
Each other's true North

@theangelgirl22-blog / theangelgirl22-blog.tumblr.com

Professional fan-girl, full time student, aspiring writer, Somali, womanist, agnostic and allergic to bullshit.

So we know it’s JK’s headcanon that Dudley has a magical child, right? Imagine his kid starting to show signs of magic and Dudley remembering all the odd things that used to happen around Harry. Imagine his kid coming home from Hogwarts and being all, “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME UNCLE HARRY WAS FAMOUS?” Imagine Dudley reading up on Harry and finding out about all the stuff he did and all the things that happened to him and struggling to grasp how his scrawny, speccy cousin saved the wizarding world. Imagine Dudley, white-faced with terror at his first big family get-together with Harry, Hermione and all the remaining Weasleys. Imagine Mrs Weasley being decidedly cool towards him until he eats fifth helpings of everything she cooks and telling her that she’s the best cook he’s ever met. Imagine Dudley meeting Fleur. Imagine the others embarrassing Harry by telling Dudley stories about him. Imagine Dudley and Harry going down the pub together for beers. Imagine Harry still calling him Big D. Imagine Dudley cheerfully never dieting ever again and being fat and happy forever THE END.


This makes me absurdly happy


did they just made me happy about DUDLEY

all the remaining Weasleys


The best conversation on Avatar the Last Airbender

Iroh: This tea is nothing more than hot leaf juice.
Zuko: Uncle, that is what all tea is.
Iroh: How can a member of my own family say something so horrible.

hey so guess what “fighting against heteronormativity” isn’t a good enough reason to dismiss/diminish existing female characters that come in contact with your white cis male faves


hey so guess what “fighting against heteronormativity” isn’t a good enough reason to dismiss/diminish existing female characters that come in contact with your white cis male faves


Never normalize Trump.

The media will try. Don’t allow it. He can never be treated like a normal president. We can’t let this ever be seen as acceptable, not for a minute.
Isn’t he going to trial for raping a 13 year old?
Not anymore. She dropped the charges b/c she was getting death threats.
I’m sure there are plenty more stories, but to be quite frank, I feel sullied enough.
don’t let the media humanize a fascist, child rapist, racist, misogynistic piece of scum. don’t buy into their narrative. 
thin girl: all i do is eat pizza and smoke weed and play video games
everyone: god... she is The Dream Girl... so cute and Unique... shes not like the other girls who only eat salads, shes Real
fat girl: i like pizza too
everyone: wow... consider being healthy maybe? disgusting

As much as I dislike the way SS was handled, I got no time for people continuously shitting on Sakura and pretending that Sasuke was a completely innocent baby who was shackled to the marriage. Dude, Sakura is the one who had to raise a child all on her own, indebted and overworked, while Sasuke can run off into the woods without checking up on his daughter for 10+ years (even though he had a fucking cell phone and internet was available) and people would still applaud his shitty parenting and make jokes about him “running away from child support” because “oh look it just further proves how much SS sucks, parental abandonment is so funny”. People are so hell-bent on proving that SS is shit that they willingly accept their fave being portrayed as a deadbeat parent, basically being character assassinated, and pile all the blame on Sakura.

It takes two to tango. It is Sasuke’s fault just as much as Sakura’s. Upholding Sakura to a higher standard than Sasuke, bashing her for the mess that they created together, shitting on her for being a single mother while cheering on Sasuke for abandoning his child is a sign of double standards and misogyny.

I can’t stand Sakura, but wholeheartedly agree with this. 


*me to the bartender* i want something that doesn’t taste like alcohol but has a lot of alcohol in it


“Are you gonna let politics ruin a friendship?”

Yes tf I am

People talk about politics as if it’s this isolated, abstract concept that only matters at election time. Somebody’s politics is their world view. It’s whether they think certain human beings deserve rights. It’s how they think the world should be. And if somebody thinks that the world should be colder, meaner, less accepting and downright hostile to people that are different to them, then sure as fuck is the friendship over.

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