
May the Bridges We Burn Light Our Way Home

@isaacsapphire / isaacsapphire.tumblr.com

Old enough to buy cough syrup and firearms in the USA, and if that's not enough detail for you, too bad. If you want backstory and deets, read the blog. Or just guess I'm your least favorite demographic, it's easier for you that way, and funnier for me. All non-bots who have literally anything to add to the conversation welcome here, even if we disagree on some things.

The ‘would you rather be alone with a man or a bear?’ question is obviously a very straight forward decision for women.

I almost like to think of it this way: why are most horror film villains a human being, or a monster that behaves and thinks like a human being? Because it’s unpredictable, it has the mental capacity for sadistic thinking.

A horror movie about a bear, or a lion just circling your house in the woods because it’s hungry or defensive is not very thrilling.

Most of these horror movies are directed by men, popularised by men too. They obviously understand why humans (men) are more scary, but because it’s now a feminist debate rather than a fetishised torture-porn slasher film, their brains turn to mush.

Wait a second, are these the same feminists who were mad when Mike Pence's personal policy of never being alone with a woman other than his wife hit the news?

Also, uh, I have some questions about using your perceptions of horror movies as evidence of irl danger rather cultural perceptions of danger.

Feminists are talking about the fact that a) the kind of men who lurk in the woods looking for victims tend to
the kind of men who lurk in the woods looking for victims

true crime brain lol

the type of man you'd meet in the woods is probably the type of guy to go hiking or picking berries and mushrooms or hunting or birdwatching? like, what

I love this discussion like its some crazy hypothetical as opposed to the fact that thousands of people encounter a man in the woods every single day, and its so pedestrian and risk-free of an occurrence that they don't even realize how many times it has happened in their past when speculating about the hypothetical.

It's very "tell me you never leave your dense urban area/go outside without telling me".


These days in the spreadsheets I use to keep track of my personal finances, I also have a sheet listing all the cards I carry in my wallet, just in case I ever lose it and have to cancel/replace all the cards in a hurry.


That's a good idea!

I maintain an updated medical history summary, including active medications and treatments I'm going through. So when I go to a doctor and they ask for that stuff I can just hand them a print-out. Front desk folks actually really like this rather than deciphering stupid handwritten stuff. And I also have a resource so I know what my doses are.

I have a document on my computer/Google drive that's all the rental application info: past address and dates lived there, rental amounts, landlords names and contact info.

Like, I think most people know to keep a document of their jobs, dates worked, pay rates, and management names and HR contact info, but the rental application equivalent is equally good to have.

Okay, asking as a self-admitted Dumb Young Person, what is the purpose of storing all the information listed in the above post?

You will almost certainly need to apply to rent a place to live in the future, probably repeatedly. Most landlords/management companies want evidence that you aren't going to trash their place, cook meth, let your pets shit on the floors, and then not pay rent until they evict you, for obvious reasons. To verify that you are a good tenant, they will ask for this information.

Similarly, you will need to apply for jobs. The hiring manager, etc similarly wants to check what sort of worker you are, and hence wants to be able to contact your old boss.

If you don't save this info where you can find it, you are going to have a very rough time trying to find it, or be stuck in shitty jobs and shitty apartments that don't care about verifying your past, if you can get jobs and apartments at all.


Haven't seen anyone else addressing how the "feminist" preference for being eaten by a bear over meeting a man alone in the woods is in large part about purity culture and terror of rape.

Like, this whole thing is an obvious reference to older tales where the virtuous maiden flees the wicked men and gets eaten by a bear or fell off a cliff, but at least she died a virgin!

I miss where there was at least a feminist contingent that thought that being raped wasn't a fate worse than death.


what the fuck is this clown even talking about lol

She believes misandry is real. Pay her no mind.

Y'all "feminists" are mad because I am right about you being conservative throwbacks in your explicit preference of death over rape.

Funny how you agree with the patriarchy that you supposedly hate so much.


Haven't seen anyone else addressing how the "feminist" preference for being eaten by a bear over meeting a man alone in the woods is in large part about purity culture and terror of rape.

Like, this whole thing is an obvious reference to older tales where the virtuous maiden flees the wicked men and gets eaten by a bear or fell off a cliff, but at least she died a virgin!

I miss where there was at least a feminist contingent that thought that being raped wasn't a fate worse than death.

Jesse what the fuck are you talking about. Feminists are talking about the fact that a) the kind of men who lurk in the woods looking for victims tend to rape AND kill their victims so you don’t just die; you get tortured first and b) encountering a bear doesn’t guarantee an attack because bears aren’t there for the express purpose of attacking you.

People keep reading things into the scenario that aren't there.

  1. It is not a given that the bear will attack.

but also

2. It is not a given that the man is looking for victims either.

You're alone in the woods and you "run across" one or the other. Which would you prefer?

Seeing a bear in the woods may be scary at the time, but it usually turns out to be a fun and exciting event after the fact, though there's a small chance of danger.

Seeing a man in the woods is a mundane experience at best with a high chance of him annoyingly trying to start a conversation and a moderate chance of danger, be it sexual or otherwise.

An optimist can easily choose bears over men because seeing a bear is a rare treat one might pay to experience at the zoo while seeing a man is a regular Tuesday. A pessimist can choose bears over men based on the lower probability of anything bad happening. Risk of death doesn't necessarily have to enter into it.

That being said, I have seen some women approaching it as "is it better to be raped or killed" and presenting a preference for being killed/maimed as feminist. Yeah, that ties into honor culture, purity culture, etc. patriarchal bs. I don't think that's most women who are choosing the bear though. I think most are going by the fact that men are often motivated to hurt us no matter what we do whereas bears are just minding their own business unless provoked. Either could kill us. Either could hurt us. Only one is likely to actively seek us out and get off on it.

Who cares if someone "gets off on it"? That's the thing I keep seeing ostensible feminists focused on; that a bear won't jerk off to them or "get off" to whatever horrible things it does to her. Like, why does it matter that the bear isn't going to masturbate?

Also do most people just not understand that they are 100+ pounds of ambulatory meat?


Something that's stuck in my mind is how much "bad man" behavior is chronic illness type stuff that would be coddled and forgiven in a woman.

Shit like, "doesn't pull their weight on household tasks, constantly sleeping, or saying they're too tired to do anything but is playing videogames/watching TV/chatting with friends."

Shit like, "is unemployed/underemployed and either refused to get a (full-time/in their industry rather than low effort low pay) job while insisting they just can't work 40 hours or insisting on work conditions so specific that they're functionally unemployable."


"It literally can't get worse than this."

What in the white suburbs? It was worse than this 4 years ago. Tf y'all talking about.

Feels like acquainting yourself with some history does a lot to add perspective on how bad things could be.


Haven't seen anyone else addressing how the "feminist" preference for being eaten by a bear over meeting a man alone in the woods is in large part about purity culture and terror of rape.

Like, this whole thing is an obvious reference to older tales where the virtuous maiden flees the wicked men and gets eaten by a bear or fell off a cliff, but at least she died a virgin!

I miss where there was at least a feminist contingent that thought that being raped wasn't a fate worse than death.

Anonymous asked:

other things Japan and England have in common:

  • conquering and subjugating the islands in their immediate vicinity
  • going to war with their mainland neighbors
  • long-running influential television series where a lot of the action takes place in random quarries
  • an ancient and vaunted theater tradition
  • really good curry
  • weirdly stratified social order thats kind of broken down in recent centuries but isnt totally gone
  • completely impotent monarchy that nonetheless still manages to exist and be important to people
  • does suspicious things with beans

largely endorsed


"England of the East" indeed


- historical invasion fleet attacking them that got absolutely slaughtered in a way that became part of their national narrative.

- really into eating eels

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