̼r̢̜e͔͚t̴͍͓̗͇̞u̡͎͚͈̟̥̰͙r̨̼̘r̯̣̹ét͏̜ destroyed. ᴹᴱᴹᴱMEMEₘₑₘₑMEMEhiiiih. i feel ancast …. fall back! faster than fast. hOOHOOHOOHOOHOOoo͚̠͉̖̬o҉o̗̞̮o̬͉̯̻͖̖̪o҉͉͇͎͎ò̻̰̯͔̗o͇̰̱̱̠̥͎oo͖̞̞̝̣oh fate smiles upon mehemm. fLOL like watwat genji ɢᴇɴᴊɪ ᵍᵉⁿʲᶦ ᵍᵉⁿʲᶦ ᵍᵉⁿʲJI IS WITH YOU GET OUT OF THERE!hello.uouuu. AAAAAAAHHHHhhhhhhhhh. MEEEEEEEMES.i am d-d-d-d i am heeeeh. heh. I am taking the m e e e e e e e e m e s. join me.i laLEeAH i laLEeAH OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO penis cock.hahhck meme. meme! cock[WHEEZING NOISES] 



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