
What's a horse doing on a spaceship?

@touchcas-blog / touchcas-blog.tumblr.com

Hello, my name is Austin but you can call me Oz or Stin. I'm a multifandom blog, mainley Supernatural and Doctor Who though. Don't be afraid to talk to me, I'm nice, I promise. :)

It is time that we all see gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals. We should stop defining each other by what we are not, and start defining ourselves by who we are.”


dont forget Mike Brown

dont forget John Crawford III

dont forget Darrien Hunt

dont forget Tamir Rice

dont forget Trayvon Martin

there are more, and there will be more, and dont forget any of them. dont stay quiet. the only reason ferguson has come this far is because of people who refused to be silenced.

dont let a movement die here


things you can do tomorrow

  • wear black or make some change in your wardrobe in honor of mike. wear a ribbon, wear a pin, something. be prepared to explain why.
  • you know those quotes going around from to kill a mockingbird? print them out. post them in hallways and bathrooms and anywhere you can find space. make posters and cover your school walls.
  • start a discussion in your history class, your current events class, bring it up and don’t let others forget it
  • don’t stand for the fucking pledge

an unarmed 18 year old black kid was shot and denied justice and all these people care about is their blood stained american flag. #MERICA

Burning the flag is legal! People need to get the fuck over themselves and deal with the real issues.


Friendly reminder, Michael Brown wasn’t shot for theft, he was shot for JAY WALKING. 

The theft came up afterwards when the police department tried to cover themselves, even though the owner of the store told everyone that Michael Brown had NOTHING to do with any theft.

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