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@bellarke-stydia-olicity / bellarke-stydia-olicity.tumblr.com

slowly turning into a julie and the phantoms stan account so i made one
kristie // infp // 20 // aus
twitter: @kristiehuggard

dykes read Fucking Trans Women challenge


when i read this zine some time ago i was struggling to accept my sexuality. i never had sex ed in school growing up in south america, so all i had was the cultural knowledge that i was an object for the penis to go in. when the penis goes in, i was told at age 9, it will hurt so much you wont be able to think about anything else but the excruciating pain and im telling you this so you can prepare yourself, so you don't make any noises of pain to distract the man from his pleasure. when i read romance and erotica novels as a teen i'd think the orgasm the women characters described were a fantasy. yeah as in i didn't believe in the existence of (female) orgasm. no joke. so when i started questioning that i might be a lesbian... well. how the fuck was i supposed to pleasure a woman if they're unpleasurable??? i was panicking. like really, a lot. i mean as an adult i had found out about the clit and i had found out the female orgasm was in fact a real thing, but i could never fuck women the way a man would. i didn't know then that was a good thing, that that's sort of included in the "desire for women" part of lesbianism. that i had to relearn everything i thought i knew about sex, gender roles and sexual organs. but at the time i just thought every woman id fuck would wish i had a penis, and resent me bc i didn't. i thought theyd find me lacking and that i wouldn't be able to pleasure them without it. and then i read this zine. jesus fucking christ. Mira Bellwether tells us how she prefers to fuck her gfs with dildos instead of her real life penis right around the same page she reveals shes a lesbian. i felt like crying. i think i actually did. heres a woman with a penis, here's what i thought i had to be all this time to fuck women properly and she didn't even use the damn thing. she used her penis as a clit fuck me. do you even get it. she talks about how a real penis doesn't have the range a dildo does bc its softer. i think i will never forget what i felt when i read that. the drawing of a woman using a strap on with her penis hanging on top like a giant clit is gonna be branded on the inside of my brain until i die. my entire understanding of my sexuality is tied to this zine. my understanding of what turns me on and what doesn't, of what sex could be like, my acceptance of myself, of my body, of my desire for women. it turned my whole world upside down. without the trans perspective id never come to terms with my lesbianism and id never learn to define my sexuality in a way that works for me


That link is dead so here's the archive

Mira Bellwether passed last year. A legend of transfeminine and lesbian sexuality, and she died, and so many have yet to mourn her.

Please, read her zine. Learn how to please (and be pleased by) trans women. And when we tell you that we're lesbians, believe us. We literally wrote the book on this shit.


you mean to tell me that jeff davis wants to make me believe that "someone that a strong connection to you, a kind of emotional tether" "when I kissed him, that's when it all changed" "if you die I will literally go out of my freaking mind" "whoever it was, I think I loved him" "if you wanted to, I would go back to that school right now and search all night just to prove [you were right]" "remember how you were the first girl I ever danced with?" "you saved my life too" "I think you look really beautiful when you cry" "you're the one who always figures it out" "when I kissed you, you held your breath" "lydia would never run and hide. because of stiles?" "he paid attention. he listened to her. he remembered." stydia actually broke up? sounds fake, but okay.


LYDIA MARTIN And Ive got a lot to pine about. Ive got a lot to live without.

You don’t care about getting hurt. But you know how I’ll feel? I’ll be devastated. And if you die, I will literally go out of my freaking mind. You see, death doesn’t happen to you, Lydia. / Unbelievable…you have no idea what you are, do you? The wailing woman.
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