
i saw this video about mudskippers and there’s this little part where they’re fighting and the mudskipper just goes “E” and it’s my brain rn


don't forget our fave Jeremy Brett played Dracula besties

Oh and the sets?? EDWARD GOREY.

Publicity stills of Jeremy Brett from the touring production of the 1977-80 revival of Dracula, sets by Edward Gorey


I love Sherlock Holmes in all the adaptations, even the most terrible ones. I love them because to me (and arguably for 98% of the fandom) Holmes and Watson have always existed together. They might be Mr Holmes and Dr Watson, Sherlock and John, Sherlock and Joan, Sherlock and Wato, or literally anything else. These characters could change eras, genders, mysteries, attire, places. They could change their entire lives but they will always meet. There will always be a broken man and an unknown man, and they will always, always find each other. So every movie, tv series, animation, story, comic, podcast, and anything else that tells the story of Sherlock Holmes will not tell just his story. They will tell their story. They will tell the story of two lost souls, of the sum of two broken parts.

And people will look up to Sherlock Holmes and see a brilliant detective, a queer man, an autistic person. They look at Sherlock Holmes and identify with him. But John Watson will be shown different. Because John Watson is the storyteller. He is the lens through which we all view Sherlock Holmes. John Watson is acquaintance, friend, companion, Boswell, blogger, lover, and everything else. John Watson shows the world a human being. Watson shows readers and viewers the ways Sherlock Holmes is different and lovable. If Sherlock Holmes is the genius, John Watson is his validation. And I think that's beautiful.

And no matter what happens, they will always come back to each other. Holmes and Watson might not always be together, because they are alive to us, and living people are not always constant. But they will return. After marriage, war, crime adventures, and even death, they will return to each other and they will go home. Because when all is said and done, ther can't really be a story of Sherlock Holmes with just Sherlock Holmes in it. There always is a John Watson with him.


Wat is dat


i’m pretty sure it’s Australopithecus afarensis

a. afarensis had a more gracile skull with a protruding jaw and smaller brain. that looks like a h.heidelbergensis skull cuz of the double-arched brows but the super thick jaw makes me think it could also be a Neanderthal but my educated guess is it’s from the homo genus

i didn’t even know about heidelbergenis

they’re kind of a flop if you think about it same with floriensis and that species found in Siberia that no one knows what it even is

fuck imagine being a member of a species later considered a “flop”


its a. afarensis, i found the image source:

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