

For any new bastards that may come ‘round and don’t know--

Couch is open. Feel free to sleep and/or bleed on it. 

Yes, I’ve got meds. Yuh, even those kinds. Yeah, you can have some.

I’m a doctor, not a mechanic. Fleshy limbs get sewn on quicker than metal ones. 


@cdwalker Ya THINK??


Yeah. I think.

Devang kind of doesn’ fit either classification, last I checked.

Pfft, true. Wut about you? I saw th' shit ya did up in th' greenhouse. Sorry I wasn't able to keep it up while ya were--

[Stopped. Hands fumbled out a cigarette and lit it.]


It is what it is.

[ The thought of the dead plants ping-ponged off of the available sadness and anger emotions he’d managed to re-access, but he kept himself mostly together. He could get new ones. ]

I’m tar free. For whatever that’s worth.

Oh shit, for real? That's worth a lot go fuck yerself! [Not really mad, just pleasantly surprised.]

But uh... guess not all there still in th' soul department?

Well, shit! Welcome to the club! [Kind of genuinely relieved at that one. Not…Miles being dead on the inside but rather living on the outside.
But! Just to make sure Worth was gonna try and noogie him. Elbow slung around Miles’s neck and knuckles rubbing in his curls.]

Cheers, mate. [ Wasn’t too sure if Worth meant the club of being alive or the club of being dead inside but he would offer a little smile and thumbs up regardless. 

The smile would be quick to fade though as his poor noggin is assaulted. He would try to squirm away as he pushed and shoved at Worth. ]  

C’mon man! M’still achy an’ tender..!

[Both, honestly. Also the Club of People Who've Cheated Death In Some Zany, Kooky and/or Traumatic Way.]

Awww! Don't tell me I need to be gENTLE all a'sudden~~

[He'd let him go though, after a solid couple of noogs. He'd actually kind of missed the bastard and his pouting.]

Sure ya still got all yer body parts? Even, uh... [Glanced down at Miles's lower half.] I heard that shit can fall off ya know.

A soul without a body!!
[ Pointed a not so threatening incorporeal finger right at his grody face before his irritation fell away, blinking at the question. ]
She uh.. Jumped me an’ tried to tear m’throat out with her teeth? I think? I dunno if she actually did or not, can’t really remember much after that, other than like… this awful pain in.. [ Gestures at his chest, throws a thumb back towards his back before lofting his arms up. ] Pretty much everywhere above m’stomach. 
It fuckin’ sucked.

[”Stir crazy” had apparently been an understatement. “Feral” more likely. Worth rubbed both hands over his face and sighed. Now they had a dead Miles and Devang probably felt fucking awful.]

Tell her that’s not how ya do vore. 

So where IS yer body? Still in th’ same graveyard ya dug her out of?

[Hawk eyed the fucking thing a beat before going to swiftly snatch at it. Wanting to feel the metal and know if he was lying or not. Because the etching was a common symbol.
Fingers and palms smacked into a sudden appearance of glowing blue energy.
She growled at it and started crushing her grip around it anyway. She was going to TOUCH that metal, Tuyan take it. It was, however, like trying to single handedly crush around a ball of solid glass.]

[No, he had made that himself just in case he ever met a double of a random war-torn, death-ban evading, pizza/drug mogel and wanted to fuck with her by making her think any iteration of herself would ever fuck the living embodiment of a cockroach and vulture melded together. 

The invisible shield thing was new though. He blinked at the effect, and at Alanna’s apparently futile efforts to touch the charm Devang had given him.

Why couldn’t that have switched on the last time he got kicked in the balls?

He watched her try in vain for a moment or two before tugging it back.]

Wut th’ fuck? Leave it! Ya fuckin’ wank... Ya heard th’...thing. 

Hands off!

[Yelled right back. Also riding this merry-go-round of aggressive communication.]

[Reached under his shirt and yanked out the necklace charm that had been hidden there. Simple little bottle cap with a shield knot etched into it, but the way he brandished it in front of her like a wedding band said everything.]


[ Gave him the biggest stank face. ] Ugh, man, no. Don’t use the G Word t’describe me. I’m.. jus’ a soul without a body, tha’s all. 
Oh, um.. [ Welp. Got a little sheepish at THAT question. ] M’pretty sure it was Devang… 

A soul without a body. A specter. A spirit. An entity.

A ghost.

[Oh, but...Devang? HIS Devang? THEIR Devang??? The Devang that had--

And then he remembered; last time he’d spoken to Miles, the man had been teaming up with Luke to get Devang out of her premature grave. Worth had thought Devang might have been stir crazy but...]

How th’ fuck she do that?

[She was actively doing that thing where she duct taped the ever-loving piss out of every creaky part of her psyche and heart until every speck of dust around her settled. The dust was not settled. At all.
The idea that anyone missed her felt so fucking foreign and far away. Felt like something shadowy lunging at her out of the bushes with intent to tear her patchworks apart.
That made her a little bit uneasy. Because in the patchwork was all the things that weren’t anger and a sense of deep betrayal and bitterness. In it was guilt. Sadness. Fear. Anxiety. Exhaustion. Trauma.
If she could eject herself to the left of herself, she would have. Unfortunately that’s only a Devang-with-a-body thing. She felt like she was direction blurring while standing still.
Brows furrowing as her head came down closer to his. This was not a good time to have an emotional response to anything tender. Or loving. But she didn’t think she could scare him off. Or tell him to go away. When the fuck did he listen? Not a lot so far.
She didn’t trust herself to open her mouth, still.]

[The idea that he wouldn’t have missed her might have been insulting, if she’d voiced it. But after a bit he might have reasoned that she’d spent literal lifetimes dealing with loneliness, heartbreak, betrayal, and an ever present existential dread. Not to mention the figurative and quite literal disconnection from her physical self. Put it all together and your sense of identity starts wearing down and then maybe you start wondering what there is to miss.

At least being out of her body afforded her a “clearer” mind at the moment. 

He still didn’t begrudge her silence. And no, she couldn’t scare him off. She could frighten him, worry him, the whole nine, baby. But there was always that phantom tug pulling him back into her orbit. 

So he pressed the tip of his nose against hers, for just a moment, then pulled away again. Let her cheeks go and gave her jimmies a chance to get unrustled.]

But hey! At least now we know ya can do that. Wanna team up an’ scare some trick-or-treaters this Halloween?

Is that why you’re obsessed??? [Questioned immediately.]
Are you KISSING ON other me??????? [Louder question.]

YEAH, ACTUALLY! [Yelling back at this point. Mirroring the stress more than actually angry. But that enabled him to skate right past formalities and straight to the truth bomb.] 



[He was, in fact, a guy. He was a motherfucker.]
Uh, not sure if yer clued in to th’ fact that I’m not but… I’m not. 
Clued in, that is.
So, th’ fuck’s even up? YOU can’t punch someone???
Oh. [ Blinked and just sorted stared for a hot second. ] Uh, well, yanno.
[ Would walk right up to Worth and go to punch his shoulder, his hand just fazing right through him. He would pull his hand back, offering a shrug and smile that was obviously forced. ]
‘M a little bit dead, mate.


[Shivered quite a bit at the sensation of that fist going right through him.]

Wut th’ fuck got ya????

I’m not th’ one out here throwin’ some shit ‘bout some beans.
But that’s not wut I meant. I more like meant…where’s yer line at? 
[Scooches. Even closer. Full on Gay Chicken at this point.]
When would ya actually walk away from th’ antagonizin’ jester-bottom douchebag? Or do ya jus’ like me too much to stop?
I DON’T KNOW! [Blurted loudly while pointing at him with two index fingers–and stepping back.]
You [and later Charlie] just kind of–fucking–??? Feel familiar, but I’ve never even SEEN you.

[Raised a brow at the admission.] For real? That’s...

Huh. That’s somethin’. Well, spoiler alert: ya do know me. At least one of you does. Ya got a double runnin’ around ‘ere an’ we’ve...got a history. 

But to think that crosses between dimensional boundaries is kinda fuckin’ fascinatin’. 

[A dUeL? Maybe not but Worth did press a little closer. Almost kissing noses.]
It’s a badge but I don’t got much honor, no. Wut ‘bout you?
What about me? I’m not the one out here trying to antagonize the shit out of anyone. [Nearly shouted.]

I’m not th’ one out here throwin’ some shit ‘bout some beans.

But that’s not wut I meant. I more like meant...where’s yer line at? 

[Scooches. Even closer. Full on Gay Chicken at this point.]

When would ya actually walk away from th’ antagonizin’ jester-bottom douchebag? Or do ya jus’ like me too much to stop?

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